However, the last few nights it hadn't happen, and it made her sad as she let out a soft sigh. she speaks in a slightly high-pitched tone, "i'm waiting here to watch the stars like we always did before.
It had been a long night already. he had gone for a late night walk with julian cross-kiraly, the rookie saluki point guard for the hawaii kahunas, and someone that kevin considered a friend.
One of my poems
In english it sounds not rhyme, i wrote my poems in russian and its difficult translate them on english, because my english is bad, then, if i learn english more better, i can try write my poems and stories in english ^^ i am a wolf in a moonless autumn night
Introduction: How It All Began
He then lay down on his back, staring at the dark night sky. he stared to the sky for several minutes, looking in particular for a star that distinguished itself for being purple, just like him.
An Encounter with Vipertooth the Slayer
An Encounter with Vipertooth the Slayer By Foxpiper As I wondered through the woods of Mossflower, I heard the Joseph Bell toll the twelfth hour; The dark midnight sky was an ominous sight, But it was the creature I...
The Guardians of Equestria - Introduction
She was doing some of her nightly duties as "princess of the night"; when she got a message about a sudden disappearance of a statue.
Jayden, Chapter 3
Probably in three or four hours these halls are going to be packed with trainers bedding down for the night." aura nodded at the answer, knowing a little about what city night-life was like from the wonderful thing called the internet.
The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 03
Coleo comes down the stairs at a glacial pace, looking like an old man in an even older cartoon; night gown, hobbling in the dark, holding a pail with a candlestick on it sort of vibe. except it's just a onesie and a smartphone.
Workplace Romances
#3 of kevin and the night shift the third in the kevin and the night shift series! this is one relies on the first, fml, much more than proper planning does. i'm torn on this one.
MLP Nightmare in Fillydelphia
To even the bravest pony the night sky would have been a frightening and foreboding presence. "ohh, perfect!" moon glow clapped her hooves in delight. her image of the perfect night sky on nightmare night was nearly complete. "now for the wind."
In the Moonlit Mist
We held the tenderness between us for what felt like many nights blurred into one. when finally we separated, she stroked my mane affectionately, smiling.
A fur at Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (part 2)
That night i went to sleep and just flew trough "fun with balloon boy" in my _nightmare_ i walked into the kitchen and grabbed a tub of neapolitan ice cream and started shoveling it into my mouth.