The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 3
#4 of The Quest for the Lost King
Hello people! Sorry it's been so long, but I've finally gotten another chapter in the series done. This chapter starts off the "Second Phase" of the story, with Aeneas being an exile from the Southern Republics due to the fight with Bellona last chapter. I hope you find it interesting, thanks for reading, and have a great day!
(Note: When an entire sentence is in italics or in both italics and parentheses, the sentence is in telepathy and no one else can hear the discussion. If it is separated from the rest of the text, it is a vision. I didn't want any confusion, but feel free to ask!)
The Second Phase: The Exile
I wake up in a vast expanse of nothingness. Just the color white in all directions...except for a lone mahogany bar table to the north of my position. A mysterious cervine awaits my approach on a stool, beckoning me with a hoof as he downs a glass of some sort of soda. Shrugging, I walk up to the elk, "Hello. Quick question: Is this death?"
The elk chuckles, handing me a soda, "Ah! Young one, you mustn't make me laugh! There is much more that you still must accomplish. Death is far from you, Aeneas."
"How do you...Were you the person who brought me to this world?"
The elk nods, "I knew you'd figure it out soon. I'm guessing you're letting go much of your old life and embracing this one. That's good, if you wish to remain here."
"I think I might, actually. It's tough, but it comes naturally."
"Good! Because I really want you to stay, but I would respect your free will. Well anyway, you probably know why I've brought you."
"For peace?"
"Exactly! You're quite intelligent! I wish for a world where neither North or South dominates the other."
"And to find the Lost King?"
The elk smiles at me as if I were a child, "That would be superb! But I wonder where one would search for him, hmm? I'd suggest looking around your home. If what I perceive is correct, you'll probably know where that is by now. Safe travels, assassin! Good luck with the tigress, Gaia. I think she'll accept what you're thinking, by the way...oh, I've forgotten the time!"
I suddenly remember the location of my home (as he predicted), but the elk begins to fade away, "Wait, sir! You never said your name!"
"Was I that forgetful? Oh well, just call for me if you need me. I'm always around, so keep in touch!"
_ _
A moment later the white fades away into complete darkness. The senses of hearing and smell slowly return to me, followed by touch. What feels so close to me? I feel like I'm being forced to breathe when I don't want to. It smells like...feline fur and broken steel. I can hear some sort of grumbling, "Damnit! Wasn't the first time that he went unconscious enough? I forget how to do this, it's been ages since basic training!"
My eyesight finally returns to me just as it appears that Gaia is going to give me a kiss of some sort, her maw breathing air into mine. Is this some sort of dream? As our maws connect, I kiss her back, shocking her beyond belief as she almost instantly faints on top of me. Err...I think she was doing some variation of CPR on me and I messed up her plans by already being conscious. Well that's not good.
I carry the tigress to our coincidentally shared bed (we never intended for that) and call for an envoy to tell the king about the advancing peaceful army. The envoy runs and I hope that my message allows my general-without-a-nation Themis to rest a bit easier. After that, I grab a bucket and fill it with water from a pump, bringing it to the bedroom. I carefully lift Gaia's paw and drop it into the cold water.
"What the heck just happened!" Gaia yells as she's shocked awake, looking around her until he eyes settle on me, "You...weren't breathing and then you randomly got up. I was trying to breathe air into your lungs and then we...kissed? That never actually happened, right? I was just having a strange dream?"
"Yeah, it must've been."
The tigress sighs, "Damn, I know it was real, but thanks for trying to make it easier for me."
"Sorry about that. Didn't know you were trying to revive me. To be honest (since I know you can read my mind anyway), I thought I was just dreaming about you!"
"Is it bad if I don't mind the fact you think about me that way? I didn't expect it, but... Heavens, Aeneas! You're making me feel like I'm dependent on you."
"I didn't mean for that. Can I help?"
"No...I'm good. I need a good fight, to be frank. And not with you: someone else."
"I don't know about that, but I had a vision that told me to look around my home for clues about the Lost King. It's a march southeast, but it'll be the first official mission of our team. There's really no use going to my capital now. What do you say?"
