Chapter 1: Same Beating Time
Intensively, while he did the same to her but gave her neck a light kiss and a long lick up and down her throat, his muzzle wrinkled some allowing to see his white fangs, licking her neck again.
A Case Best Left Untouched Part 4
Sora licked the cut on sero's muzzle. sero flinch in pain and looked into sora's eyes. "i'm sorry sero, don't worry. i'll make all of you feel better in no time," he gently licked sero's cut.
Crazy Paranormal Chapter 7
He licked his lips and bent down and licked the top of my breasts. it felt so good that i didn't want him to stop. he licked down and down until he reached my nipple. an image of ren crossed my mind and that's what brought me back to the living. "no!"
JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 6 - Yin Yang
More soft licks followed under the dusty blankets of the dim cabin. soft fur against soft fur.
Chapter 2- A Lover’s Embrace
Crystalia can't help but tear up at her mate's words; she then yips happily and starts licking his face playfully, voicing her agreement through her actions. "h...hey, that tickles!"
Getting Ready for Church
A slight nod, and he licked at his other fore-arm, smoothing his honey-tan fur with his tongue, and then thoroughly licking his paw pads, and then putting both paws together ... and swiping back his whiskers. swipe, swipe. lick paws.
Chapter Ten - The First Step To Victory
I said as i licked her cheek, smiling. "mewww!" she giggled as i licked her. "that tickles!" "our tongues are rough like sandpaper... how does it tickle..." bolt mumbled under his breath.
Naive Curiosity
His entire body was in her throat now besides his feet, which the lucario kept licking and licking, as he kept being pushed down her throat.
Will The Gods Cast Him Down?
She wrapped her tail around him and stopped nibbling on his ears to lick his cheek a few times before she nuzzled his arm. she stopped hearing time hiss. "fine..." she muttered. her ears flattened back.
Duet, Duel, Dessert, Date, Dragons
Then she stuck out her tongue and licked at the scooped ice cream, right out from the bowl. atlas picked up a pair of spoons and offered another one to jarzyl, but she just grinned and kept licking at the ice cream directly.
The Capture
Called other wolfs they all looked crazed some were even shaking violently then they started pinning my body parts my legs so i couldn't kick and my paws so i couldnt scartch and one held my jaws shut i whimpered cause i knew what was gonna happen next he licked
Life From A New Perspective - Chapter Six - Law of Equivalent Exchange
I said, licking his muzzle and nuzzling him. he chuckled slightly and returned the lick. yep, everything was going to be all right as long as we were together.