Virishian History

Agents within the unionist military, secretly linked with the confederation and the most conservative members of the upper-class, put lenn-thu under arrest and this was the catalysis for a large uprising within the union's capital city.

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"Timeless Wars" Ch.1-2

This is to ensure my power suit is ready to conserve and increase power levels higher than without my power suit.

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MTG: Aqalax

Traditionally, the malina have been traders with most human and non-human cultures of aqalax, though holding some hostility to the conservative gagaan and murderous ahuizotl.

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Erik Kijani: The Hildegard Interview

He was still upset about the loss, but he quickly regained his more conserved and respectful side. "i understand." he said. she nodded.

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Heartless Dragon 3 War begin

But you have to conserve your energy for yourselves and the suits. luckily, i have put on a solar powered panels that are within the suit. these will recharge your suits not fully but enough to keep you alive.

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Ransom Soul (2013)

To conserve the battery, he switched his torch off but continued to clutch it tightly in his hands. \*\*\*\*\* ryan looked up with a start. he'd been dozing but was sure he'd heard a crash!

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Fox by the Sea Ch. 1

I'm trying to make it a representation of what its like to come out to a conservative family. this is just the first chapter so its a little slow and no yiff just yet.


Corwin Hall, Chapter 4

We'll start you off with something a little more conservative." he picked up a folded set of pyjamas from the wardrobe floor and held them up. they were footy, like lisa's, and colored a light shade of blue.

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Ch. 20 -- A Warm Place

The two women continued to stare at each other across the room with their bodies tucked in close to conserve heat. holding onto whatever they could to prevent floating around the room. a race had begun the moment the auxiliary power failed.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 1.3: Facing the Moonrise

They were still in friendly waters and, despite that being no reason to be lax, it meant that he needed to conserve his reserves for the time when danger was much more likely to strike: open, unpatrolled waters.

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As the second fur in nafscar to come out as gay, america is wondering what moved you to come out of the closet, and what was life like _inside_ of the closet in this more conservative sport?" the question takes me back.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 48

Standing up on that hill, looking down at all the twinkling lights, banno had known the valley would be full to bursting with foxes, but even those initial estimations turned out to be far too conservative.

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