It was malka.
malka was a muscular lion with a mane as black as night and matching tufts of fur on his ears and at the end of his tail.
Lion King, Puppythekat
- malka asked, great idea - having: kula. who will race? -said tama, simba and nala will race from the pond to the lion's mouth -
kula, ok! simba and nala said together.
Chumvi, Kula, Nala, OC, Simba, malka, tama, tojo
#9 of fba stories
original found here:
just a nice little scene between kevin malka and aditya angunn. these two have developed a close friendship over the very short few months that they have known each other.
Aditya, Anggun, Association, Basketball, FBA, Friendship, Furry basketball association, Kevin Malka, Pangolin, Voyageurs, Winnipeg, civet, friends, furry, kevin, malka
Kevin malka \* 3:57 am
sitting here and finishing packing for the combine. have to leave very soon to catch my plane.
it was true, but only just. he looked around the sparse hotel room, the walls an off-white with very little furnishing.
Basketball, FBA, Furry basketball association, Pangolin, Plane
"no worries at all, mr malka. glad you have told me this. otherwise, i wouldn't have know that this was a problem i had. thank you for telling me this.
Association, Basketball, FBA, Furry basketball association, Kevin Malka, agent, furry, kevin, malka
Yes, this is kevin malka. i hope you remember me. good, good. anyways, if you have time, i'd like to have a little talk."
Association, Basketball, FBA, Furry basketball association, Kevin Malka, Night, Pangolin, agent, contract, furry, kevin, malka