The Great Adventure Book 1: To What End?

Story by Maximus The Lion on SoFurry

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The Great Adventure

Chapter 1: The Conflict

Some individuals can't be content with simple things. Some can't ever be content with the grand scheme of life. Many decide that what fate had set out for them was chaffing and stopped them from being what the want to be. Life still goes round, the endless circle that, at least for the near future, shouldn't ever end. Then they say that necessity is the mother of all creation. If this is true, then never should anyone fear anything, for individuals will always merge and create something to counter the threat. But what if that threat could also create; it could also learn and react to the threats sent against it. This dangerous circle could continue, never finding need to stop. One would counter the other. Yin and yang, the paradox. Only intelligent beings can create good or evil. Basic animals don't distinguish such things. Evolution sorted that one out, but lapsed when it created intelligent life. Or was it deliberate, that when a thing of such wonder as life was created there had to be something of equal importance that would wipe it out. Such philosophies could continue to endless extremes, intelligent life arguing till its blue in the face of the pro's and con's of such a subject. In the end however, it all comes down to the individual, the moment and the soul...

The door slid open with a subtle hiss; it's well lubricated hinges silent and secure. It was a simple door, one probably of many in this area alone, all made in mass. It had a simple purpose and was utterly dedicated to it. It didn't sway or stop performing this purpose, until it was broken or destroyed. It was a barrier to the outside or inside. It was utterly reliable. All these qualities were on a checklist of the designer, and he had to create and craft this simple door. These qualities however, thousands of light years away were being wrote down in another publication, at the same time in space, but also at the same time thousands of years in the past. It was called the manuscript of the Jilok, and it was to become not only a way of life, but also a law system, something to hold on to when all else had departed, when madness had descended and death In all its myriad of forms was knocking on the door and panic had started to set in...


The trenches were well drawn. They were some of the securest ever built by the engineers of the Draconic Reclamation Force, and every rank of this sub section, from low to high could be proud of there achievement. Planning was the key to their success and years of practice, design and specifications that had been adapted and buffed over from the many other conflicts they had partaken in. Precise and practical, to give maximum defence and offence and at the same time be liveable in and secure. With the front walls meters thick, they would stand the testament of both time and damage. Small construction had begun in many sites, the turtle trenches forming quickly overnight to stretch almost fifty meters forward, under cover and unnoticed by the enemy. As long as the weather stayed in favour of the DRF they would prevail. This world had to fall like so many. It was uncivilised by the standards of the Draconian Empire, but it had to be, for lack of a better word, subjugated in order for it to better serve the Empire. If they could bring civilisation to thousands of other worlds, then this should be no different. It was, all in all, for the greater good of the galaxy, so they can stand united against anything or everything...


"May I, most honourable gathered lords, be able to place my humble knowledge into your most intellectual midst?"

The gathered Generals and Admirals of the fleet raised the heads from around their large table and, with obvious disdain, sighed. Most just ignored the person who had just entered, but some just stared at him with obvious disdain.

"What is it Chancellor Haul?" replied a gruff and obviously tired voice from the end of the table. It was Admiral Cresol, the best liked and responsible, not to mention aged of the group. He had lost his right paw in a boarding action in some now forgotten battle when he was a just a junior officer, though his replacement mechanical paw was very useful he found for opening up the skulls of any enemy or annoying lower ranked pea brain officers.

"I would just like to inform you, my most esteemed lord, that the code of conduct and warfare, chapter 23 in paragraph 2 lists the exact parameters of warfare, that we, the Draconian Empire, must abide to lest we be lowered to the status of those we fight. We must therefore take into account the parameters and abide to them. Contrary to General Julio's beliefs that poisoning the water supply is an honourable tactic and, let's not mention the most esteemed Admiral Tulios most noble tactic of simply carpet bombing the area with high powered thermo nuclear devices, I being the most esteemed and senior of the Councils representatives have the honour of informing you that all the thirteen representatives of the council have read your report and have decided to enforce there will upon you all. They simply will not allow the destruction of the enemies army, as this a great resource to us, nor will they allow under any circumstance the enemies civilians to be engaged by any means. Diplomacy, it seems is to be the winner in this argument gentleman and ladies, and I have been chosen as the diplomat"

The Generals and Admirals of the Army and Navy stood up form the table, shocked and angry, all twelve visibly growling at the idiot who stood before them, reviling in his own ego. The light was dull and its main source was from the hologram map that was being constantly updated from advisors from the planet below. It was no more than twenty seconds after the shocking statement to the assembled that a small, insignificant red dot appeared on the map, right in the middle of the trench line programmed into the 3D map. It might have gone unnoticed had it not been for the razor sharp eyes of Admiral Cresol.

