The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 2

Story by Aeneas Lopez on SoFurry

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#3 of The Quest for the Lost King

Hello everyone! I hope you didn't mind the delay, but I wanted to make sure everything was set with this chapter before submitting it. I'm trying more of a novel format to my writing now, so hopefully that looks better than my usual paragraph form that wasn't very organized. Well, anyway, I hope you enjoy the story and please give me feedback about what you think of it. It's definitely the most work I've done on a project and I'm still busy trying to make the lore for my new land. Thanks for reading!

In this chapter, Aeneas' and Gaia's relationship grows (to the constant reluctance of the tigress) and Aeneas does her a favor that helps her to cope with her past. Will a true relationship result from it? Also, Aeneas gets to know the Prince of Onnela, Draco, and a cryptic message leads to a risky mission for Aeneas and Gaia to rescue a good friend.

I hear a voice near my ear, "I really hate to do this to you, Aeneas, must be done. You never should have trusted me. I do this in the name of the Northern Alliance." I hear the sound of steel cutting air before I scare myself awake.

"No!" I howl, drawing my blade as I jump from the bed into the center of the lakefront inn room, my midnight black hair falling into my face for a second.

"What's wrong, wolf?" I see Gaia run in from the bathroom, the fresh air of the lake instantly waking me up. I swear the tigress was talking to me a second ago.

"Nothing, I had a...bad dream. That's all."

I see her close her eyes, reading my mind, "Oh, no: not this...Aeneas, I swear I won't do that. You shouldn't trust me, but I will never kill you in your sleep." She holds her paw to her chest in a pledge to me.

"You know I-I really want to believe you but we are still technically enemies because I'm loyal to the Southern Republics," I say, strapping up with my rapier and black iron dagger, and readying myself for the cloudless day. I think I should just leave for a while.

"You can believe me! Please, Aeneas! I'm sorry that I'm loyal to the North and I'm sorry that I'm not attractive or whatever you want me to be. Honestly, they made me into a killing machine and I can't relate to people like you. I've even been told that I should not even consider myself female because my people think women are weak. What do you think?"

I look at her shapely body in comparison to my own scrawny figure and answer, "Women aren't weak. In fact, most of my female friends are stronger than me, but if you really want to prove it, we can fight without magic. Then you'll see you're way stronger, but...try not to actually hurt me."

"Let's go to the sparring grounds at the barracks then."

After she grabs her cloak, I teleport the two of us to the sparring grounds at the crack of dawn. I drop my weapons by the side of the stone arena as she warms up for the fight, "Ready?"

"Let's do this."

Responding to a flurry of quick strikes, I block most of her strong punches and roll out of the way of her powerful kicks. She is unaffected by my mobility and continues pounding on me until she finally breaks my guard. Within seconds, she dives for my torso and easily brings me to the floor, pinning me down with a smile, "Surrender yet?".

"How about some magic then?" I cheat, dazing her with a beam of light and shrouding myself in darkness, "I accept defeat, but I don't like being pinned down." I reappear, helping her from the ground and sitting down on a nearby bench, worn out. Geez, she's good.

"Aeneas, you said we could talk."

"Yeah, what do you want to know?"

"Who are you? Like as a person?"

I review the history of my life as recorded by the Republic's historians, but tell her more about what I like and dislike and more common things. I like discovering things, learning about the world, and just relaxing and she seems to think in the same way. It's a nice distraction from the craziness in the outside world, especially with the crisp smell of the outdoors in the air.

After some time listening to me babble, she asks with a frown, "Why aren't you a leader in your land? You're an inventor, so you're probably smart enough, and I'm sure you have the military experience."

"I guess it never interested me," I shrug as she reads my mind again to find out why.

After a few seconds, her jaw drops, "You have no memories about yourself! How is that possible?! Where they wiped like mine were?"

"Uhh...don't ask me. I can't tell you anything about that because I don't know why myself."

She changes the subject, but I can tell she's wondering about it, "So what will we do when we get to the capital?"

"We petition the government to vote for peace, hopefully ending the conflict forever but I don't know what's after that." (I see Prince Draco walking toward the barracks in the distance.)

