Good Enough Chapter 16

Story by ragewolver on SoFurry

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#17 of Good Enough

I might want someone to sketch the major scene in this chapter. If you're interested, let me know and we'll discuss a commission.

Chapter Sixteen--The Amusement Park

"So," Marcus Blackwell said early Wednesday morning and Damien could already tell that he wasn't happy about something. He exchanged nervous looks with his brother and sister who looked back with the same uncomfortable expression. Anytime Marcus Blackwell started off any meal with that word, something was wrong. "What're your plans for the day?"

"Not much of anything," Ozzy said, scarfing down food as if he had never eaten before. "You are an amazing cook, Mrs. Blackwell."

"Thank you," Selene said happily.

Marcus cleared his throat noisily. "Let me rephrase the question; are you all planning on loafing around my house doing nothing again today?" The tension doubled and Damien felt as if he was staring down the barrel of a gun. The dining room suddenly felt twice as small, especially since they were all crowded uncomfortably around a table not meant for so many people. "Well?"

"We're on break," Nathan ventured nervously. "Not much to do but to be on break. You know, relax and--"

"Get out of my house and do something," Marcus ordered. "I don't care what it is but when I go to work today, all of you"--he pointed around the table with his fork--"better be on your way out or already gone and I don't want any of you here being lazy when I get back. You see that clock?" He pointed to the clock on the wall. Yes, they saw it. "Until that clock says nine pm, none of you are to be back here. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," the three Blackwell children said with bowed heads.

"So, what's the plan?" Marcus demanded.

There was a moment of silence as they all looked at each other, hoping somebody would think of an idea.

"Why not SkystormPark?" Selene asked calmly.

At once, Amy scoffed. "That's not cheap. Twenty bucks a ticket! Not to mention food, souvenirs, and--"

"She wouldn't suggest it if she wasn't offering," Damien noted.

"And souvenirs?" Nathan asked. "Don't you got enough shit already?" Amy tossed her sausage at Nathan, who caught it in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully with a smug smirk. "Thank you."

"Fuck you."

"Language, young lady," Marcus reprimanded.

Selene giggled. It was nice to have the family together. "I do have enough to buy your tickets, but your food and souvenirs need to come out of your own pockets. I know you each have something."

"Isn't that the place with the new inverted coaster?" Ozzy wondered.

Damien nodded eagerly, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Thomas's body tense. He nudged him discreetly beneath the table. Thomas looked down and gave a smile, forced and awkward.

You okay? Damien mouthed.

Thomas nodded. A clear lie, but Damien was caught off guard by Nathan's happy squeal and Ozzy's excited shout.

"SHUT UP!" Amy and Anna yelled.

"So, guys," Damien asked happily, stepping beyond the entrance into the SkystormAmusement Park. Without a doubt, being here made the uncomfortable two-hour drive worthwhile. Done in three cars (with a small stop to pick up Nathan's girlfriend, Sue), they had raced to see who would arrive first. Now that they were here, Damien's excitement couldn't truly be contained. It had been quite a long time since he had last been here and, undoubtedly, he longed for the thrill of the newer, more extreme rides. "What's the plan?"

"We're ditching you," Nathan said, arm around Sue.

And he led her off, leaving Damien feeling slightly put-out. "You two going too?" he asked Amy and Phil.

"Yeah. Figured we'd be splitting up anyway," Amy admitted. "Meet up for lunch around one o'clock?"

"Yeah, sounds good," Damien said with a smile. And they were gone too, off to shop for Amy's desired souvenirs.

"Well, guess it's just you two," Ozzy remarked, pushing Thomas forward. "Anna and I got a date!"

"Say what?" Anna said, catching his wrist before he wrapped his arm around her. "I don't think so, bunny-boy. You're not my type."

"Aw, come on! You love me."

"I don't. Matter of fact, you're kind of annoying," Anna said bluntly. "Funny, but annoying." She looked at Thomas and Damien. "Did you guys want to go off on your own?"

"I was kind of hoping we'd stay as a group," Damien admitted. "Riding rides and stuff's way more fun when you're with your friends." And there it was again, that discomfort, that fear, on Thomas's face, in his body language. "Or we can try out some of the carnival games. They've got stuff like ring toss and stuff. And an arcade... There's one around here somewhere I think."

"Let's go for the arcade," Thomas suggested.

"No, no, no, kitty," Ozzy said. "We're going big before we go home!"

"How big?" Thomas questioned fretfully.

Ozzy pointed. "That big."

They turned. It was the largest coaster in the park, painted bright green and gold. Damien's eyes lit with excitement. "Yeah! LET'S GO FOR THAT!"

"Can we start smaller?" Thomas murmured.

Damien scowled. "What's your deal? You don't have to go on, if you don't want to. We're not going to force you."

"Like hell we're not," Ozzy said. "You're not pussing out on this!"

