Guide to the World of Alliera

The final core law is for disagreement by individuals, again, there are three ways to solve the disagreement, the first being discussion in the forums of the magistrate where the public votes and interacts with the two offended party's to solve the issue often

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Finding A Friend

"individual such as yourself. luckily i can make a bit of an adjustment so you can fit inside for the most part."

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The World of Actura (Worldbuilding)

Culture and technology advanced at a steady rate, but civilizations went little beyond individual tribes of less than a few hundred in number.

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Unlikely Alliance- Chapter 17

But while doing this the unknown individual watching us seems to have moved in closer to just within what i can pick up. i still can't conclusively say that something is there.

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Revealing Information

He wanted to stay with her, but he had been waiting to hear from this individual since he started playing the 'helpful' role of working with these shadow people.

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Treatise on Starwalkers

A starwalker's tail is long and feline, which the individual has full control over. a starwalker female possesses no obvious breasts, with them being hidden behind the thicker chest fur a female possesses.

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Of the Collective, Chapter 2

"standing orders are to not allow any disturbances to either individual during such times. previous data estimates that they will become available in approximately 50-70 minutes."

Legion of Sytarel - Epilogue

He had expected it to be a very primp and proper affair considering that he was joining some of the most influential individuals from olaraa.

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Caleb: Made Of Tears

A weather-beaten individual in a car that had seen much better days stopped to refuel at a gas station in a place called rondonia.

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The Great Adventure Book 1: To What End?

The great adventure chapter 1: the conflict some individuals can't be content with simple things. some can't ever be content with the grand scheme of life.

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Daemon - Chapter 21 (The Ritual)

"i am trying to track down a dangerous individual, one who may attempt to disrupt the ritual. i ask that you allow me to stay and offer what help i can." "a dangerous individual..." he scoffed."a curi'nakra no less."

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