Gaia corners me, "One last thing. I know you like me, but, Aeneas do you think I'm-what do the cubs call it-'hot' or something?" She stands there as if waiting for my judgment on the spot. Why does she even ask? I know she'll just read my emotions and my thoughts about her...oh, I think I understand: she wants to hear me to say it.

I look over the majestic tigress, taking care not to stare at any given part, but instead, taking her beauty in. I'd love to just cuddle with her...(uhh, I never thought that). I answer her inquiry tentatively, cringing as if she'll hit me for it, "Yes, you are. Don't hurt me: I'm just being honest!"

She purrs, but notices the dragon creeping up on us, "You were right about waiting to hear it in your voice instead of from your mind. You're a very perceptive little creature..."

I smile, "I try, Gaia."

She looks as if she wants to admit something, but then walks away looking upset, "I'll be with that fox Midas and your leopard Elizabeth. Meet me at noon, no exceptions."

As she departs, the dragon prince walks up to me, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

I sigh, "No, I'm fine. Just tired is all. Have a sword to work with for today?"

He draws a short sword made of an incredible suspension of lava and fire, blunted and cold after years of disuse, "It's my grandfather's. No blacksmith has ever been able to repair it because he was an inventor and made the weapon from magic rather than steel."

"I'll get it to work. I feel like I've done this before," I check the weapon out, looking for an idea about how to refurbish the thing after finding a small switch on its hilt.

"Can I help?"

"It may sound like a stupid question, but can you breathe fire?" I finally come to the realization that the blade is meant only for dragons.

"Yeah! Why?"

"Breathe on the sword when I tell you to," I say, charging the weapon with pure energy until the surface becomes as bright as the sun, "Now!" The dragon's breath instantly catches onto the blade, small flames escaping the newly-reactivated weapon. "May I?"

Draco nods, shocked by the sword's power (so was I).

Facing an iron training dummy, I slash at it and the thing melts under the flame. "Nice!" I hand it back to the prince, turning it off with the small switch, "Flip that any time and it'll reignite. The blade is fit for royalty like yourself. It's light enough that you don't need much training for it."

"Thanks a lot," he turns away embarrassed. He's acting differently than he was being with poor Elizabeth yesterday when he was hitting on her.

"You What's wrong?"

He sits down as if guilty of something, "I'm sorry for forcing myself on that leopard. I'm just desperate. I know my dad'll go crazy if I don't find a mate soon and I'm just throwing myself around at this point."

"You're a prince. I'm sure there are tons of girls who'd die to have you," I pat him on the back.

"That's not the point...You wouldn't understand, but I don't like any girls around here."

"Why not? They seem nice enough..."

"Oh, fine-I'll admit it. I'm gay. The reason why my dad thinks I need a mate is because he doesn't know yet. I just acted as if I wanted that leopard to 'prove' I'm straight, but I'm not."

"I know your father doesn't approve, but have you met anyone that you like?"

"Not really...I mean, have you ever asked anyone out?"

I think about it and I try saying yes, but for some reason I can only say the opposite, "No." (Something inside of me realizes that I'm not the same person that I used to be, despite the similarities. It's weird: I feel the same as before I "woke up" here. It's definitely eerie having memories from a completely different world, but I think I'm getting the hang of being an assassin now, even if I am more peaceful than ruthless.)

"It's the same for me. I know you like that tigress, but you've probably never told her because of the nerves..."

"Is it that obvious?!"

"Maybe not to her, but I can tell. You look cute...uhh, I meant around her, that is."

The dragon blushes ashamedly at his statement, but I just smile, "It's fine, Draco. I'll tell your dad we've been training, but why don't you just walk around town today. Who knows? You might have some luck and find someone you like!"

The tall dragon sighs, "You think?"

"It sure is possible!"

Just as I make my assertion, he springs into the sky and flies around, "I will then. And thanks for fixing the sword, Aeneas!"

I nod as he escapes my sight, moving toward the other side of the city.

I relax for a second, looking into the Sun until I realize that it'll be noon within seconds, "Crap!" I quickly think of Gaia and teleport to her location and I realize only after I get there that she's in a bath house. And just my luck, there's only a see-through cloth curtain between the bath and me.