"Fine," the warrior shrugs, "Let's not be too stealthy. I really need some combat."
"Alright, let's move! Are you ready?"
"Yep. I'll get the others..." she evades my glance as she exits the room, making me think I probably messed something up...I thought I might have earned a little trust after confessing our love for each other.
"You did earn my trust, Aeneas. But even if you're not my enemy, I still feel strange around you. You know how I feel about you and I know you feel the same way about me, but you know how many problems we'll run into since we're different species, right?"
"I understand the risks, but I'd do anything for you."
"Aeneas, I...thank you. Just give me a little time and I'll get over it. I have the others: let's move."
I walk outside, rapier and black steel dagger at my hip, to my group of four warriors. There's Elizabeth, our healer and a leopard under my protection. Then, there's Midas, a fox guardsman of Onnela, the city of Acceptance. Of course, there's my fellow assassin, Gaia of the Northern Alliance, master of the earth and sea. Last is me, Aeneas, master of darkness and light. I doubt anyone could really stop our team: it's pretty well compiled.
"Alright, everyone. I'll take point since I know where we're going. Gaia will deal with any threats. Elizabeth, Midas, keep back a little. We march Southwest. Any questions?"
"Follow me."
After a few hours march, the party wants a bit of a rest, so I decide to settle down by a forested creek, guarded from assault by nearby rock structures. While the others lay on the grass and welcome sleep, I embrace my inner inventor and search for some sturdy trees. Finally finding one and using quite a lot of magic to break it apart, I start crafting a weapon, making a light-forged crossbow of my own design. The power of light is quite a good force of propulsion and it seems to shoot magical bolts based on my powers. Just as I test it again, Gaia sneaks behind me, witnessing an explosion of light in the middle of the creek.
"What was that?"
"Huh? Oh, you scared me! It's a weapon I built, and I was just thinking that since you don't have ranged weapons, I'd give it to you, if you want it."
"You don't have ranged weaponry either."
"True, but then again, I can fire light from my hands, so I don't think it's that necessary. Here, take it!" I outstretch my arms to offer it to the tigress.
"Fine..." she snatches from my hands and fires an earthen bolt with great accuracy and range.
"See! It's good right?"
"Yeah, it is pretty cool..."
"A gift from one assassin to another," I bow.
"We're ready now, by the way."
"Oh, I'll get moving then. It's only a walk down the hill over there. Have them follow me."
A few steps later, I find myself in front of what a building of which I have a strange recollection as my house. Walking inside, I see a few portraits of me as a cub and I remember that my parents are councilors in the court and that I won't find them here. So why'd that elk tell me to come here for clues? No, don't tell me that leopard was right and I'm the Lost King, because that would really suck...
Gaia finally catches up with me a while later, entering the house, "Whose house is this? Aww, who is the cute little blue wolf cub in these paintings?"
"I haven't the slightest idea."
"Well, I can find out...usually there's a note on the back of the painting."
"I'm...going outside now."
"Wait, where are you going? AENEAS COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!"
I slowly walk back in to the tigress, "Yes, Gaia?"
"You're the little wolf! This is your house!"
"Yes, but I wouldn't have come here without that spirit telling me to search for clues about the Lost King. You've heard that tale, right?"
"Not really. Remember, I never went to a formal school like you did."
"To summarize, it's just a legend that a king will be born one day that takes control of the Southern Republics and lead it to peace. And apparently, EVERYONE THINKS IT'S ME!"
"That's weird. The North has a similar story, but I don't remember anything about it. It's about an outsider, but I forget the rest..."
"That's fine. I'm sure it'll come to mind when you need it. And I'm sorry for not telling you my destination."
"See, there you are being nice's weird!"
"My bad, I forgot. I'll try not to be that way."
"You did it again," she laughs, as if amused by my antics. Maybe this relationship will work out...
I almost join her in laughing just before a lone Southern Republics swordsman comes into view. I veil myself in darkness and whisper to Gaia, "Try not to use lethal force."
