Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 02: Lunchtime Accident
"don't get all deflated like that." martin put his tray to the side. "we're only starting the fifth semester. we have three more to suffer through." tom chuckled quietly at the joke. "whoa, dude."
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 13: Corporate Business
The grey wolf deflated on his seat. martin gave him a profiterole, amusement and sympathy on his face. he ate the small pastry unenthusiastically. "on the bright side, you get to stare at me all you want, and i get to stare at you both."
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 07: You Are Unique
All of them deflated. tom held back his laugh. "on the bright side, why don't you enjoy these paintings made by my classmates?" "sure we are, but they're not as charming as you." "that's nice of you. but really, i'm busy right now."
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter One
The maiam seemed to deflate, crumbling in on itself until only a black, oily stain on the floor remained. soon, even that began to evaporate. i sighed, closing my eyes. poor william.
Book One of Rabbits Part 1 of 29 "The Fingerprint Of Nature's Breath?"
The newly bulbous dune then deflates, fueling the lively storm. the next closer dune rises at an angle, only for the mass bulk of the extra mile-high dune to spill across the horizon. with a wave, the wildebeest signals his companion at the rear.
Nightworld 07: Lady of the House
Finally his knee connected with the place frankie had stabbed her, and the snake mewled, deflating slightly. jaro shoved her off him, abandoning his rifle as he went scrambling down the hallway.
'Fair' Judgement
Her stomach pushed out again, the beanbag swelling as if to burst and then deflating into a soft, shapeless, mass that hung out under her wife-beater and flannel.
Ymerc's confrontation
I slumped to the ground in a pile of deflated dragon scales, tears flowing freely from my eyes, my chest heaving for air.
Cloud Factory
Just a little bit more, then maybe he'll deflate his balloon... but it was getting so big...! he couldn't just leave it and disappoint the one connected to it, could he?
The Adventures of Ricky Ratt - 09 - I Won't See You Tonight (Part 1)
Andy had left me deflated with his words, far more than i ever thought he could.
There She Is!! - Cake Dance
Doki smiled, but then deflated a bit. "i did come off as a bit forward to him. i'm surprised he's even taking the time to get a cake and get here. i was probably nothing more than a stalker to him."
Daisy and Boss: 5 - Noble Intentions
Kale glared at him for a split second, opening his maw in clear affront before he seemed to just deflate, the angry expression disappearing with a deep sigh. his eyes were burdened when he opened his muzzle again to answer.