Chapter 2 - Hero

Story by The Copilot on SoFurry

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#2 of Seeing Spots


Chapter 2 - Hero *******

Aaron woke to the sound of a constant beeping, the sharp scent of chemical cleansers, and annoying influx of oxygen being forced into his nostrils. The Dalmatian coughed and gagged, his nose and throat dry as parchment. Aaron reached for his nose to pluck away the annoying device stuck on his muzzle, but a paw stopped him.

"You don't want to do that just yet, your lungs are still recovering."

Aaron froze where he was and cracked a blurry eye to see who was talking to him. It felt like it had been days since he opened them. Blinking to clear his vision, the Dalmatian examined the Doberman carefully.

"Are you the Doctor?" Aaron croaked, his voice soft and his lungs burning slightly

"Me? Nah," the Doberman said, shaking his head no and releasing the Dalmatian's hand.

"Well, who are you?" Aaron asked, shifting around on the bed to get more comfortable.

"My name's Harley, I'm a firefighter," the Doberman said, holding out a bandaged paw to Aaron. The Dalmatian took the paw and shook it.


"Aaron Waters, I know. I read your chart." Harley looked up as the Doctor came waltzing in.

"Ah, Mr. Waters, nice to see you awake," the ursine doctor said, taking the chart from the end of his bed.

"Wish I could say the same Doc."

"You had us all worried son. Especially your friend here. He's been waiting here the past three days. Hasn't left but for a meal or two."

"Three days?" Aaron asked in confusion. "I've been out for three days?"

"You arrived unconscious and unresponsive. I was worried you might have brain damage, but your scans came out fine. Nothing permanent." The doctor took out his stethoscope and pressed it to the Dalmatian's chest. "Breathing seems better; we can probably take this oxygen off now." With that, they doctor reached up and turned off the flow of air into the Dalmatian's nostrils and removed the apparatus. "Now, follow the light for me." Satisfied with his tests, he turned to Aaron and said, "How do your lungs feel?"

"Like I'm breathing in chili peppers," Aaron responded with a wry smile.

"That's normal given the amount of smoke inhalation you suffered," the Doctor said with a nod, turning to Harley. "They did a good job pulling him out when they did. Mr. Waters, I see no reason not to release you today and this hospital needs the free bed. A few more tests and you should be good to go. I recommend no major physical exertion. Your lungs will still be on the upward climb."

"Okay," Aaron said, numbly staring at the wall. He couldn't get over the fact that he'd been unconscious for days. Things had just faded to black before he woke up here and now many regrets played across his mind; things that he almost lost a chance to do.

"Say, I swear that I've seen you on TV recently," The Doctor asked Harley as he put away Aaron's chart.

"I just have one of those muzzles, I guess," Harley said with a shrug and an abashed smile.

"Hold on a sec, you're that fireman! The one who's been all over the news! I can't believe I didn't put two and two together."

"All over the news, what's he talking about?" Aaron asked, suddenly back to reality.

"Here, hand me that controller," the Doctor said, point to the remote for the small television within the room. "I'm sure I can find it somewhere, I don't think they'll stop playing for a few more days. Here we go!"

Aaron watched the scene play out on the screen. It was his apartment building and the camera was tracking a ladder as it moved from its position and zoomed in on a firefighter leaped into the flaming building, disappearing from view. Seconds ticked by before that same firefighter came crashing through the fifth story window with something clutched to his chest, an explosion tearing through two floors as the man fell. The camera tried to get in close but the police stopped them. They did, however, manage to catch a Doberman being pulled out of a smoking fireman's suit and a Dalmatian being loaded on a stretcher.

"That was you, wasn't it?" The Doctor asked. Aaron turned his head to watch the Doberman smile shyly and nod. "You are very lucky dog, Mr. Waters. This young man saved your life. He's New Town's newest hero!"


As Aaron walked out of the hospital, he savored the crisp, cold air evening air. He realized now that air was something totally taken for granted. That is, until you don't have any to breath. His lungs burned with each breath and he relished the pain because it meant that he was still alive. Dressed is hospital scrubs, probably destitute, but alive. After savoring those breaths, he followed Harley to his truck. As they pulled out of the parking lot, he asked Aaron if there was anywhere he would like to go.

"Why are you doing this? You don't even know me."

"I don't know. I guess I feel responsible for you. It's not every day that we actually rescue someone. It seems like lately it's a lot more 'recovery' than 'rescue'."

"So, now you're taking care of the 'damsel in distress.' That it?"

Harley chuckled. "I guess you could say that. You didn't answer my question. Want to go anywhere in particular?"