Trying to tip-toe away, my toes betray me by giving off a sound that proves my presence. I hear her growl, rising from under the steamy water of the bath, "You have five seconds to tell me who you are before I kill you: five...four...three...two..."

"Hello, Gaia! Sorry, you told me to meet you at noon without exception, so I teleported bad?"

"Aeneas! Damn! Umm...come here then."

"Into the woman's bath?"

"What? Are you scared of a disease I have or something? Get in the bath!"

Fully clothed, I walk past the curtain and dip my legs into the corner of the bath. "So...why'd you want to meet?" I ask while suddenly admiring the architecture of the bathhouse to avoid looking directly at her.

"Hey, look at me!" the tigress demands, moving my muzzle with her wet paw until I had no choice but to look directly at the bandaged-wrapped warrior and fellow assassin.

As I inspect her, I notice many scars that may have been the result of her torture after being kidnapped. Her stern face is a total contrast to her young, slender frame. She's an exceptionally beautiful tigress; that in itself is much more than anything I've recognized in other women. Despite that, she looks as if the happiness had been sucked out of her that fateful day when she was kidnapped at sixteen. She wears enough to maintain her modesty in this environment and even though she reveals so much of her striped gold and black fur, it is safe to say that she is not flirtatious in the slightest. As time progresses, my jaw drops further and further, noticing things other what I'm trained to look for. Her hair is an earthen brown, with small hidden streaks of dark blue, a variant color to the aqua on her katana that only appears when she uses magic. She's...stunning, beautiful, maiden-like, innocent, cute, endearing, patient, trustworthy, and I think I might love *slap*.

"Hey, are you even listening?"

Recovering from the blow, I reply, "Uhh...I think."

"What were you daydreaming about?"

"Training Draco. Sorry, I'm paying attention now."

"So I was talking to Midas and Elizabeth and your leopard finally admitted to me that you aren't really Aeneas, but some other guy who apparently thinks differently about people and cares about them."

"Oh, Elizabeth...I think she likes you if she told you that much. Are you going to tell your superiors that I'm not a threat anymore?"

"No...I-I suddenly realized after learning the truth that I didn't even care about it. If this is the new you, then I can trust you not to be ruthless and domineering with me and you'll be a better leader for the group. Here: someone sent you this, but I can only speak your tongue, not read it."

She hands me a document with a seal made of real gold with the crest of my people and I read it aloud:

To Aeneas, my fellow citizen and trusted friend,

I have intelligence of a fight that took place between you and a previously unknown assassin (one of the four) named Gaia. I hope that she is under your custody. If this is so, send this tigress to me and I will extract any useful information from the girl and she will be released without physical harm. The girl deserves it: do not feel compassion when you chain her. Though we've never officially worked together, I remind you that there will be a sizable promotion for you if you serve me, well friend.

Good hunting,


P.S. - Wouldn't we make the greatest couple: burning every city that refuses to surrender...killing those who stand in our prisoners...Think about it, hon.

"I honestly do not know that woman..."

"But you probably used to..."

"I'm not who I used to be, so she can ask someone else. I'd like to see them try to stop my peace mission."

Gaia seems upset by the letter, but moves on: "What now?"

"We stay here until I can settle something. Know this: I won't give you to them...and I won't even think about being a couple with that nut."

"Thanks, Aeneas," she looks concernedly at me, "I'm a criminal, aren't I?"

"No, you've been forced. It's not your fault."

"It is my fault. I was born a Master Assassin. I could have done anything, but I ended up being a servant of the Northern Alliance."

"But you were kidnapped."

"I know, but I've done so many missions for them without question and I don't even remember my parents' voices anymore."

"If it makes you feel better, I've probably done the same amount of stuff that you have."

"But you don't even remember it..."

"Do you?"

The question was tough. Being trained for it, do we even give a second thought about completing a mission? For some reason, I knew that I didn't, but I didn't mean to offend anyone, "Gaia, I'm sorry. That was a harsh thing to say."

"No, what makes me so sad is that you're right...can you help me with something?"