"Hey, you: stop there tigress! You're under arrest! You have no right to be on this land!"
"Would you like to fight about it?" she giggles almost maniacally as she draws her blue katana and the smell of the sea fills the air.
"I'm not sure you'd want to fight us: I'd suggest you surrender instead," I reappear behind him, my rapier drawn.
The charcoal colored wolf draws two red short swords and tries to move our blades away, "A good fight, but I know I can win."
Gaia quickly draws the crossbow I gave her and shoots a bolt of water that disarms the wolf assassin's off-hand weapon, "You have no support and we have more personnel in the hills. You face two of the assassins of legend and I sincerely doubt you understand the severity of your situation."
"Heh, maybe I didn't, but I have a duty to fight."
I ask him, "Did Bellona send you?"
"Yes. You know her?"
"I am Aeneas, Master Assassin of the Southern Republics."
"Really? I never met you, sir. My name is Aeil."
"Just call me Aeneas. Bellona is trying to stage a coup d'état and I'm trying to fight for your freedom here. Now look, my associate here would really want to kill you for your intrusion, but I'm trying to convince her otherwise." I start playing the "good cop" in the situation
"Thank you, sir. I'm grateful."
"However, that my trust does not come without a price...I need you to find both councilors named Lopez back at the capital and tell them their son is not a traitor. He only wants freedom. Tell them that, alright?"
"Yes, I will. And thank you again for my life, Aeneas," he backs away into the forest, saluting me.
I make a haphazard salute back before Gaia punches me in the shoulder, "I didn't want to kill him!"
"It convinced him though. You've got kill in your eyes."
"Shut up, anyway, where to now, King?"
"I don't know. I've been following voices in my head for a while, but I've got nothing yet. There was this elk before, and he seemed like a really nice guy..."
Gaia silences me, kneeling to feel the tremors of the earth, "A field group approaches. Come: hide in that carriage!"
We jump into a hay carriage as I see Bellona coming around the bend, leading a band of her loyal men. I watch her look around, as if she was looking for someone, then almost instantly give up. "They aren't here. See if you can find any people around to jail and torture, I'm a bit bored today..."
"What a jerk!" Gaia whispers.
"I know...take my hand, I'll get us to the others."
She obliges and I teleport us to the fox and leopard. "Let's move. A search party is out for us."
"Did you find anything?" Elizabeth asks.
"Nope, not really. Gaia?"
"Umm, some voice told me that we should chase down that Bellona wolf."
"You're joking, right? We're good, but they have the strength in numbers by far, especially if we're trying to take the non-lethal approach."
"We're assassins and you want to be non-lethal now? Heavens, you must be from some other world!"
"I am from some other world," I laugh, "I'm unique."
"Yeah, yeah. Shut it, wolf."
As a preface to our dangerous afternoon mission, Elizabeth and Midas kiss before heading down the hill. Likewise, I grab the stronger tigress in a hug, "Happy yet?"
She purrs, hugging me back for a second before pushing me away, "Aeneas! No one must know."
"But you needed a hug."
"True...but I have to act as if I still hate you."
"I hope the exact opposite is true..."
"Of course it is, wolf! Stop doubting me!"
"What's true?"
"Oh, you ruffian! I'm not saying it!"
"Saying what?"
"I'm not giving you the satisfaction of hearing me say 'I love you.' got me there."
"I knew I would. Hearing it makes it worth fighting for."
She shushes me, halting the group as we hear the clang of metal.
We overhear one side of a conversation between Bellona and someone else, "Sir, why do they resist? I can lead them all to victory. I am their true leader. I'm only trying to help them...Of course, sir. The tigress will be eliminated swiftly, as per your instruction. I will keep the wolf for myself...Yes, I would appreciate that, sir. I will be there soon."
"Speaking to Fate, you think?" Midas asks.
"I'm almost certain," I nod.
Gaia trembles next to me as a memory passes through her mind, "I'll take out their cargo and halt their supply line. Give me a second..."
She returns with the crossbow out, raw power emanating off of her.
"Yep. Very much so. Their wagons are gone. Aeneas, we need to talk."
