When the end comes a beginning starts (end to the end times part 1)
"i am shinji i am 18 and i'm a chief at a local restraint and nekki's mate" war had a small smile as the bird held the grey wolfs paw tightly, war had only got cooked for by the other riders, who had the cooking skills of dirt, which was only
Hunter's Snare - Chapter 5
Setting and inspiration belong to https://thedelversguide.com/ it had taken eoin neylan some attempts to jostle the restraints from his wrists before he realized that it wouldn't budge. knowing this, he tried to rise anyway.
Aleisha's Story - Chapter Two - Aftermath
With a sigh, the paramedic tightened the restraints, then placed another thick pad over the already blood soaked one on her severed throat and winced.
Happy Anniversary - Chapter 6.5
He fists were clenched now, her tears flowing without restraint. "just...please, let. me. help." she looked into his eyes now. "i'm your wife....why won't you t-trust me...?"
Suncrest - Chapter 12
restraint went out the window. he grabbed the bowl, scarfing it down in a mad frenzy. noodles and fish disappeared. he only stopped when his fork scraped the empty bottom. elly had a smirk plastered over her face. as did tea.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 6 - Getting A Little Too Loud
I struggled against my restraints but they were too tight to wriggle out of. after a while my wrists were chafed and sore, and i couldn't feel my toes. there was only one thing i could do.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 8: Fyrin the Expelled
Do you think it's wise to let the cub run amok and hurt other people, or would it be in his best interest for him to be here to learn restraint?"
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ reginald tapped his foot as the liquid was drained; the restraints were the only thing visible for a moment until they saw hands.
Indigo Nights- Chapter 1: Ink
Zephyr thinks, clicking his restraints in place as he glances out a small window to the dark bay below. "what even is ordinary, kyran?
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Five
Kulgan jerked in his restraints, but true to their purpose he couldn't move an inch.
Shadow and Troy Pt. 6: Broken Limits
Panic mixed with desperate hope as he felt the last little bit of his restraints weakening. it might give at any moment... "mmm...i bet you taste like a sweet, expensive wine..." johnny cooed and caressed shadows face.
Good Enough Chapter 16
An attendant came by to check the restraints and, satisfied smiled at them before pointing to thomas with a confused expression. "is he going to be okay? not going to panic, is he?"