"But I--"

"If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to," Anna interjected. "Look, let's find something small and easy to start with. I take it you've never been on a roller coaster before."

Thomas shook his head. "Yeah... Not too keen on heights and stuff."

"Well, then we can start small," Damien offered with what he hoped was an encouraging smile. "We're here all day. No need to rush."

Working up slowly left Damien impatient so that by the time they reached one of the "big boy" coasters, as Ozzy called them, he was almost shaking with anticipation. The wait in line only built the joy racing through his veins and was unable to stand still, much to Anna's annoyance. Thomas, however, seemed to be stiffened by his own fear so that, when they were ready to seat themselves, Thomas had stopped himself.

"You getting on?" asked one of the ride's attendants.


Damien, who was about to sit down beside Anna, paused. "Take my seat," he told Ozzy, approaching Thomas. He snapped in front of Thomas's face and Thomas jerked in surprise. "You want to do this? I mean, you can not get on, if you want to."

"N-no, I'll do it!" he declared and he jumped into the seat behind Anna. Damien frowned, but sat down beside him. He pulled down the harness and looked down.

"You might want to buckle up," Damien said.

"What?" Thomas asked.

Shaking his head, Damien reached over and buckled Thomas's belt before securing himself. An attendant came by to check the restraints and, satisfied smiled at them before pointing to Thomas with a confused expression. "Is he going to be okay? Not going to panic, is he?"

"No, I'll be fine," Thomas said, looking forward. He blinked once, twice, before the attendant moved forward to check on Anna's and Ozzy's restraints.

"You look like you're about to shit yourself," Damien noted.

"I'll live..." Thomas said and he suddenly sucked in air as the ride started to move. The incline, steep and high, left Thomas breathing heavily, looking around fearfully. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." He started to chant to himself.

"Tommy, it'll be okay," Damien said insistently. "Look, we're nearing the top and the top's always the highest." And this was the highest ride in the park, overlooking everything. Thomas looked around, his heart beating furiously in his chest and when they started to move downward, his paw reached to grab something... Damien's heart began to pound as well, but this had nothing to do with the ride...

"That was fucked up," Thomas said, getting off the ride, unconsciously pulled on Damien. "I so don't want to do that again!"

"Tommy..." Damien tried, but Thomas was ranting now.

"I mean, how the fuck thinks something like that is safe? We could've been thrown into space or--"


"--worse! Oh my God, I could've been killed. I just--"

"Aww! Look, they're holding paws!" Ozzy crooned when he saw them. Thomas froze and looked behind them. Ozzy and Anna were walking behind them, Ozzy smiling widely. Anna's smile was a little less enthusiastic as she was a bit more occupied with trying to comb out her now-messy hair.

"What?" Thomas questioned. He looked down and immediately released Damien's paw. "S-sorry... I don't know what happened."

"It's okay... You were scared and just looked for something to hold on to."

Damien could still feel that grip, the hold on his paw. He was already starting to miss it. They started to walk off, but Ozzy grabbed Damien's shoulder, pulling him back slightly. "Am I sensing the flames of a new love burning?" he whispered.

"I don't know," Damien whispered back. "I don't think so."

"Then is it just sexual tension?"

"Please don't say anything to him," Damien begged.

"I've kept your secret for this long, pooch. I won't tell him now."

It was shortly after lunch when Damien caught sight of it. He had stopped where he was when he saw it, looking up at the prize, hanging on a rack. He had stared for a long while to ensure he was really seeing it, but there was no mistaking that logo, or the face on the shirt... And those autographs... Were those autographs real?!

"Yo," Ozzy said. The others had stopped now, staring back at him. "What's your deal, pooch."

"That shirt!" Damien said, walking closer. Yes, on a high rack, there it was. He looked at the chubby hyena managing the booth--it was a high-striker game and a wolf had just failed to ring the bell with the hammer. Angered, the wolf tossed the hammer back to the smug-looking hyena, stomping off and murmuring about a "fixed game".

"Hey, you," the hyena said to Damien. "Want a go?" He held out the hammer. "Only a dollar per try."

"Can I just buy that shirt?" Damien asked hopefully. He pointed to it.

"Fan of Freelance?" he asked. "You know, that shirt's got a certificate of authenticity if you're interested. Doubt you'll find another since they broke up."

"Huge fan! They're one of my favorites!"

"Want a go?"

"Can I just buy it, please?"

"Kid, that shirt is worth hundreds, maybe thousands," the hyena remarked. "Can you cough up a couple hundred?"

"Can't you make an exception? Please?"

"I just turned down a blowjob for that shirt," the hyena answered. "So no. Either win it. Or you walk away."

Damien grumbled, fishing out his wallet, but Thomas caught his wrist. "Has anyone won this game yet?" Thomas demanded.