He smiled and ushered to the two Military Police by the door.

"Remove this fool from our presence, will you, and take him to his quarters where he is to remain, until further orders"

The two foxes smiled, saluted and grabbed the chancellor by the arms roughly before dragging him roughly to the door.

"You cannot do this you inbred! I am in control here! I will have your rank for this" shouted Haul, his tail dragging behind him.

"On the contrary, my Lord Haul, we have just been attacked, and that is a complete override of your orders via Code of War passage twelve chapters ten. I am now in control here again until the world is civilised"

Haul screamed and shouted as he was dragged away.

The assembled Ranks smiled and seated down again, and Cresol poured himself a glass of fine red wine from the pitcher in front, before speaking to the commander behind him.

"Commander, alert all captains of all ships to go to red alert, full battle stations. Scramble one and two fighter wing to intercept at low level engaging enemy forces on planet side surface. All weapons are authorised by my authority. All forces to engage maximum force. Scramble Sudden Response Force One from this ship to act as relief force and reserves planet side. Intelligence is to be alerted to double efforts and not to let us down again. Oh, and torpedo strike the entire surrounding area of the battle field. Start three clicks off target and walk to effect. Order some coffee and patch me through to General Maximus planet side, tell him help is on its way ETA ten minutes".

Things just got interesting again...


"Alpha one, you are clear to engage, begin attack run on coordinates zero two three zero zero one, over"

The static over the intercom was deafening as the radio observer pressed it tightly to his ear, waiting for any sign of understanding from the attack aircraft lining up at the ceiling of the atmosphere.

With a sudden high pitched squeal three attack aircraft swooped low, stream lines flowing from their wings as they attempted to beat the excessive g-forces from re-entry. There many ramjets thudded in unison as they tried to keep the aircraft level while providing enough power to stop the engines stalling. The flames coming from the plasma engines were visible even over the trenches and foul smelling smog that lingered day and night.

At such a low level, they couldn't miss there target, and suddenly, as if in slow motion, a few dull thuds could be heard, and shortly after the screams of those who had been struck by the deadly plasma flames started to die down.

The observer, Corporal Harding, was furious.

"Tango three to alpha one, why did you not answer fire support calls. That is a breach of protocol, and it can be serious, damn you, over"

Once again, static was all he heard, except for what he thought might have been laughter on the other end.

"Bloody fly boys" he said out loud, almost to himself.

He then felt a large paw on the back of his shoulder and General Maximus lowered himself to kneel next him, a serious look on his stern face.

"What seems to be the problem, corporal?"

"Sir, they pilots are doing it again, there not working together with us and only through teamwork and procedure will we prevail"

"That is true, but also individuals must perform above and beyond the call of duty in order to be perfect warriors in the course of the Draconic Empire, corporal. Later we will charge them for there lack of discipline but at the moment I am happy with their accuracy in the heat of battle."

The corporal nodded.

"Now then to the task a hand" smiled Maximus. His armour was already around him and he tensed his body every second or so to keep blood and adrenaline pumping through him.

He looked over the trench wall and his armour took a quick scan of the area. There were far too many enemies to hold against.

"Corporal, request immediate reinforcements"

The young Squirrel nodded and started frantically speaking into the handset.

Maximus strode from his command bunker and immediately was followed by his honour guard, five fellow lions and friends all in the armour, weapons loaded and ready.

He looked over the troops holding the trenches from the enemy assault. Everyone was at the battle line, firing into the on running horde. The noise was unbearable and the screams of the dying and wounded very loud and unpleasant to those unused to it. Very few of his men, all five hundred of the Draconic Army that was with him had been hurt but it was a matter of time before the enemy were able to climb the trench walls and attack with superior numbers.