"Sure, what's up?"
"Alone, wolf," she drags me with her.
"Okay! Sorry!"
She takes me deep into the forest and breaks down as soon as she knows we aren't in earshot, "Aeneas...please..."
"What's wrong, Gaia?"
"Everything! You know what I meant when I told you about how the Northern Alliance soldiers treated me after my capture, right?"
"Yes...every word."
"I didn't tell you this before, but they...they told me that they killed my best friend to torture me. After I heard what Bellona said about getting rid of me, I know I'm in my best friend's shoes. I'm going to die, Aeneas! I know it!"
"If you EVER get in trouble, you know I would stand by you until the end. Nothing will happen to you: not now, not ever."
"How can you be so certain?"
"I have a very good feeling."
"You'd better be right...and thank you for your consideration, Aeneas. Let me show you a vision I had about us, which I find almost as disturbing as my story, so be prepared for a shock.
"What was that?" the vision of me says.
"A gift: the first of many," the vision of Gaia smiles.
"What did I just agree to?" I look right, at what looks like a city on fire.
"A new life, Aeneas..."
The vision fades to black, shocking me back into the real world.
"What was that? The future?"
"I don't know."
"Did we burn that city? We are so screwed! Did we betray our nations? Oh, Gaia..."
"Aeneas, keep calm. We will find a way to avoid such an event as in this vision. However, it may not be as bad as we think. We'll have to wait and see. Oh, I almost forgot!" she kisses me passionately, leaving me stunned, "Let's get back to work."
As we approach, I see Bellona hovering over both Elizabeth and Midas, who obviously could not resist her power, "Where are the assassins?"
"In the forest."
"Good. Show me where and I might not kill you."
"Lead them toward the rock, then turn around and I'll grab her," I used a mind link to communicate with Elizabeth, who leads her directly at me, following my plan perfectly. With a quick grab, I toss the wolf to the much stronger Gaia, since she is much better at close quarters combat. The green-furred wolf is easily subdued. "The tides have turned, Bellona."
"Oh, shut up, you traitor!"
"Me? A traitor? Coming from the one who started this all! So tell me: where is Fate? I have a message for him: Get off of my people's land!"
"As if, little one. Even if you killed me, he'd still have absolute power. I am the invulnerable, righteous ruler of the Republics!"
"Keep believing that...and tell him justice is inevitable." I incinerate her bag of battle commands and teleport her back to the capital.
"What was that? We could have ended her!" Gaia yells.
"Fate is weakened by having a horrible general leading his or her troops. It works in our favor."
"I understand. Thank you for explaining that to me."
Elizabeth tackles me, "Aeneas. You saved us!"
"No problem. It was mostly Gaia. Since I led us here, Gaia picks the next location."
Gaia is indecisive at first, but then gets a feeling, "Somewhere near my capital. I want to liberate my people from the rule of the dictator who wronged me and the general who...tainted my reputation."
"You sure?"
"Yes, if you would come with me."
"Alright," I say out loud, but telepathically, "You haven't been 'tainted.' You're still pure of heart."
"Thank you once again, Aeneas. Before I start mobilizing my assault, I'll have to ask you something very important."
"(And I will listen intently.) Ready, everyone?"
With a group nod, they join paws as I charge my energy to teleport us all to Rjorda, the City of Remorse. Heavens, I hate this place.
Walking through the military camp while the sun sets, no one dares to approach and challenge two Master Assassins as Gaia leads us to the tent of the general. The general tries to be cordial: "Good afternoon, precious tigress!"
"The day is ripe for freedom from your tyranny, general. I'm taking control of the army."
"You little brat! I thought I taught you a good lesson when I kidnapped you about fighting against me. Want that message refreshed?"
The honor-bound fox, Midas, steps in, "You should be ashamed to call yourself a lion! You are a shame upon your species!"
"Who are your compatriots in this matter, Gaia?"
"Justice is the only one that matters. (Other than you, Aeneas)."
"Damn you! Would you have me die by your blade? Or will you go cry for your parents again, tigress, like you did the first time I defeated you?"
