Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 1
#3 of Beast Omega Galaxy
Here is Chapter 1 of my first story Beast Omega Galaxy! Please comment on how i can improve and changes that should be made so i can become better! Hope you guys like it!
BOOM!!! A great explosion goes off destroying all surrounding trees in the area.
Location....The Drenched Rain forest controlled by the Crocodiles. Evan and Kate come running out of some trees completely bruised up and dirty, I'm in no better condition. Our mission was to rescue our friend Vance The Tiger from the crocodile's lair deep in the rain forest after he was captured trying to help us uncover the secret to finding Feral Force's Base of operations. I'm the leader of this infiltration team, Miles The Wolf and so far this whole mission could've gone better if only the crocks weren't messing it all up around every turn. Sneak in, grab Vance, maybe get some Intel, then get out, it was supposed to be that simple. How did this all go wrong? Are the crocks working for the Feral Force? Did they know we were coming for them? Go back...think, did this happen?
Chapter 1
*110 meters from Crocodile lair, deep in the rain forest two hours earlier.*
Miles: "Alright guys our mission is to get into the crock's lair, grab Vance and get out. If you can grab anything that looks like clues that will tell us where Feral Force is Located."
Miles The Wolf is a black and blue furred wolf with deep green eyes and a scar on his muzzle. He stands at about 6ft and is a laid back kinda guy who doesn't really like to worry about this, but this attitude can sometimes get him in trouble on missions.
Kate was looking through some binoculars observing the area while Evan was going through our supplies to see what we have left to work with.
Kate The Deer is a with brown fur and yellow spots. She has sea blue eyes that can be very captivating and stands at the same height as Miles. She is the type of girl who believes that a girl can be better than a guy at anything and seeks to prove so at every opportunity, but is always careful on missions.
Evan: "we only have enough supplies to stay one more night. three protein bars, two bottles of water, and 3 batteries for the equipment. As for weapons..three grenades, two flash bangs, and only two Claw sharpeners. "
Evan The Fox is orange and blue furred fox that stands around 5 ft 9 inches. He is the careful type that always looks for safest ways to do something. Many believe it's because he is a scary fox, but his mission accomplished record shows that he is just really smart and sees things most people miss.
Kate: "We got about two guards at each end of the water canal that runs through the cave. If we want to get in we'll have to knock out the guards just inside the cave and sneak in. Think you guys can actually pull off a stealth operation?"
Miles: Miles chuckles "Well I'm not the best at sneaking around, but I'm sure we can figure something out."
Evan: Evan places his hand on his forehead and starts to look towards the ground. "Oh no.. why do I get the feeling this will turn out badly?"
Miles: "Do you know how many times you say that but nothing happens?" Miles said to Evan.
Evan: "But this is different Miles. I can feel it."
Miles turns to the cave
Miles: "come on everyone, we're just wasting time. Everyone Ready!?" Evan lets out a nervous sigh, but nods in agreement "GO! GO! GO!,MOVE IT!"
Miles Howls to everyone. Everyone moves in and converges on the northern entrance to the canal. Miles raises a hand signaling for everyone to stop and hide in cover. Seeing this Evan and Kate follow Miles to some near by bushes.
Miles: "I hear something!" He whispers
The group peeks over the bushes to see Victor, the leader of the crocks leaving the canal.
Evan: "Victor is leaving? Where could he be going?" Asked Evan "It is strange that he is leaving the base at a time like this."
Miles began to think wandering through his head thinking of all the possible reasons Victor would leave, but he is snapped back to focus by Kate.
Kate: "Hey! Earth to Miles! We have a friend to rescue here, focus!"
Miles shakes his head back to focus putting all those thoughts in the back of his mind, drawing focus back on the mission.
Miles: "Your right! Vance comes before anything else so let's go get him."
The team watches as Victor disappears into the trees before heading closer to the entrance.
Miles: "Alright so Kate and I will take out the two guards. Evan be our lookout and make sure we don't get any surprise visitors."
Evan nods and proceeds to jump into a tree while Miles and Kate sneak up on the two crocks. Miles is able to get behind his target and with a swift hammer punch to the head the guard goes down making a splash in the water before he even knows what happens. The other guard hearing the noise turns to see Miles standing over his partners unconscious body and begins to charge him when Kate knocks him out with a strong chop to the neck. al of a sudden another guard comes up to Kate and she kicks her back legs knocking him out. Seeing the coast is clear Evan jumps down from the tree and rejoins the group.
Evan: "Nice job you guys. Now let's head inside before trouble shows."