[Draconicon] Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 4: Assassin's Thoughts

He squeezed it again, feeling the slight raised marks of the brands on his scales. names. names of his family, fading over the years, burnt back into him so that they would never fade completely. he would never let them be forgotten.

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Clan Crisis pt 2

"a brand new member of our family. a fresh new person! i love it already."

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Introducing Espiona

I've heard every excuse from hist mutation to branded by sithis. if you want to take a stab at it, be my guest. i gave up trying to find an answer years ago. look, can we talk about something else?

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 1: Intro

But out of all the dragons in the valley, there was no stronger supporter of this feast than queen omelet of the omeletwings herself (this was a name which was received by all potential queens in order to keep up with the branding, the egg in it's finest form

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2 Of My Poems

Sadness overwhelms one's heart never to find that brand new start surrender to the consumption art stomach bloated they laze and fart look around and turn a blind eye pretending there's a clean blue sky all the while standing by all the while

A furry world - Part 10 New Beginnings

The ride wasn't too long a soon we stopped in front of a brand new building and the three of us got out and stood at the entrance. i looked up at the four story building and then to my family.

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Innocence of Youth

Not in the biblical sense but instead a sin against our own flesh, like a hot brand into our minds. we carry this mark long into the future, passing its burden from father to son and mother to daughter.

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Karmic Pursuit

A rather fancy one in fact, with a convenience store that looked brand new. the fuss seemed to capture the attention of everyone there, from employees to the few customers.

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Lazy Bastard (Kreet 27)

I need it now, before we face whatever is waiting for us with brand. kreet, take my hand. you can give me the power i need." "to do what, karl? what's so important?" karl looked back to the body of their dead master. "resurrection!?

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)

I put the handgun away and took out a brand new gun, a .338 lapua magnum. i back the car to the very beginning of the range. i tell the guys to wait here while i set up a target.

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The Anthro Girl: Chapter 3 - I Swear this is a Good Idea

After a few minutes spent trying to find the cheapest brand, we arrived at the check-out counter with a shopping cart full of eggs. the bagger looked at us with a faint aura of suspicion and proceeded to slide them across the scanner.

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 8

I've had school projects all last week, and my brand new laptop's fan craped out. needless to say, the comp overheated and the motherboard melted. hell, the thing almost went up in flames. so, i need a new one.

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