Their First Time

But, in anticipation, we continue in the same way we did previously, only this time she starts screaming right from the get-go before we've even had a chance to speed up. "calm down, you!"

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Race to live prt.4

Now the angle was right, but the speed was too fast. my bumper started to scrape along the hard dirt wall. and soon enough it was trying to turn the rest of the car into the wall.

The One That Went Rogue

"at the speed i'm going, i'll fly off the tracks!" it was obvious that if he stayed in the train while it flew off, the explosion from the crash would _kill_ him.

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Let's play a guessing game + First story by Me!

Your rival who has always bested you at everything, every sample, every speed test, every defense of your home, has returned with a better sample, a better speed, a smarter defense. one so close to you, you are not sure how you could have missed it!

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character bios and an afterthought of haven

Keep, bartender, yes, his name is simply the short form of the alternate term known as a barkeep, but thats what he wanted to be called when he agreed to work for claire at the club, his speed is unmatched, and his bar is his alone, he never leaves the back

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Redemption

He stopped, and i picked up my speed, desperate to get to him. he slowly turned around, and as he did so, i made a jump for him, grabbing him tightly when i landed. i held him in a hug, my face resting on his shoulder. "tom...

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The Start of Something New - Chapter 2: The Train

Then the train went full speed into the hole. it was quite a steep drop down into the earth. vix grabbed my hand as the train gathered speed. i was surprised when she didn't let go immediately afterwards.

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The Adventures of Nall Wolf: Ch.4: The Test

Next up was speed. he looked down the road to see if anything was in his way, and then took a running stance. he pushed off, only to find himself soaring down the road, easily clearing 200 feet in a second.

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Character History - Ero The Undying

He also has a tendency towards leaving towns under the cover of darkness and at high-speed, a process that is often expedited by a baying mob of the pitchfork-and-torch variety or the local militia.

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Rising Anew -Chapter 10, part 1-

"we have to pick up the speed, we are almost to the glade." the old grey tiger urged. "we are moving pretty quickly, we cant go much faster in this snow and we havent stopped in two and a half days papaw."

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"The Ilot"

There was another release of steam and a powerful blast of the horn as the train began to accelerate to its cruising speed.

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He said and picked up some speed. virtus laughed. a challenge was just what he wanted. he also picked up speed, his paws pounding against the ground. the rest of the pack followed but couldn't keep up the same speed.

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