Finding A Friend
#2 of D.E.B.O.R.A.H.
(The following is a work of fiction loosely based on certain ideas. D.E.B.O.R.A.H./Deborah is a fictional character with no basis on any actual fur or human living or dead. This story includes violence and an attempted mugging.)
A large semi truck pulled into the city limits, the driver unaware of an extra passenger on board. Of course it was not like she was somewhere that could easily be seen. Up on top of the trailer the large feminine figure laid on her stomach, her hands doing their best to keep a tight grip on the edge to hold her in place. The long cow-like tail rested between her legs which were slightly spread out to help keep her in place.
D.E.B.O.R.A.H. lifted her head as she felt the truck slow to a stop. A thrill of excitement went through her form as she saw other cars around them as they stopped in front of a traffic light. She was seeing a real traffic light, her first real traffic light in town. Her first town. Town, city, or whatever it was, it was the first she had seen and she had reached it.
The wool covered cow-like female moved to sit up on the edge of the trailer, legs over the edge. She looked down at the curb then up at the grass covered ground where there was no sidewalk. The hybrid pushed off as best she could, aiming to land on her hooves. She managed to, but the ground was softer then she anticipated. The dirt gave out from under her weight, causing her to sink into it to her ankles.
The momentum of the jump combined with the fact her front was heavier then her backside caused her to nearly fall over. The sinking into the dirt and trying to fall backwards kept her from actually falling, but caused one of her ankles to get twisted, making her cry out in pain.
D.E.B.O.R.A.H. leaned down slightly, bracing herself. She looked down as she tugged her leg up some. A small sigh of relief came out as her uninjured leg pulled free, dirty but otherwise fine. Her balance shifted as she adjusted herself, starting to pull her slightly injured leg free. Her jaw clenched as she kept from crying out again as she got loose. It hurt to put the weight down on it, sending pain through her calf muscle and even into her thigh some.
The hybrid fur bit on her lip as she moved, starting to limp along as she tried to get away from the street. The others at the underground complex that she had escaped from would have noticed she was gone pretty quickly. Someone would come looking for her, and a female who looks like a cow covered in wool running around naked would definitely be something that would be noticeable and hard to forget. She limped as fast as she could, heading toward some buildings she could hide near for a while. Until she could figure out what to do next anyways.
The thick wool pressed against the side of a wall at the back of the store. All the weight rested on one leg to keep off of the tender ankle. The chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. Every time she took a deep breath, she felt a slightly odd but familiar tingle coming from her chest. She also heard a small gurgling sound coming from her stomach.
D.E.B.O.R.A.H went through her typical day mentally. She had already missed when she would normally have breakfast. That should mean she was still a few hours off from being milked since that happened after lunch. She normally did not run and jump like she has been. Having her chest pressed against the metal of the trailer roof then bouncing around like that probably has her feeling more sensitive.
She reached up to stroke at one of her breasts, then stopped, glancing around more. She pushed off the wall slightly but kept her arm up, using it for extra support to keep her weight off the sore ankle. She felt the coarse texture through her wool and against the pads of her palm. It felt different from the cinderblock walls of the facility she had been in. She was kind of aware of what she needed to do now. First, she had to get some clothes, walking around naked would draw attention to her even more. Second she had to figure out a way to get money so she could buy some food.
The large ears shifted as she started to catch the sound of something she had never heard before. She stopped at the edge of the building and moved closer to press against the wall. Her weight shifted as she bent her knees and started to lean. Slowly, carefully she brought her head to look around the corner to see what was going on.
Around the corner stood two figures, both looking to be some sort of canine. One had a bandana around his head, wearing an oversized shirt and pants that look like they would fit better on the hidden spectator then his own body. The other was pinned to the wall be a forearm, blood leaking from a set of scratches on his cheek. His head was uncovered and the clothes seemed to fit better.
"I said give me your wallet," the bandana one growled out as he continued to hold the other against the wall, His arm pushed up, pressing against the throat of the other and cutting off some of the air. He grinned as the male that was being held in place tried to speak, making a strangled croaking noise. The punk dog finally eased off enough to let him talk.
"And I told you," the captive male was finally able to respond hoarsely, "I don't have any cash on me right now." He grinned as best he could, "But if you would like to set up an appointment to try and mug me another day-" The rest of his statement was cut off as a fist slammed into his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs and causing him to cough.