"Couple of folks," the hyena said. "Who's to say your little friend here won't win. It's simple. Hit the bit red button"--he pointed to the button at the base of the tower--"and get it to ring the bell for anything on the top shelf."

"How do we know you don't fix this game?" Thomas asked.

"Me? I'm just an honest hyena working an honest job for an honest living."

"Then why don't you step away from the game while he takes his swing?" Thomas asked.

At once, the hyena's smile faded. "You don't trust me?"

"I don't know you," Thomas replied. "And I've been tricked before. So, yeah, no, I don't."

"Okay. We'll do it your way. But still, that'll be a dollar for each swing."

Five swings later and the hyena was laughing his ass off. Damien had only managed to get the barbell halfway up the tower and his frustration with the game was clear. It didn't help that the hammer was so heavy that it was hard for him to left easily and, more than once, he'd missed the button he was aiming for. He was about to fish out another dollar from his wallet when he let out a heavy sigh.

"Forget it... It's not--What're you doing?"

Thomas had taken hold of the hammer. "I'm taking a shot at it. I don't like his laughing."

"Aww, what's wrong, puppy? Gotta get your boyfriend to win it for you?"

"So what if he does?" Thomas asked. "Bet your boyfriend couldn't make it work."

"Hey, now, fairy boy, watch yourself," the hyena snapped. "I ain't no fag."

Thomas handed him a dollar. "Just stand back and watch, dillweed. I'll show you what real strength."

Thomas lifted the hammer with ease and approached the button nonchalantly. With a calmness that was surprising Thomas took his swing. The bell was louder than Damien thought it was and he had to cover his ears to try to block out part of the sound... but he was happy to see that the hyena was no longer laughing, no longer amused.

"Now, what was that you were saying about a 'fairy boy'? I believe you owe me a shirt," Thomas said.

"Y-yeah..." the hyena remarked.

With the shirt in hand and the hyena silenced and humiliated, Damien couldn't hold his happiness. He slipped the shirt on over his head and over what he wore. It was a bit too big for him and the short sleeves reached just a bit past his elbow, but it was his! He had, without any forethought, jumped up to hug Thomas, his arms wrapped around Thomas's neck and kissed his cheek. It was only after it was done that he realized what had just occurred and he backed away. Thomas's eyes were wide in amazement, looking at him as he stumbled for words.

"Damien...?" Thomas grumbled. He reached forward.

And without thinking Damien turned away and started to walk briskly. He wasn't sure when he had started running, but when he came to a stop, he hurriedly searched for a place to sit. Finding an empty bench and he sat, breathing heavily and wiping a tear from his eye. He reached for his phone--Ozzy, Anna, and Thomas had all called him, but he ignored the voicemails, the texts. He scrolled through his contacts, looking for his sister.

He hadn't even had a chance to press "call" when he felt a heavy paw on his shoulder. He jumped and nearly dropped his phone. Catching it just in time, he looked to see Nathan and Sue, watching him carefully.

"What's up, dude?" Nathan questioned. "Why're you running like that?"

"I... I just..." Damien fumbled for words but found himself unable to form coherent sentences. "I think I just fucked up..."

"What'd you do?"

"I... I kissed..."

"You kissed someone? You getting back with that calico?" Nathan wondered. "Cause she is pretty."

"NATE!" Sue snarled.

"She is. She's pretty, you're beautiful," Nathan said.

Damien shook his head. "Not her... T-Thomas..." And he shuddered, fretfully.

"You kissed that panther?" Nathan said in amazement. "Holy fuck! I just lost twenty bucks."


"Yeah, Ozzy and I had a bet going. He said you two would end up together before the end of the week. I didn't think so."

"Nate, I'm freaking out! I don't know why I did it! I wasn't thinking! It just happened!"

"Alright, alright, dude, calm down," Nathan stated. "Look, I don't have any advice to give you other than to talk to him. But, judging by the fact that he's looking for you, you ran away."

"How'd you know he was..." Nathan was pointing and Damien saw. Thomas was pushing through the crowds, alone, clearly searching. At once, Damien jumped up and tried to dash away, but Nathan grabbed him, pulling him closer. When Thomas started nearing, Damien ducked behind his brother.

"Hey," Thomas said, breathless, as he approached Nathan. "I thought you were Damien. Do you know where he went?"

Nathan pulled on Damien's arm, pulling him forward.

"Fuck, dude, don't run off like that!" Thomas said. "You had us panicking!" He took a deep breath before putting his paw on Damien's shoulder. He looked up at Nathan and Sue. "You guys mind giving us a moment?"

"Not at all!" Nathan said happily, turning Sue around. "You kids have fun now." He walked off with her, leaving Damien alone with Thomas who was glaring down at him. Never before had Damien felt so small. Even his father's gaze didn't make him feel so... miniscule, so weak.

"We need to talk," Thomas said, his voice low and commanding. It was not a suggestion--it was more of a command.

"Okay..." Damien managed to say.