Blood on Ice - Chapter Eighteen
"i was curious about what it was doing with that bush so i went back to check on it," midnight continued his storytelling. "it happened to have a lot of fruit on these vines.
Secret Origin of "Captain Leo"
John said, "albert and i attended a storytelling in the lobby of the hotel, then later, we both had a dinner. afterwards, we both separated for a time. time to ourselves, of course. i think a local woman caught albert's eye.
Lumberjack (Chapter 1)
Lou was a good storyteller, but the last thing he wanted was for sam to find another reason to leave while morale was so low.
A Call from Thalia Balia, The Queen Oreamnos
No one knows why male horns are so ugly, so let's just pretend they have elegant female horns for the sake of storytelling. anyway, billi had a lot of mixed feelings after meeting up with the herd.
Collar 16 -- The End of Summer
No one went hungry on this day's watch, and a few of the vagabonds shared talents in lieu of money, as small groups huddled around guitarist folk-singers and storytellers, as well as an older cougar who had seen better days but who could still teach yowens
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 7 (MHO)
Once the storytelling was over and they'd taken the time to make sure they were as awake as they were going to be, they decided to pack up and head out.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters One Hundred Three and One Hundred Four
She was the first true consciousness built by a young god trying his hand at storytelling, for the very first time. mica took it harder than she expected.
Expiration Date, Part 4
Quincy squeezed the tears from his eyes and said, "by the power vested in me by the great storyteller, and by the power vested in the great truth that is love itself
Shattered Stone (Part 2)
Under its roof, so storytellers said, carlion drew his last mortal breath, and was restored to divine life by his mother.
Split Of Fate - II - The Dragon’s Funeral
I am not a writer, not a storyteller, but i am writing. i am writing to find my escape from the rush of thoughts. i am writing to understand myself.
It was the rest of the story -- much of which i had to deduce from fletcher's behavior, his appearance, and what clues i could get from his shattered storytelling -- that made me feel such revulsion.
Stellar Wayfarer: Five
Other than that, the rest of the science should be plausible enough to believe for the sake of storytelling. if this was the first one you read, was it enjoyable as it's own stand alone work? if not, have they been tieing together well?