Of Magic and Fur (Part 6)

Story by pizzaplatinum on SoFurry

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#14 of Old stuff/To fix/etc.

I probably seem a little* needy, but I really enjoy your comments and suggestions, so if you have anything at all to say, please say so.

Armor, swords, and crystals of all shapes and shades are around me as I walk down the aisle. Picking up a particularly boring crystal, I ask the store owner what it is. "Surely, a mage like you would know what a basic healing crystal is." the clerk says, looking at me with a mocking smile. "Oh yeah." I say dumbly, not wanting to have to explain my amnesia. "Would you happen to know what this is, then, wise mage?" he says.

The clerk pulls out a crackling blue ball which looks like it could break itself apart at any moment. He rubs the stone between his hands, creating a sparkling sound as electricity courses through it. He only smiles gleefully, not with nor without malice. Time seems to slow down as I pull out my sword and hold it out in front of me. With a wave of my arm, I try to disarm the man, but he pulls away. A couple more swipes doesn't seem to do anything but assure the man that I'm no threat to him.

"Sad, really. I thought you wouldn't have lost everything to amnesia." the mage says, still mocking me as he tosses the ball from hand to hand. "I'll give you a couple more shots." Gesturing to the endless shelves around him, he says, "You have anything and everything at your disposal. You'd be lucky to have this in an actual fight." Looking around, I realize he's right. With everything at my disposal, I should be able to use some of it. If I have a little bit of magic in me. Looking around, I notice the red crystal. Red is power. White is purity. With a little practice, which I don't have, this could work out. Kneeling down as I look around, frightened, I wonder if I should beg for forgiveness or for help.