"Yeah, I want to see my apartment."

They wouldn't let Aaron near his apartment given that part of the floor had collapsed and was still rather unsteady. But he didn't need to see his apartment to know that all of his valuables were now nothing more than charred remains. That was all that was left of floors 4 and 5. His wallet, his phone, his computer were all gone. His few connections to the world now were severed and he didn't know how he could get them back.

"Where am I supposed to go now?" Aaron mumbled to himself. Tears were beginning to form and sobs were starting to wrack his damaged body. His parents had kicked him out years ago for something he couldn't change, not that he hadn't tried for them. He just couldn't be what they needed him to be and as a result, they left him homeless. Not even his grandparents would have him. This meager apartment was all that he had. This was home, a roof over his head, and proof that he amounted to something no matter what his parents thought. Suddenly, warm arms encompassed him and he jumped in surprise before burying himself in the embrace and crying.

"Hey, it's alright. Everything will work out, I'm sure it will. They're already trying to find tenants new residence. In the meantime, you can stay with me. I've been taken off of rotation pending my review. That means I'm stuck home until they decide to keep me or give me the axe." Harley chuckled at his own joke. Aaron numbly followed the big dog back to his truck. By that time the sun was well on its way to setting and long gone before the time they reached their destination. It didn't even register where he was going until he pulled up in front of the firehouse. Life seemed so surreal at the moment. All Aaron wanted to do was curl up in his own bed, the one he was worked so hard for. But it was all gone. All too suddenly, he was aware that he was standing awkwardly in the common area of the firehouse.

"Everybody, we have a guest! Spots himself has graced us with his presence!" Harley boomed out with a broad smile.

"Spots?" Aaron asked, confused.

"The guys gave you nickname when they put you in ambulance. You have spots, it fit at the time."

A Husky, Otter, and Akita on the couch turned their attention from the Tv and waved at Aaron with broad smiles. A tigress in the kitchen flicked her tail and gave a nod hello before going back to her business.

"Where is the Chief?." Harley asked the three at the TV. They replied that the terrier was in his office, as per usual. Harley grabbed Aaron's paw and pulled him down the hall to his Chief's office and knocked. When he looked back at Aaron, he notice the dog was staring at the paw Harley was holding and the Doberman quickly let go with a flick of his ears. The Chief called for them to come in and directed Harley to have a seat.

"Where have you been Rook? You pulled that stunt and then disappeared. I was starting to think you were contemplating leaving us before your review came through. Who's your friend?"

"This is Aaron Waters. He's the fur from the apartment fire. He lost everything in the fire, no where to go, so I'm taking him."

"You sure that's a good idea, Rook?"

"I'm under review anyway; I'm probably going to be unemployed within the week. I don't see how having him stay here a few days could make anything worse." The terrier chewed his lip for a few seconds before letting out an audible sigh.

" Harley, this had better not all be a ploy to soften my decision in your review. You still disobeyed direct orders."

"It's not Sir."

"Alright, you know the review drill. Pack your bags, go home. One week paid suspension until your review is over. Where we go from there all depends on the big wigs. They arrived earlier today while you were out mucking about the town," The Terrier said with a scowl. He held the gaze for a few seconds before letting it crack into a smile. "But don't sweat it too much, you're New Towns biggest hero. They can't very well fire you now, even after that stunt. I'm still proud of you, no matter how this turns out. Remember that."

With that the Doberman numbly padded out of the office to his bunk where he gathered his things. Aaron padded quietly behind him, holding his arm and feeling slightly less comfortable. At first he thought that Harley might be taking care of him out of the kindness in his heart, but now he wasn't so sure. Did he just offer to help to make an impression on these higher ups?


"Yeah?" The Doberman asked, not meeting the Dalmatian's eyes.

"Did you just bring me here to try to sway some decision?" The Doberman's eyes shot to the Dalmatian's and were wide as saucers.

"No! I would never do something like that. You needed help, I'm helping. Its what I do."

"Why are you under review then? I don't understand."

"I disobeyed a direct order," Harley sighed. "I wasn't supposed to rescue you, at least not the way I did. All my life I've wanted to be a firefighter, now I might lose that. No firehouse will hire a blacklisted firefighter." The Doberman's shoulders sagged and Aaron could see the tears Harley was trying to hold back. Aaron did the only thing he thought felt right at that moment. He hugged the Doberman.

"I never did tell you thanks. Thank you. I'm glad you saved me and I'm sorry it might cost you your career."

"You're quite welcome, Spots." The Doberman said chuckling and patting the Dalmatian's arms. "I'm exhausted. Let's get out of here."