TSK Chapter One: Dragoness, Meet Demon
"the stel'nilah believe that all magic should be available to everyone, including dark and forbidden arts.
EverQuest Timeline
_(the forbidden tome, fist and tail monks, genesis of fist and tail book)_ ? a.n. ? a.g. ~ grandmaster tynn leaves the swifttail caste and heads back into the jungles of kunark.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 1
._ _the seal should have never been traversed, we all have a weakness, and as the world we knew that the forbidden tastes the sweetest.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 14: Puzzles, Riddles and Enigmas With No Answers
"well the wildlife researchers had observed some undocumented wildlife in that forbidden area and sought permission to investigate. corbin and his mother came along for the ride."
The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 3
The Second Phase: The Exile _I wake up in a vast expanse of nothingness. Just the color white in all directions...except for a lone mahogany bar table to the north of my position. A mysterious cervine awaits my approach on a stool, beckoning me with a...
The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 2
I hear a voice near my ear, "_I really hate to do this to you, Aeneas, but...it must be done. You never should have trusted me. I do this in the name of the Northern Alliance._" I hear the sound of steel cutting air before I scare myself awake. "No!"...
The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 1
I wake up suddenly after someone kicks me in the leg, "Ouch! What was that for?" I look at my surroundings to find seven guardsmen of every possible species with swords pointed at my face, one of them holding Elizabeth hostage. Gaia asks both me and...
Dragon Story: Chapter 2
Celadon looked at the dragoness closely to discover well hidden scars on her arms, as if she had once been in battle, which medicinal dragons were forbidden to do unless it was to help the wounded. "mirona, may i ask where you obtained those scars...?"
Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.1
Currently, an armored figure was standing behind a pair of technicians, watching a holographic display that to the average person, soldier, and occasional aberration from the forbidden realms, made absolutely no sense at all.
Jayfeather's secret
"and you have no clue how to take care of your own children you had no clue that she was pregnant you just wanted the pleasure of fucking her even though you knew it was forbidden
Desiderio 2
"so you tempted him with the taste of the forbidden fruit?" i shook my head, with a small grin creasing my jaw. "i had no idea you were so sinister." "well, like i said, it's not like you don't enjoy it." she patted my shoulder.
Pokearth, Chapter 4
I knew i was going to die, so i did what all riolu are forbidden to do since the dawn of time. i spoke to him. 'help!' i yelled psychically. he jolted awake, looking confused. i yelled again, and then he seemed to focus.