Homicide Detective
Whatever else the borzhvolk was, he was also a good therapist. he had hit on exactly the right formula. "max," i said. "max is the evidence. the dog who came here for answers, the dog i've been while i've been here.
A Short Walk to the Past
"you'd make a great therapist." "no. it's just that that's what i would probably do, and i have a feeling we're a lot alike." "i'll take that as a compliment."
Grayson 2
They didn't need to know which side of the therapist's couch i'd been on. my most recent talk with robbie (i don't want to call it my "last," because i don't ever want there to be a "last") happened yesterday, about lunchtime.
Into The Abyss
Mandrake chastised her exasperatedly from his therapist's couch over his notepad before melting away along with his couch and notepad as boko desperately tried to catch them.
More than Kin, Less than Kind: Chapter Three
Their therapist had instructed. "get up, change your scenery, do something you enjoy." hence chara went to their quarters' minuscule bathroom, closing the door and leaving the light off. in the dark they stripped off their clothes.
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 15- Rampant Emotion
therapists and the like need to assist in dispelling these hindrances. religion was built from emotion. and religion is seen as a hindrance to most creatures that strive to build our future!
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 13- Winter's Gallows
I'm no psychologist, but this is something a couple of my past therapists told me so..." klaus' eyes widened as he took in a shuddering breath. "i-i see..." he looked away from lukan altogether and towards the horizon where the sun sets. "klaus?"
Just living Chapter 1
Taking a deep breath he began to wash himself step by step trying to allow routine to take over his thoughts, which for a moment it did, and at least he could revel in the fact that he hadn't given in to going to a therapist, although, was that a good thing
No Frills: Ijona Hykok
There are also drugs that can cause severe nausea or diarrhoea in draconids who have taken caffeine, and some therapists use this as part of their treatment, with draconid clients routinely injected before a session.
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 19
"there are therapists who specialize in helping victims. they exist because it's needed. at least think about it, for me?" charlie didn't respond right away.
Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 19
"there are therapists who specialize in helping victims. they exist because it's needed. at least think about it, for me?" chance looked downward. "am i weak?" he asked suddenly. zack blinked in surprise. "what?" "am i weak?" "no!
Richard and the Fae - Ch07 2021-08-12
They were eternal students themselves, cyrillion pursuing his seventh or eight degree and his wife her third master's, the tiny man working as a valued tutor while the valkyrie had a side business as a fitness instructor and physical therapist.