He roared loud and clear, only to be replied by the roars of his pride with him and the other races warriors present. He didn't even need to tell them what to do. Fixing bayonets and pulling out assault weapons, they readied themselves. Adrenaline was high and tangible. To the constant thud of there heavy weapons and explosives he smiled.

"I refuse to die, and I would not ask you to die for me!" he shouted.

"So brothers and sisters, follow me and take the fight to the enemy, and let our end be glorious!"


There were two ships stationed in orbit around the planet that were not cloaked. One was a large military transport vessel, much like a carrier. It was mush bigger than the other, more impressive and sleeker looking vessel that was stationed there to protect it. If you were a technician, you would probably be able to tell that the smaller of the two ships was indeed made from radically different material than the larger ship. It also looked a lot more atheistically advanced. All in all, it was a ship that looked and functioned just like a female. If you were to get into the files of the planet that had crafted such a ship, you would find the names signed by all of the architects. It would not be alarming to find that all but two were female. It is a general belief that the two male architects were either overpowered by the females so they could not influence the design, or they were homosexual. It was because of this, that it would be fair to say that only a female would know how to command this ship effectively...

The captain of the mark four type twenty two battle cruiser that was in orbit around the planet was sitting snugly in her large, leather chair. In one paw, she was holding a data slab, going through the general inventory and mechanical reports. In the other paw, there was a large mug of coffee, sweetened with just one sugar.

She sat there, happy in her own little world for a small time, when inevitably, her first officer decided to say something from his chair behind her.

"Captain, I think you should take a look at this"

Ayesha rolled her eyes and sighed.

"What is it Ramirez?"

The fox behind her patched through his findings to her data slab. Just orders from high command she sighed. Something about going to full alert. She had better give the order.

"Captain, we have incoming. Sensors pick up three incoming ships from planet side" shouted the ensign.

Ayesha stood up on deck glared at the little dots on screen over the ensigns back.

She patched her way to the main intercom.

"All hands, battle stations, Red alert"

A scurry of activity could be heard from around her.

"Raise shields to full power. Engage forward drives. Arm weapon systems."

There were replies from the ensigns around her on bridge as they had completed her requests.

"This is Captain Ayesha to Captain De'lar, our sensors are picking up incoming ships, vectored towards us. Suggest full alert"

"Acknowledged Captain, what do you suggest as good course of action?"

Ayesha pondered.

"We shall buy you time to prepare"

There was static over the intercom for a few moments as the message was relayed.

"Understood, good hunting, De'lar out"

The intercom link was severed.


With a rush and a jump Maximus threw himself over the trench wall, and didn't even have to look back at his force, which followed oblivious to the consequences and outnumbered by the enemy, his words hitting there souls and there honour, there lust renewed to fight for glory.

Maximus hacked left and right, clearing the surrounding area of the enemy. You had to ignore the fact that what you killed was flesh and blood, that they had families and friends. Only concentrate on the task at hand, calm and unbending. His armour was smeared red from the blood of his enemies, and it dripped around his feet creating a puddle and turning the floor red with gore. Another attacker reached him, his gun raised and charging in a classic bayonet stance. Maximus waited for him to get close before moving quickly to the left, grabbing the victim's hair and then bringing his axe round in a swift movement. The body of the wolf was still twitching as Maximus threw the soldiers head to the ground.

The battle was going bad. They had been forced to perform a break out, to take the fight to the enemy and they had almost succeeded in breaking clear, but less and less of the squad sergeants were reporting in from the fighting pockets.

They were losing.

There was only one thing left.

He patched his intercom through to the nearest bomber squadron.

"This is General Maximus, go Broken Arrow, I repeat, Broken Arrow"


"Commander, why is there a ship leaving our very well thought out and well placed blockades and heading for low orbit around the planet we are currently trying to bombard?"

The commander sitting behind the large desk which held all the admirals and generals spoke to an orderly that was beside him. After a half minute or so he spoke out.

"Sirs, it is the cruiser commanded by Captain Ayesha. She wishes to apologise for the movement, but there seems to be incoming ships from the planet. She is taking action to rectify the situation"

Cresol nodded.

"Good, does she require assistance?"