"No. Surrender unconditionally. I want your men to see you fall to the feet of the tigress you so proudly wronged only a few years ago. Now get up and call your men together!"
Reluctantly, under the force of our party, the general takes his ceremonial sword and blows the assembly bugle. The men line up, in formation, to witness the spectacle. Gaia announces, "I am Gaia, Master of the Earth and Seas and the Master Assassin of these lands. This man, the same you see kneeling before me, has wronged me in a way that from which I can never fully recover. So it is with great pride that I dismiss him from his command and send him back to his tyrant of a lord. The time for revolution is here, friends. A free society is possible! We can live without fear of jailing and persecution once more! All those who want to fight for your liberty stand with me. All others: follow this man back to your vile capital. For freedom, friends! The Northern Alliance will be ours once more!"
In the midst of cheering and shouting, the general and his officers scramble back into their city, barricading the city walls and setting up anti-siege weaponry, leaving Gaia the ceremonial command sword. The army begins to mobilize in an area out of the city's range, making bombardment impossible for the defenders. I take careful note of every problem that arises: I will have to do the same when I make it to my own capital and fight against this "Fate" person.
Gaia walks me around a path, leaving Elizabeth and Midas in charge of organizing the rebel cause, "I'm going to need your tactics, my general." She hands me the sword.
"General? Really? You deserve it more than I do. You single-handedly took command from that jerk!"
"Swear to me that you'll lead me. Aeneas, I need you," she kisses me and slips her paw into mine and I feel something extra as she slips her hand away.
"What was that?"
"A gift: the first of many," Gaia squeezes my paw with a nervous smile.
Opening the small package up, I see an amulet depicting the Earth and Seas and a note that reads in an archaic tongue, "Marry Me."
"What did I just agree to?" I smile back.
"A new life, Aeneas. With me, if you'd want it. Consider it a promise: I'm still not entirely sure I want to marry a wolf, but I decided I'd ask anyway."
The fires of the city rise in the night sky as they signal to the loyalist army to assemble. In the midst of the dramatic scene, I remember Gaia's vision and laugh. Looks like she was right: it wasn't as bad as it looked. Taking the amulet, I wear it around my neck and a rush of energy flows through me. I notice a glow coming from Gaia and look quizzically at her. "Some elk was just walking past and gave these to me while you visited your house. Mine has a sun and moon on it, to remind me of you..."
"Who are you?" I ask the elk in my thoughts.
"I'll tell you later. I just wanted to help you out in the meanwhile. Don't you have battle plans to make, general?" the elk replies.
"I will find out."
"I know you will and I'm perfectly comfortable with that. Prepare well for the battle!"
"I agree to your terms, Gaia, but one quick thing."
"Can I get a quick hug from my tigress?"
"Fine..." she wraps her arms around me and I reciprocate the hug. Lifting her face and letting her beauty intoxicate me, I take the tigress and kiss her as best I can. "I love you, Gaia. I love everything about you: your fur, your face, your sarcastic comments, your personality, your ability to lead...everything. You mean more to me than the world itself. I would rather die than live without you."
"Even if you really are the Lost King, please don't accept some politically arranged marriage, Aeneas!"
"Is this a serious proposition, Gaia? If you're sure about this, then we should get to know each other a bit better before we make that commitment."
"If you were to die unmarried, I would never forgive myself. When we face Fate, promise me we'll decide."
"I swear on my honor."
"Good. I'll be in the tent if you want to talk."
"Alright, I'll be right behind you."
I know that she really loves me, but now I'm not so sure. We don't know much about each other, except for our personal histories and exploits, and I'm not even the person I'm supposed to's all so confusing! And I'm scared: I'm scared she's right and that one of us is going to die on this quest. I could never live with the guilt if she were to fall in battle, so I know the feeling is mutual, but we're really young and we should talk about all this. Marriage would be the ultimate spite to Fate (who wanted us to kill each other), but that shouldn't be my reasoning, right? I'm arguing with myself to oblivion...I'll find a way to make things right. Hopefully sooner than later.