Corwin Hall, Chapter 4

Story by Geraden on SoFurry

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#8 of Corwin Hall

Re-submitting this with minor edits for grammar and consistency. Poor Todd!

Corwin Hall, Chapter 4

On the way back to Todd's room, Brutus stepped into the small bathroom, and came back out carrying both Todd's wet diaper, now neatly balled up, and the clean one he had left by the sink. "You're sure about this?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. It can't be that bad, right?"

"I certainly don't think so, but consider the source." Todd noticed that the wet spot on Brutus's diaper had spread far across his butt, reaching up to his fluffy tail.

"I'll never know unless I try it." They reached Todd's room and stepped inside. Now that he wasn't suffering from an alcohol-induced torpor, he took in the layout of the room. It was small, but efficiently laid out to maximize space. The bed was in the corner, with a large window above it and to the side, the white blinds pulled. On the opposite side of the room was a small cedar wardrobe with a full-length mirror on the door, and a painting on the wall. It was a small child - a Mouse - holding what appeared to be a small model garden, made out of bits of moss on the lid of a coffee tin. Todd liked it; he didn't often see paintings made to look like candid photographs, and the effect was moving.

"I'll just leave this here," Brutus said, placing the diaper on the corner of the bed, "and leave you to your work."

"Yeah, thanks." Todd was glad he had dark fur, and his blush was not evident. Brutus stepped out and closed the door. Todd crossed his arms, looked down at the diaper, and sighed.

"All right. This isn't so bad," he said aloud. After all, he thought, everyone else here is like this. Really, he's being the strange one by not wearing them. This line of thought should have stood to reason, but it didn't stand to the part of his brain that was screaming for him not to do this, to leave this place and figure out a way to pay his mortgage.

That voice was growing weaker, though, and Todd picked up the diaper, feeling its thickness, and spread it out on the bed. He dropped his jeans, kicked them aside, then climbed on the bed and sat on the diaper. He reached down to pull the front towards him, and noticed he had it backwards; the tapes were in front. He sighed, lifted his bottom, turned the diaper around underneath himself, and sat back down. He pulled the front up, and guessed at where the tapes were supposed to go. He figured it felt best with two tapes low, on his thighs, and two tapes high, on his belly, and affixed them.

He stood up, feeling the thickness of the diaper between his legs, and realized that something itched along his thighs. He thought that couldn't be right, and felt along the inner edges of the diaper. He realized there was a ruffle that had been tucked in under the leak guard, and pulled it out on both sides. It was surprisingly comfortable. He walked over to the mirror, hearing himself crinkle, and looked at his reflection. It was nothing surprising, really - him, as he always was, just wearing a diaper. He turned profile and saw that the rear puffed out dramatically from between his legs. He didn't want to think too long about what the extra space back there was for, and reached for his jeans. He slid them on, and was happy to see that the diaper was not particularly visible.

"All right, I'm done," he called to Brutus. The Rabbit opened the door and stepped in, regarding Todd.

"Well, that isn't going to do," he said, and clucked his tongue.

"What do you mean?"

"What's the point of you wearing diapers here?"


"What are you trying to accomplish?"

"Err... we've been over this. I want to fit in, and to stop making people around here uncomfortable."

"And how are you going to achieve either of those things if nobody can tell you're diapered?"

Todd moved his mouth like a fish for a moment, and then said "I guess I didn't think about that. I don't think I'm ready to go around in just the diaper, though."

"No problem, that's what these are for." Brutus opened the small wardrobe, revealing an array of outfits on hangars. He took one out; it looked like a pale green T-shirt with a long strip of cloth hanging from the bottom.

"What's that?"

"A onesie. It's a shirt with a crotch strap that covers your diaper."

"Uh uh. No way." Brutus rolled his eyes and replaced it, then took out another hangar.

"How about this one?" It was a sailor's outfit with a loose, ruffly diaper cover instead of pants.

"Cute. But no."

"You'd be adorable."

"That's why no."

"All right, all right. We'll start you off with something a little more conservative." He picked up a folded set of pyjamas from the wardrobe floor and held them up. They were footy, like Lisa's, and colored a light shade of blue. "They're comfortable, and they'll show the diaper bulge, but they're not too over-the-top."

"Well... I suppose there are a lot of people in those walking around here. All right."

"Excellent!" Brutus unzipped the pyjamas and held them open. "Pants off."

Todd reluctantly unzipped his jeans and slid them off, then stepped backwards into the pyjamas. Brutus zipped him up in front.

"Not a bad job on the diaper, either, for your first time. Shouldn't have any leaks."

"Urrrf. Let's not talk about leaks and such now, ok? I'm not even sure what I'm going to do about... that yet." Brutus smiled, and gestured towards the door.