The commander turned away again and then replied after about ten seconds, slightly blustered.

"Err, no sir, she seems definite about that point. She knows some choice words sir"

"Very well, alert the cruiser next in line to assist in action, no point in taking chances"

"Sir, she didn't need any help" replied the commander.

"I don't repeat orders, commander"

"Very good sir" came the slightly hurt voice.


Flight Commander Froja looked at the scene below his aircraft. He was no more than three thousand feet into the air and below him another five fighter wings were veering in on the target. He had trained for this moment, but when it really happens, training goes out the window. Once Broken Arrow had been called, hell wouldn't be as hot as the area that all several thousand aircraft were now waiting to attack... he gulped. Whoever is down there now better pray and run very fast...


Maximus looked around and took a quick analysis of the battlefield. He couldn't see much of his people still remaining, and the sounds of the aircraft lining up to blow the hell out his immediate area from his orders was deafening. Sprinting, followed by his guard, he lept into the enemies trenches. Dead and dying, of both sides were littering the floor. As he landed heavily on a wounded enemy's chest, he turned, snorting and lifted up his pistol. Empting the magazine into a stunned enemy next to him, he turned and lifted his axe to slay yet another, but stopped. Cowering before him was a female lioness, young and inexperienced, with officer rankings on her arms. She looked up at him with pitying eyes. She was not of his clan, nor had he ever seen her. Without a thought he clubbed on the back of her head with his axe and picked her up over his shoulder.

"I made a promise that no lion would ever die by my hand I war" he scowled to his honour guard.

Patching his com link through to Draconic Navy Carrier in orbit, he shook his head. He really thought he could have won this one.

"General Maximus to teleport room. Immediate evacuation of all troops, do it now"

The enemy looked on as the mysterious troops of the Draconic Empire disappeared in halos of blue light, shortly before they were utterly consumed by repeated carpet bombing from the fighter aircraft above flying from the heavens like avenging angles, thermo nuclear devices scouring the land clean...


Maximus placed the stricken lioness onto the stretcher and watched as they wheeled her away under armed guard to the closest medical bay. Almost as one his honour guard behind him removed their helmets, the servos holding them to there elaborate body armour giving a barely audible whiz as they unlocked. Maximus turned round when a solid paw was placed on his shoulder.

"You didn't need to explain saving that lioness, Maximus; I would have done the same if had I found her."

Rhine looked haggard; gore was slick down his armour, his paws drenched with free flowing blood and day old dirt. He was obviously succumbing to fatigue, but his face was resolute and he stood firm as always.

Maximus snorted as he looked over his guard. There were five of them, his friends, his comrades, his closest tribe's alpha males. Rhine, his personal guardian, his blood brother by right, his confidant and also his sister's mate. His arm was always steady and he didn't falter. The next was Kilam. He was older than them all and had been the personal guardian of Maximus father. He was wise and rarely surprised. Tonba was one of Maximus friend and he had grown up with him, and he was also one of the best archers Maximus had ever seen, but unfortunately in this day and age, the arrow was at most a last resort. Tanube was the most level headed of them all. If a situation seemed hopeless, Tanube would see the silver lining. Optimist was a word that was too subtle to be used as a description for his character. Finally there was Tafare, Maximus had adopted him into his own personal pride and clan after Tafare had left his family and joined the clan. He was not pure blood, but as his new blood name stated in its meaning, he was to bring hope and open the genetic pool. None the less he was a powerful warrior, not yet in his prime... Things were looking good for the young lion.

"My lord" Tafare growled as he threw his helmet onto the floor, narrowly missing one the troops that had teleported in with them.

"We were outnumbered, Tafare, stand down" Rhine didn't even budge from his spot, but his personality and temper were thick in the air.

"My lord Maximus, I wish for permission to hunt down the bastard who didn't send us reinforcements. We had strived much and gained little, we could have won..."

Maximus smiled but didn't turn, simply looking out of the huge view port, down at the planet below. The explosions of the nuclear weapons on the southern hemisphere were just visible though the troposphere. This young lion was shaping up to fill some powerful roles later in his life.

"Tell me, Tafare, when we teleported out what did you see?"

Tafare looked shocked to his reply, and bowed his head down, thinking.

