High School as a Satyr
It was rigt next to the new addition and it seemed that the halway wasn't actually being used this year. i opened the locker and began putting my stuff in it but before i could finish another girl came up to my locker and closed it in my face..
My Fursona
. - x" deciding that the bundle would be useful to him, he decided to call himself taurn, and took up the weapons. he than decided to flee down the mountains and arrive at the village of sh'shari to begin looking for a master, or whatever power he had.
Introduction to Manipulators: Linguistics and Phonetics
Used in tandem with parallel, echox can be used to generate a picture of what a person is saying.
S1 Ep 8 Artemis's backstory
His sore spots are his body image (at times) not being useful and hating when he can't help others in which sometimes when his depression flares up it can be 1 out of the three reasons, he also struggles with relationships with his very short love life not
StarFox Meta
The now visible red fox shouts down a hall "what do you think i can do about it all the spare light emitters are being used in your arwings g-diffuser fox!" shouts a high pitched voice back at the fox.
The Zootopian Experiment Chapter 12
We got into the police cruiser which, i assume we will be using. their, i introduced myself, "hello, i am officer hopps, and yes chief bogo, has assigned me to recruiting."
Flowers For Serath #3
being used to hot temperatures and the routines of farming serath decided to help this otter until he recovered from his ailment. he often did these random acts of kindness and generosity.
Trouble at the circus
Anything can be used to keep them at bay, until the reinforcement arrives; we must have courage'' she yelled at them, hitting the pirate in the groin with the bag, sending him on the ground, kneeling with pain.
Love for Sale: Chapter 4
The information he was about to have access to was being used in open- and ongoing case files for the precinct and several others with overlapping branch divisions.
Haunt Chapter 2: The Every Key
However, such a little key could also be used for a daring escape or rescue. "i can't believe it!" he said, "there is no way the general won't like this!" "isn't it grand?"
The Dimensional Traveler-Prologue
The r-word is going to be used and after that, i might not be in the right state of mind to tell you to do this. consider it the final favor i am asking of you.' 'alright,' a gravelly, old yet young, female voice echoed in his head.
New year, new life
Salts can be used as catalysts, but also 'pure' catalysts can be used, these are elements which can alter reaction speeds such as platinum and carbon."