"How can I assist?"

"I need to find my parents, Aeneas. I really miss them. Could you look around? I know I made their home basically undetectable to most people before they took me away, but you'll be able to seek them anyway. Just try, no promise necessary. I just want to hear their voices again."

"Alright, I will...I know you don't like her yet, but Elizabeth could heal that scarring for you, if you wanted."

"I think I might take up that offer: it's time to move on. And thank you, Aeneas. For everything."

She takes my hand to help herself up from the bath and ends up falling into my arms. I hold her close to stabilize her and she smirks, "Just a quick snuggle, right?" She licks my nose and laughs, "I think I'm finally ready for a friend...and no, this isn't my heat talking. I trust you Aeneas." We hold our position in that hug for a good minute before the temptation grows to be too much and I shyly kiss her cheek.

"Aeneas!" she answers coyly.

"I couldn't help it...I'm sorry, Gaia."

"Didn't anyone ever teach you how to kiss a woman correctly?"

"I don't think-"

She grabs my head and pulls it toward her face, locking us in a passionate embrace until we look nervously at each other and force a laugh. We both fail miserably at laughing it off and a gloom settles over us.

She opens the conversation, "Aeneas...we're enemies. It won't be possible. Even if it was, we'd never be a good couple. Get back on task here: that's an order."

I follow up, "Why not? We're pretty similar and since when are you calling the shots? Gaia...I won't tell anyone, but don't just dismiss me. Think about it."

"I will. I'll be in our room. I need some time."

"Take your time: I'm just going to hang out around the barracks for a while."

That was a lie, but she wouldn't let me go so quickly otherwise. I'm finding her parents today...and I'm employing Midas and Elizabeth to keep it low-key.

Walking out of the women's bathhouse, I got a few weird looks, but most people didn't really question me. I asked a nearby guard for an audience with the king before I left: I wanted to make my intentions clear. I entered the gilded throne room with a sense of urgency only about a minute later.

"Your Highness, I need to make something clear to you."

"What is it, assassin?"

"Do you understand the peril you are putting this city by simply allowing us to stay here?"

He coughs, a bit of an ember escapes his iron jaw and reminds me of his old age, "I do. And I accept it readily. Our own legends say that part of these lands will be occupied soon, Aeneas, and most likely because of you, but it's worth the sacrifice if peace can be achieved for all. I have come to terms with my own death and that's why I want Draco ready for the task of leadership. He'll have this seat soon enough." The dragon grips the throne, his claws snapping splinters of wood off of it.

I thought I'd just warn him: I never thought that his fate is already so defined. "I'm sorry it'll come to this, sir."

"I don't blame you, wolf, so don't blame yourself. Just do me a favor and never give up. Now go on with whatever you have in mind! Do us proud."

The sincerity of his wish struck me to the core. The man accepted his own death as long as Gaia and I succeed...I don't know if I'm that strong-willed yet. I bow to the king before assembling my companions. Of course, I needed to keep it from Gaia, so I was pleasantly surprised when both the fox and leopard were outside together, hugging.

I dash toward them, whisking them away from the inn and declaring my purpose, "Midas, Elizabeth...I want to go on a mission, but you can't tell Gaia and it'll probably lead to some serious problems."

The leopard smiles, "Okay! I'm ready!"

Midas shrugs, "Fine, I'm in. Where to?"

"That's the problem...I'll be able to find it, but it'll cause so much of a shockwave that I will be followed and that's where you guys come in. If you see two people appear here, protect them and I'll face the enemies that will attack me myself. Do not look for me, but keep them safe. That's the mission."

They stand there stunned for a few minutes until Midas asks, "Who are the targets?"

"...Gaia's parents."


"I want her to be happy and she doesn't remember them anymore. I'm doing it..."

Channelling a ray of light, I focus on Gaia, hoping that by some miracle, the light'll show me what I want. I feel myself collapsing from the exertion and the world darkens around me. The purity of the light intensifies, projecting itself through the forest and directing itself north. Amazingly, I see a distant house at the end of the long light. Focusing on its location, I inquire, "Remember the plan?"

They nod.