"Let's go re-introduce you, then."

Todd followed Brutus out of the room, but stumbled for a moment and held his head. The effects of the shower were beginning to wear off, and the warm footed sleeper was not helping his hangover. It was cooler in the warren than outside, but this was still Florida.

"Hey, is there any way I can get a soda before we go back to the hall?"

"Sure thing, this way." Brutus led Todd in the direction of the small kitchen.

"So, are you going to be my shadow for my whole time here?" Todd asked. "You haven't left my side today."

"Just at the beginning. It's sort of my job."

"To show me ancient secrets and make sure I wear my diapers?"

"To help you integrate, to protect you, and... to vet you." Todd paused halfway down the corridor.

"You mean I might not be able to stay?"

"We evaluate all potential new residents, Todd. It's for our own safety, and for your peace of mind."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense. Uh... how am I doing?"

"I'm not really supposed to tell you that, Todd." Brutus's tone was grave.

"Doesn't sound good." Brutus sighed heavily.

"You've got a few strikes against you, I won't lie. You have some issues, both personal and interpersonal with a current resident. She's waived you on that, so that helps."

"Hey, who doesn't have issues?"

"That is a valid point. But it's still something we have to consider. You were resistant to our lifestyle, but we'll have to see where that goes. The big one, though - and this is a big one - is that you're not supporting yourself outside the warren. You're about to lose your house." Todd blushed.

"That's not my fault."

"Still, it's normally an automatic disqualification. You have to be able to live outside the warren in order to live here."

"So should I just save us all some time and go?" Todd's tone was sullen and insulted.

"No, Todd. You... you're in special circumstances." Brutus resumed walking, and Todd followed in silence for a few moments.

"I don't get this either," he eventually said.


"You clearly don't trust me. I'm new, I've got 'issues,' and I really shouldn't even be here, according to the rules. But not only are you letting me stay for now, you've showed me something that you don't even show some of the regulars here. Why?"

"Not the regulars, Todd. We have drifters, in and out. People who like the diapers, and the openness, but they never ask to stay long. And let me ask you something: if I hadn't shown you the Chapel, would you be wearing what you are now?"

Todd considered this a moment, and realized the Rabbit was right, though he couldn't say why. "No, I suppose I wouldn't be."

"That's one reason we're probably going to let you stay here. You respond to it. You can't hear her yet, but you might some day."

"And you're off to crazy-town again."

"Anyway, the final decision's up to Geraden. Come on." Brutus opened the door to the kitchen, and Todd stepped through.

He stopped halfway through his first step into the kitchen for a moment as he saw that Lisa, Geraden, and Arvetis were sitting at the small table. Lisa was laughing at something Arvetis had just said, and the Wolf was grinning, the scars on his cheeks pushed up into the wrinkles by his eyes. She turned her head to the door.

"Todd!" Her smile dropped for a moment, but rebounded. Just surprise, not discomfort. "Todd, you're adorable!"

Todd coughed into his paw and looked at the ground. "Thanks."

Lisa patted the empty chair next to her. "Come have a seat." Elyssa closed the refrigerator - Todd hadn't noticed her behind the door - and looked coldly at Todd for a moment, then her eyes danced off him. As Todd slid into the seat, wincing at the loud crinkle his diaper made, Elyssa moved behind her grandfather and put a paw on his shoulder. Todd saw that their fur was the exact same tawny shade.

"I'll leave you guys to chat," Elyssa said. "Bye, Pops. Bye, Arvy-Pops." She kissed Geraden and the Wolf on their cheeks, then walked past the table and out the door, never looking at Todd.

"Don't forget to get the dining hall ready for tonight!" Geraden called after her. Then he said to Todd, "Don't mind her. She's already had a long day."

"I know that feeling." Todd put his paw on top of Lisa's on the table, and she turned hers, wrapping her fingers around his.

"I'm glad you decided to get dressed properly," she said. Brutus went to the refrigerator and began pouring glasses of soda.

"One for me too," Arvetis called.

"Pour your own, you old hound. I'm the Ferret's babysitter today." Brutus's voice was jocular, though, and he poured three glasses, putting two in front of Todd and Arvetis, and sipping the third as he leaned against the counter.

"So, I just found out I've got to butter you up in order to stay here," Todd said to Geraden, though he was looking at Lisa. Geraden smiled.

"Don't worry yourself too much about that. If you're meant to be here, you'll stay. And I like you so far." Todd gave a little laugh and sipped his soda. He realized just how thirsty he was, and drank half of the glass at a gulp, then wiped his muzzle with a paw.

"I guess that's the important thing, huh?"