"You think you're funny asshole?" the punk growled out as he pulled the fist back, "Well let's see how funny you think you are without any teeth in that dumb ass mouth of yours." He swung again, striking the stomach once more. The canine pulled back to let the other fall to his knees. The paw struck out, clawing across the other cheek to scratch bloody furrows into the furred covered flesh.
After the first punch, D.E.B.O.R.A.H. decided that she should do something about this. She moved forward, stepping around the corner and moving behind the more aggressive male. She shuddered as saw the slash with the claws. When the paw pulled back to swing again, she suddenly reached out. Her large hand grabbed around the wrist and tugged, pulling the canine up and causing a yelp of surprise and some pain as the arm was tugged almost from the socket.
The would be mugger was pulled up to eye level with the ten foot tall female, his feet dangling uselessly in the air underneath him. His eyes widened and ears pulled back as he was finally on the other side of such things. His tail tucked between his legs as he kicked slightly, hitting nothing but air.
The large bovine nostrils twitched slightly a moment, then opened wide as a blast of hot air came out into the canine face as a loud snort. The large hoof like hand let go of the wrist, dropping the smaller form onto the ground to land on his butt.
The canine that had been pinned was able to regain himself some, standing up straighter but still holding his stomach. He froze in surprise, looking at the very large wool covered cow-like female standing before him. He then looked at the would be mugger who was also getting himself back in control and standing back up.
"Who the fuck do you think you are fucking fucker?" the punk male growled out, "Like, fucking Wonder Woman or The fucking Huntress or some fucking thing? I'll show you what the fuck happens when you fuck with me fucker." He through a punch, throwing like he would for a head but going for the stomach since it was what he could hit.
The impact did little damage. D.E.B.O.R.A.H. did have some fat on her body which gave her a soft edge to let her have a curvaceous full bodied look. Underneath it though was a thick layer of hard well toned muscle. The abdominal muscles tensed under the impact and started to ache, but the punch was not strong enough to make her do more then twitch.
A look of shock kind of passed across face of the would be mugger as she looked up at the larger female before him. A grin spread over the lips, showing the large white teeth to the small form before her. One hand moved to swing, the palm striking the shoulder to jar the male and knock him over onto his side to the ground once more.
A noise escaped the male as he fell to the ground, landing on one of his elbows and almost hitting his head against the asphalt. He coughed some as he looked up at the large woman before him. He finally moved to his stomach and pushed out, running away.
"This isn't over bitch!" he shouted as he ran, "You haven't seen the last of me." He continued to run, slamming into a couple of trash cans and nearly falling back down. He picked himself up as fast as he could as he continued run, soon getting out of sight.
D.E.B.O.R.A.H. grinned to herself as she watched the petty thug run away, the long tail flicking happily. The grin slowly turned to a smile then faded from her face as she turned to look at the other male curiously.
He stood where he had been pinned, getting his breathing back in order. One paw kept to the stomach, rubbing the aching spot gently. He gave the large wool-covered cow like female a small smile then started to move, walking toward his car.
"Are you alright?" she finally asked, her voice deep but clearly feminine.
"Yeah," the male canine coughed out, "Yeah I'm find. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it. Sure my dentist will too since it means he won't have to put all my teeth back in." He walked past her and back to a car, stopping at the trunk to unlock it. He suddenly stopped, looking at her. His body shifted as he studied her ten foot frame curiously, looking at the top of her head, down across her chest, over the stomach and udders, then down her legs to her hoofed feet.
"Uhm...why are you naked?" He finally asked, his eye brow raising as his ears perked with interest.
D.E.B.O.R.A.H. looked down at herself, remembering the fact she was not wearing any clothes. Her feet shifted as she felt her face start to heat up. Her mind made a note of surprise at this as she realized she was experiencing something new. She was blushing. The hybrid female was blushing heavily with embarrassment at being naked before the male. This was something she had never done before. No one she had been around seem to even think of her as a living individual, much less that of a naked female.
"Um...I kind of just got here," she mumbled out, keeping her weight on her good ankle as she looked at her feet, "I didn't have much where I come from and that kind of included clothes." She felt the heat start to leave her face as she began to calm down. Slowly her large brown eyes moved to look up at the male before her.
The male seemed to look at her curiously for a moment more then turned back to the trunk of the car. He pulled out a large box, shifting to improve his balance as he started to carry it. The canine moved pass her once more as he took the package toward an open doorway.
The large female watched a moment then limped over to the car to look in the trunk. There was another box still inside. Deciding to try and be helpful she reached down and picked it up, carrying toward the door like he did. She was hobbling up the steps just as he was coming back out.