The darkness surrounds me, teleporting me to a small shack in a jungle far away from them. I fall to the ground as the last of my energy is expended. I feel the sun's light on by back and a bit of my energy is restored, "Alright...time to find me some tigers."

I knock on the door, "Anyone home?"

I hear the lock of a crossbow as a female voice answers, "Get the hell away! I will shoot!"

"I'm a friendly!"

The bolt moves quickly toward my body, but my mithril cuirass protects me, "I swear: I'm not an enemy!"

"You've already taken our only daughter! What else do you want?!" I hear the voice of an unseen male.

"I know Gaia. She's my friend and I'm risking a lot by coming here. I'm a wolf: my name's Aeneas, Master of the Darkness and Light. I've come secretly to bring you to your daughter. Please trust me!"

"Fine. The door is open, if you are alone." I hear the female reply before I dare walk in.

I remind myself to watch for enemies outside before asking, "So...what can I do to convince you that I'm not evil?"

"Show your face, for one," the tiger demands.

I raise my hood, revealing my blue-furred face and long muzzle, "Good?"

"Weapons?" the tigress asks.

"A bunch. I'm an assassin like your daughter. I didn't tell her that I intended on coming today, but she told me to look for you."

"Really? How is she?"

"Sad. She misses you as much as she can after having her memories wiped that day. She's a great warrior: much stronger than I am...although I have the edge with magic, which is how I found you!"

They dive into their own conversation, but I can somehow understand their language. Gaia's mother says, "Do you trust the wolf?"

"No, but if he were going to kill us, he would have already."

"True. He seems good-natured. Test him. Make sure that he knows our Gaia and that he is who he says he is."

Her father interrogates me, "Aeneas, what is my daughter's favorite weapon?"

"Her katana."

"Why did she leave here?"

"She was kidnapped."

"By whom?"

"The Northern Alliance."

"Who is she?"

"The Master of the Earth and Seas."

"Okay. Bring her here," he demands.

"What? Don't you think it'll be traumatic for her? Come with me and you'll see her in a happier place."

"Okay, wolf. Be quick about it! I haven't seen my daughter in years!"

I step outside as the sun begins its decent, taking in the energy necessary to teleport a group of three when I hear the clang of metal. A line of six leonine rangers approaches the area. I hide behind a wheelbarrow, tracking their movement and looking for a good opportunity while signaling to Gaia's parents to stay back.

Just as they round a corner, I run into the middle of the group, knocking two of them out with a burst of light and causing mass confusion in the unit. I dash out waiting for them to make a move. Finally recovering from the attack, the two infantrymen in the rear begin carrying the two fallen men on their backs and walk on, until, of course, I made my next move, hitting one with a blinding beam of light that made him fall on his friend. The lion coincidentally begins to cough, scaring the last two, "It's the plague! Run away!" They dash away into the forests, leaving the one man conscious under a mound of unconscious soldiers. That was fortuitous!

I walk over to the last guy, helping him up while remaining intimidating, "Who sent you?"

"I don't know, a message with an official stamp told us to come here. It just appeared out of nowhere."

"Let me see it..."

The note the soldier gives me has the crest of the Southern Republics and the handwriting is...Bellona's. Damn! I've been betrayed by my own people! If she's working with them, then there's definitely a conspiracy! "You never met me," I cloak myself as I run back toward the house. "Let's go. There are troop movements outside," I take a deep breath and think of the bedroom I share with Gaia.

Darkness swirls around the group until suddenly, I find myself directly in front of Gaia in the lakefront house in the afternoon.

"Aeneas? What the heck were you doing? Elizabeth and Midas wouldn't tell me anything!"

"I brought some people you might recognize," I step out of her way until her eyes connect with those of her parents.

"No...Mom! Dad! This is impossible, Aeneas! How?"

"Well I had some help keeping it secret, but locating them just took a lot of luck and a bit of magic. I just willed myself to find them and then I did. Total coincidence. But I need to rest up: I've used far too much energy today. I'll be on the roof."

The tigress nods as I leave, easily starting off a conversation with her long lost parents, who seemed extremely happy to see her after all this time. They hug as I climb up to the roof using a ladder, recovering my energy through the Sun's light.