"I was blind to the outside, my lord, I do not know, I live only for the moment"

"That is an honest answer, Tafare, so I shall tell you what I saw. Over the horizon I saw nearly three full regiments of the enemy, complete with armour support. I think it was a wise decision to leave"

Tafare snorted.

"But my lord, it would have been a good fight and a good death"

Maximus growled low, his anger pushed.

"Are you threatening me, young one? Are you saying that I am unfit to lead? To make these decisions? I wish nothing more than to die a good death at the hands of the enemy, but I must consider our other army members who do not hold our more dedicated viewpoint. Leave me Tafare, or raise your weapon and challenge me"

Tafare was visibly shaken.

"Of course, my lord, many pardons, I do not wish to challenge you"

Tanube walked, or more like cowered off somewhere.

The other guardians looked at Maximus. Most of them were stony faced and uninterested. However, Tanube had something to say.

"Lord Maximus, I think the young one said something right there. It does seem to be a theme for the last few battles that we are being under equipped for the task at hand. Maybe an investigation is in order?"

Not today, Maximus thought. Its just gets worse. He was dirty; he was tired, though he would never admit it. He was hungry, and he was very angry. His nerves were on edge.

Damn it he hated when other people were right...

"Tanube, shut up" He said, a hint of laughter in his voice.

The other guardians laughed, except Kilam. He was looking out of the large view port at the planet below, his arms crossed classically, pondering.

"Lord Maximus?" he said, as if in a dream like state.

Maximus turned round and walked to him.

"What is it Kilam, no more bad news I hope, I don't have to shout at you too, do I?"

More laughter followed by the other guardians.

"You could try, young Maximus, but I seem to have gone deaf in my old age, probably because your father could shout a lot louder than you ever will!"

They all smiled.

"And now to the point then, before you interrupt young Maximus. We were fighting in the south half of the world, somewhere there I think. Why in sai' hallas name are the blasts now in the north?

Maximus looked out of the view port.

He was right.

Medics and other off duty personnel were now filtering in to the large hanger used as the emergency teleport room, taking up the wounded and helping others, and filtering through the dead.

Maximus slammed his large paw into one of the intercom units on the bulkhead.

"Patch me through to the Admiral, Now!"

It was only then that Maximus realised he was hearing the full red alert sirens in the background noise, over the sound of the wounded and the dying.


The Colonel, as he was called by all his troops, was sitting behind his large, oak desk. I was a reminder of his home world, while he sat here, almost dreaming of retirement. He caressed its top, gently moving any object on top of it away. He was smiling to himself, content to just wait for two more years to go bye while he sat here. He was a panther, with a battered body, which had seen many fights. He was losing sight in his left eye from a old wound, and his right arm never felt as good as it used too. The medical staff had said that he would need expensive surgery to fix it and be as good as new. The colonel had laughed. What was the point, he replied, he probably would be dead by then. That was ten bloody, hellish years ago, and still, he was here. Damn them bastard medical staff now. They got the last laugh in the end.

He was called Arrow by the troops, informally. No one had ever explained why to him, but he had heard from a conversation that it was because he always flew true. He had guessed, after a while, it was because he never wavered from an order and was completely straight, totally incorruptible. Damn idiots. Three or four years ago he would have believed them. Hell, he was. But now, with retirement on its way and a comparably crap pay off following, he wasn't too sure.

But then again, he hadn't got any kids that he knew about but he sure as hell had tried, he smiled to himself, remembering the long lost nights of comfort and perfume. And sometimes, the cost. That stung.

Sitting on the desk in front of him as a small box. Well made and lacquered, it was a beautiful item. Inside the box was a small purple velvet cushion, on which sat 8 medals, for different causes. They had meant a lot to "The Arrow", but now, they were meaningless. They just were a parody of the causes he had fought for. And what were they?

Orders that was all. Never anything else.

His cause was lost, gone now or, he thought, it never existed.

What an idiot. All his life he had worked, sweated, felt pain and bled. For a measly pay off. He was half tempted to sign his will now and send all his credits to a far off place that he had never heard off.

He sighed and picked up the service pistol and levelled it to his head, just as the red alert siren squealed into life...