"Hah!" Arvetis let out a cackle, startling Todd. "If staying in this old coot's good graces was a requirement for living here, I would have been out on the streets decades ago."

"You WERE out on the streets decades ago!" Geraden retorted.

"Entirely beside the point."

Todd couldn't help but smile at the two as they bickered. There was real love behind the back-and-forth. Nothing like the fights he and Lisa had brewed up, he thought grimly. He looked at her and saw that she was looking at him too - probably had been the whole time. Maybe thinking the same things.

Just apologize to her! That same voice, almost like a separate being in his head. Todd rubbed his muzzle. "Lisa, I'm - I was a jerk this morning."

"Yes, you were."

"I'm going to try not to be." So close.

"Good. I'm going to try to get you to wear a pink onesie by the end of the week."

Todd smiled a little, despite himself. "Full disclosure, I guess."

Lisa nodded, then squeezed Todd's paw and withdrew her own, picking up a cup of tea in front of her and sipping. Todd's attention was distracted from Lisa by a problem which had been growing in the back of his mind, but which just now broke into his consciousness, exacerbated by the glass of soda he had chugged. He wished he had taken a leak before putting on the diaper. He squirmed a little in his chair and tried to cross his legs, but the thickness of the diaper made that uncomfortable. He uncrossed them and looked longingly at the bathroom door. He decided it would probably be bad form to take the diaper off, especially now that he knew his tenure here was partially affected by his "resistance to their lifestyle." He couldn't do THAT, though. Not with everyone here.

"Umm, excuse me. I think I... left something in my room." He stood quickly, glancing at the floor to avoid the puzzled looks of the others, and walked quickly through the door, waiting until he was out of sight to press his paw to the front of the diaper.

Back in the kitchen, Brutus said "He didn't bring anything here with him!" Lisa was pressing a paw to her muzzle, eyes wrinkling in a grin. Finally, she burst out laughing, burying her head under her arms on the table. Arvetis was next, and within seconds, all four of them were cackling.

Todd heard the laughter behind him in the hallway, and mentally berated himself. Left something in his room? Stupid! And now they were between him and the only bathroom he knew of in this place. He got as far as the door to his room, and realized he didn't really have any choice in the matter anymore. He ducked inside, closed the door, then squatted and began to wet himself.

As he felt the warm moisture spread across his crotch and bottom, a jolt of adrenaline ran up his spine. He half-expected to see the sleeper darken and begin to spill a puddle on the ground underneath him. As he continued relieving himself, and no trace of wetness showed on the outside, he relaxed a little, and closed his eyes. It was a long stream, and the diaper swelled as it absorbed his urine. He realized that he could probably stop now if he wanted to, but didn't see the point; he was just going to have to wet again later if he held it in, so he began to consciously squeeze it out. Part of him was rebelling at the sensation of intentionally pissing while fully clothed, but it was weak. At least nobody was around to see.

After a while, he finished and stood upright. The bulk of the diaper was now thicker and heavier between his legs, and he realized he was walking a little awkwardly as he stepped back through his bedroom door. It was warm, though, and the feeling wasn't entirely unpleasant on his crotch. He groaned a little as he realized he could smell it faintly, acrid, but with a sweet tinge caused, presumably, by deodorizers in the diaper. He waddled back to the kitchen and stepped in, not even realizing that his ears were folded back against his head, and his tail was pressed down firmly on his puffy bottom.

"Did you find it?" Lisa asked. He could tell she was trying desperately not to laugh. Arvetis was holding one paw up to his mouth. Todd glanced from one person to another, seeking sympathy while trying to look nonchalant, angry, and manly at the same time. The combined effect was rather like a confused puppy, and Lisa couldn't hold back an "Aww." Todd sighed and leaned on the table, covering his face with his paws.

"Look, I need to go get changed, ok? And I don't know where the diapers are." Arvetis chuckled.

"Be nice to the poor man," Geraden chided. "There's a package under your bed. Can you do it yourself, or would you like some assistance?"

Before Todd could stammer out a rejection to that proposal, Lisa took his paw and stood up. "I think we can take care of each other," she said. "I've needed a change all morning."

Todd blinked, arm hanging limp from Lisa's grasp for a moment, and then stood, feeling the weight of his diaper sag against the sleeper's groin. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Well, you can't really make fun of me this time, can you?" She slapped his bottom lightly, making a dull, wet thud. "Just a change, though, ok? No hanky-panky." Todd winced.

"Maybe this is something we should discuss when we're alone?" The others in the room were, to a man, grinning.

"Come on, then!" She walked out the door, pulling his arm. Todd gave the crowd a cheerful wave, then ducked past the door. Things weren't looking so bad now.