I stay up there quietly and in solitude for a few hours until the Sun sets and I see Gaia climb up next to me, "Hey, wolf."

"Hello, Gaia. I hope you and your parents caught up today."

"We did. I can't thank you enough for bringing them here for me. You actually found them, Aeneas!" she smiles and rubs against me.

"Yeah...Gaia, they'll need to go back there for safety. This city's might be attacked soon and I don't want you losing them. I'm sorry: they can return after the battle is over if it happens, but I have a feeling that I won't be here to pick up the pieces."

"I understand about my parents, but what's happening that you think you won't be around?"

"Bellona is a traitor. Probably allied to Fate now. She was looking for your parents, which leads me to believe that she will attack here based on the amount of energy I've been using. Let them take me, just get everyone to safety. The King will probably make a last stand and I'll probably join him. By the time they overwhelm us, you should be long gone. I'm sorry about this; I never knew it would happen so suddenly."

Tears roll from her eyes, but her voice remains unwavering, "I hate war! Are you sure you're going to die?"

"I might not. You never know."

"You can't just do this: I won't let you. You made me actually care about you and now you're just going to die and leave me alone again. Sure, I'll have my parents now, but I won't have a friend..."

I change the subject, "Did Elizabeth help you with those scars while I was away?"

"Yeah. They're all gone now."

"Good! I'm glad she could help. You know, if you'd be less shy among other tigers after this, I'm sure you'd be a good mate for some-".

She closes my muzzle with her paws, "No. Not for any felines, dragons, avians, reptilians, dogs, aquatic creatures, cervines, and whoever else you're thinking of. Even the only person I'd ever want is out of the question. I guess they should just be more accepting about my love and stop thinking about sacrificing themselves. That would change my mind."

"Who would that be?" I wag my tail, teasing her a little.

Her ears raise in annoyance, "You are, you stupid wolf who's so intent on dying that he's forgetting to pay attention to me! Heavens, I must really love you to hate you this much and put up with this! Crap, I said that out loud again..."

"You love me?" I smile.

"Uhh...oh, fine! I love you, Aeneas. Don't expect me to worship you or anything, though. You know me well enough to know what I will and won't do. Now that I've embarrassed myself, I swear I will follow you to the afterlife and kill you there if you die in that battle. And I'm still not sure about actually having a relationship. So, now that I've told you..."

"As if you didn't already know, I love you too, Gaia."

" cute!" she answers sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah. If you're so intent on having me alive, I guess I'll need a plan."

Just then, an eagle flies overhead, dropping a message onto my lap. Something makes me remember whose eagle that was...Themis'. I hastily tear open the message, poorly written and obviously rushed:


Bellona's gone mad! She commandeered my army and is keeping me under armed guard. Help...

The note ends abruptly and I shudder at it. "I attack tonight. Myself. I have a job to do."

"Aeneas, wait! I don't care if it's suicide, but I'm coming with you."

"Okay, but just us. I'm risking enough as it is."

"What are we doing?"

"Infiltrating a camp, freeing Themis (my general and close friend) and sabotaging an invasion. Nothing that big."

She smiles, "And you think I'm crazy."


She shrugs, "I could use a nap, but you won't wait for that."

I chuckle and teleport us to somewhere around Themis' location, which ends up being on a hill overlooking a Southern Republic camp site, housing the same soldiers I fought for only two days earlier. "Alright, we're looking for the strongest looking building in the camp. That's the only place they could restrain her."

"Like that?" Gaia points to a brick box surrounded by tents.

"Exactly...I'm going to need a distraction."

She smiles about the leeway I'm giving her, "Tell me when."

"I guess now."

She kneels on the ground and her hair radiates ocean blue, charging up her energy as the ground underneath us begins to tremble.

"Uhh...Gaia? Don't kill anyone."

"I know: I'll just scare the heck out of them." The earthquake progresses in magnitude until it is literally impossible to stand still.

Nodding after hearing shouting in the camp, I run between the tents to the brick structure in its center, seemingly undetected. I walk into the makeshift jail cell, finding it luckily unguarded and seeing a white-furred wolf crying in her cell. If Themis is crying, I know it's bad.

