Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale
spontaneously teleporting to a ship out in the middle of an ocean wasn't any more farfetched than turning into an otter kid. "well... sometimes you just have to be an otter kid and have a pirate adventure." aria took this quite well.
Uskara Tales I
But spontaneity is always good-good!" it didn't take long for xuri to lead his entourage back to the gates. already there was a collection of town guards waiting. the rodent approached with a spring in his step. "well those traders were right.
Wander over Yonder: The Frozen Princess
"you sure this thing won't spontaneously combust mid-flight." said sylvia, giving the spacecraft a once over. stross crossed his arms. "she might na' look like much, lassie, but she 'as got it where it counts." "yeah, whatever."
A happy new year
The two main characters belong to me and based on dramas and scenarios that go on in my head, so any continuations reply on inspiration and spontaneous creativity.
With Open Arms
Well, you need a bit more spontaneous passion in you." "do i?" her bobtail flicker-flicked, sticking out of the tail-gap built into the back of her chair. "you do.
Breaking Through
My smile was spontaneous. it was almost like talking with michael. i had no idea how she knew to treat me with such affectionate humor, but it worked just as well here as it did with him. if she was guessing about me, she showed good intuition.
Clarity - Chapter 17: Woven Together
Clover's been no less spontaneous and... a-and ravenous, ever since the day i moved in. it's been like when i did the same with penn, all over again, if a bit more carnal than it was with him.
Delicately Around the Room
And he, thin, hadn't the strength to carry her for long, but ... ... it was such a romantic notion, and such a silly, spontaneous thing, that neither of them cared. adelaide just tugged on his paw and backed into the wall.
Cooped Up
She turned and saw that another plate of waffles had spontaneously appeared. she shrugged and started picking at it, much slower than hannah did with hers.
Seasons in the Sun: Chapter 1 - Missed Opportunities
To a degree, his style made any syllabus an exercise in futility, but at this level, i found the spontaneity exciting. after all, i reasoned a proper scientist should be prepared to study and observe his chosen subject at any time, no?
It's Called Mini Golf
He had figured that calex's fey nature would take care of the shrinking, or a drone carrying of shrinking potions would accidentally lose its load, just happening to hit the foxyote and kitten, or that it just might happen spontaneously for seemingly no reason
You Can Watch Me Dance
When he turned his head though, instead of an unusually spontaneous skunk, it was red licking over his cocky grin. the canine locked his stare, an eyebrow arched daring him to tell him to stop.