"Are you okay miss?" he asked as he saw her limping up with the box.
"I don't know," she responded, "I kind of did something to my ankle or such. Not sure how bad it is. I just know that it happens to hurt whenever I put my weight on it." She stopped at the doorway, looking in at where she was bringing the box. She stared at the various items that was what turned out to be a thrift store. She took a small step back, caught off guard.
The canine took the box from her, moving around the large feminine form and accidentally running his front against her side some as he moved in. He brought the box up to the counter with the cash register and set it down. He gave a small smile before turning back and heading toward the door again.
"So do you make donations to place like this often?" She asked as he went by, turning to follow him back to the car.
"No," he replied, glancing back quickly, "I was just dropping some stuff off for a friend. He had done some work to get a collection for donation, but ended up asking me to bring it down for him. Fellow ended up getting him a bad case of venereal flu." He shut the trunk then turned to her. "Look, you helped me out a lot and I appreciate it. If you need a ride to the hospital o-"
"NO!" She shouted, eyes wide in terror. "NO! NO! NO! No hospitals. Not here. Not now. Please no." She wrapped her arms around her chest, hugging herself as she started to breathe heavily. Her head turned, looking around her as quickly as she could. She knew she was not happy being at the facility, but she had no idea that being there had terrified her this much.
"Okay," he said calmly with his arms raised, "Okay, no hospital then." He took a deep breath and let it out. "How about I take you to my place? I can check your ankle for you and try to find something that can at least cover you up until you can get some proper clothes that will fit."
D.E.B.O.R.A.H. studied him a moment as she started to relax. Her hands slid along her arms as she felt calmer and started to let herself go. She finally started to nod and head toward the car.
"Yes," she mumbled, "Yes I think that will be fine. Thank you." She walked over to the passenger door, looking down at it. "It appears I will not fit inside your car however."
"Well I wasn't expecting to have to give a ride to a very large..." he hesitated a moment to think of the word to use. Cow? Sheep? Naked female? "individual such as yourself. Luckily I can make a bit of an adjustment so you can fit inside for the most part." With that he moved in to adjust the seat, moving it all the way forward then pushed the back rest to lay flat and pressing flush against the back seat.
The sheep cow-like hybrid took a hold of the door handle and pulled it open. She crouched down, moving to start to crawl in. One of the ears flicked as she was forced to lay on her side, head and stomach in with her legs partially curled up beneath her. She gripped her tail and pulled it in then slammed the door shut. She sighed as she laid there, looking out the back window.
"I'm called Desert," the male said as he climbed and started to buckle up.
"Uhm," she hummed slightly as she thought a moment. "Everyone whoever talked to or at me called me D.E.B.O.R.A.H." she finally said.
"Well then it's nice to meet you Deborah," the canine said with a smile as he started up the engine. He put it in drive and started along
Deborah smiled back before laying down again. She got as comfortable as she could, looking out the window as best she could while laying out of sight from the outside. This was a good start. She was hidden and was making a friend, or at least she hoped she was. Her stomach suddenly gurgled out loudly in hunger. She moved again, feeling a small bit of an ache in her breasts and udders.
The car pulled out of the alley, turning back onto the road passing by and heading along back toward the male canine's home. As it went, it passed a white van with a jackal behind the wheel. A fox sat in the passenger side, looking out the window and onto the passing individuals around them.
"This is stupid," the orderly growled, "I shouldn't be out here. I'm not a part of any of the security force or such. I just do the minor things around the complex. Besides it's not like we can drive around and just find her. I mean I sincerely doubt she would be stupid enough to come to a town. Even if she did, she would have to know to keep off the streets seeing as she's a ten foot tall woman that looks like a cow with wool."
"Shut UP!" the jackal growled out at him, "This is one of the closest towns and since most of those who are worth a damn are checking all along the roads, we're to check here. Just because it's unlikely doesn't mean it couldn't happen." He turned, eyes narrowing into a glare. "Or... would you rather be the one to tell a certain someone that we didn't do what we were supposed to?" He raised an eyebrow.
The fox blanched under his fur at the thought and turned away. The last thing he wanted to do was not what he was supposed to and end up getting in trouble. He looked back out to the glass, hoping that someone would find D.E.B.O.R.A.H. and bring her back in. Although, if someone happened to somehow be stupid enough to kill her in the process, well that would mean it would all be over with for the Mark-1. They could move on and the one who killed her would be the one in trouble with the boss. The ears flicked as a grin spread on his lips at the thought.