Chapter Five
, down into the abyssal depths of lake crystal.
Glowing crystal nubs dotted its top side and its head was topped by a crown of jagged crystal which was ringed at the base with a worked gold circlet. its eyes were white, blind. the pair stared at it slack-jawed.
Everwinter Ch28: Adventure of Two
Ben reached to the side, picked up the bag, and shoved it in titan's chest with a clattering sound of crystals, "i got your fucking crystals. they're right here! please, tell me it's not too late..."
LoS: A New Age Chapter Two
He walked over to it and picked up a life crystal. he ran over to cynder who was trying desperately to get up. he dropped the crystal in front of her then ran off to his room.
Of Magic and Fur (Part 6)
Armor, swords, and crystals of all shapes and shades are around me as i walk down the aisle. picking up a particularly boring crystal, i ask the store owner what it is.
CE04 - basics
Magic monsters do not mind the crystals being near them, as the crystals only drain away their excess magic as long as they don't make direct contact. for some reason, the crystals never encroach on stationary magic monsters.
D.E1 Chapter 47 Awakening
crystal said as she ran next to k9 with a syringe. "sedate him? are you sure, crystal?" k9 asked worried. he knew how dangerous it could be to administrate a sedative after his body was already dealing with a strong drug.
Sparky The Hedgehog.
Thesieo threw in the chaos emerald and then got ready to add the crystal when sonic had leaped forward and knocked the master away, the crystal however smashed on the edge of the capsule and one half fell into the capsule and the other half hit the floor and
Soft Like Snow- Ch.1
The only thing that intrigued him was the way that the crystal hall was designed, which was a magnificent display of crystal, stone, and marble.
Pokémon Breeding Center, Part 4
crystal merely shrugged at this, only_slightly_ guilty at making such an inconvenience of herself. "that's fine!" she declared cheerily. "more time for my team to practice together."
Iron Epilogue
In a large chamber five individuals are gathered around a crystal ball as chandelier of bone hangs over head.
Wasteland Survivor – Building and tearing down - ch4
crystal, you can work with this mortar."