"Themis, I'm here for you."

"Aeneas...I'm sorry."

"I honestly don't care, but we need you free."

I see the shine of a blade reflect on my face as it pokes at my back. Well that's unfortunate... "Oh, Aeneas...I was really hoping you'd accept my proposal. But Fate was right: you've changed. What'll we do with you?" The green-furred female wolf traces the armor around my back with her calvary saber, smiling as if she's already won.

"I guess you'll have to beat me then, Bellona. Not looking as if that's possible right now."

She quickly snaps back, "Is the 'Assassin of Legend' actually going to fight this time?"

I put my hand on my dagger, covertly channelling my dark energy, "I'm thinking about it." I start aiming my strike to pass through the cell without hitting Themis, knowing that in combination with Gaia's earthquake, the building will surely collapse.

"What are you planning, Aeneas?" the corrupted wolf wonders, "You will fall to me anyway."

I draw my dagger, releasing the pent up energy that entirely vaporizes the walls that it comes into contact with. I dash forward, tackling Themis to get her out of the weakened building, "That's what I was planning." The small brick complex quickly falls on itself, crumbling almost literally into dust. It was a very risky plan, but also extremely effective!

Bellona yells out from behind the rubble as Gaia calls off the earthquake, "You're all exiled! You hear me?! Every last one of the men that went on this journey is finished! I am the rightful ruler of the Southern Republics and there will never be an end to this war!"

"Bellona, I'd like to see you try to stop the will of the people."

"Shut up! You know nothing! Fate will win over you one day, Aeneas, and that tigress won't be able to save you!"

"I have more people on my side than just Gaia. It may not be easy, but justice will prevail."

"Maybe in your dream world! I have all the power here!" she boasts.

"Sure! Keep thinking that!" I focus the very last of my energy and teleport her to a distant forest. I won't be able to do anything like that for a few hours after that expenditure of energy.

Themis picks me up from the floor, "Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm sorry about the consequences."

"Nothing is worth more than the safety of an old friend!" I smile at the female and coincidentally find her claymore on the ground, "Your sword, general."

"General of nothing," she laughs nervously, shoving her blade into the soil as she fixes her armor.

"Maybe...I see that you're near the Great Forest."

"Yeah, before Bellona jailed me, she said she wanted to raid some city there, but obviously, no one lives there."

"That's what I thought too, but follow the river here to the lake and you'll come across the city. I need to go there first and get you clearance."

Themis nods, believing me instantly, and her eyes lock on Gaia, "Is that the assassin?"

"Yep. The tigress is a great warrior."

"You like her, don't you?"

"How do people keep knowing that?!"

"Body language. You're resisting a howl right now. I see it. It's okay: I knew after I asked you out and rejected you a day after that you'd find someone new."

I blush, "I mean...maybe, but I'm just happy I got you free and all."

"I'm sure..."

"Oh, fine, you big bully. I love her."

"I just wanted to know," she winks, "You can howl now."

Letting myself go, I howl into the night sky as the plains settle under the midnight noon. I'm an exile now. Whatever. I wouldn't have subjected myself to rule by Bellona anytime soon. I guess the most elite Southern Republic army is disbanded, so I guess we are going to have to be the liberators now. It's a tough job, but if we find the Lost King, it might be possible. In the meantime, I hope the king of Onnela won't mind a 900-man reinforcement to his forces when the army rolls in. Gaia and I will need to discuss any further missions soon.

The tigress beckons me, leading me away from the rest of the crowd and into the nearby brush, "You're a strong person if you're taking being exiled this well."

"Well, I have you to make it a bit better," I respond honestly.

"Thanks for that. I know you're feeling weak, so can I try healing you? I'll just impart a small amount of my power onto you until we get home."

"Okay, but just tell the king once we get there about the army coming."

She gives me just enough energy to cast a final teleportation spell to our inn before I collapse in exhaustion...I really should be more careful after I use magic. Maybe I should visit someone to try to make some...sort of sense...of

End of the First Phase: A "Newcomer's" Perspective