Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 29: Regulation 3

"no, that's not an accusation. besides, now that we've been through all of the obvious suspects there's one other important piece of evidence." trudy scowled.

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Sara's Story - Chapter 11

The sheriff turns to the accused guards "did you take service with lord archwhiffle and swear an oath of fealty to him?" "yes, your honor." "what specific commands did they violate, my lord?"

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In My Time of Need - Chapter 10

He accused, standing up from his sitting position to stand over me. i could only sit speechless, everything he was accusing me of was true. this is how i thought he would react, although i didn't expect his anger to be directed towards me. "nathan..."

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 21

I accused him, not knowing how wrong i truly was. he stared bewilderedly at me, trying to process what i was accusing him of. suddenly, a look of understanding washed across his features.

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He pulled strings, they accused her of reckless endangerment, and being a neglectful parent, and let me into his custody... she followed to keep me safe. he... he..." luna began, but tears fell from her eyes. evan quickly pulled her into his arms.

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Secrets Ch. 10

I give a short glare in his direction giving a slight accusation, "are you spying on me?" he holds up his paws in mock surrender, "not at all, i just pass by your room on the way to mine is all.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 23

He said it like an accusation, his voice shaking. "you laughed and laughed! like it was all a joke to you! and now you sit there acting like some damsel?" the wolf twitched.

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Tarase - The Story of Ibsin ad-la Adda

Fate aderaso...you have been rightfully accused of the assassination of king bulga only a few days ago. how do you plead?" when the rest of the council heard the accusation, it sent them all in an uproar, muttering and whispering to one another.


Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 6

Ander was taken aback by this sudden accusation. "how so? sai, i'm trying to protect you and your family, possibly your whole village! if that means i have to pay for what i did to my brother, then so be it." "i said it once and i'll say it again.

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The Tail of Thorns - Prelude (Rewrite of Mixed Tale - Violence)

Crews from both ships began to argue across the waters, as accusations and denials were shouted back and forth. the commotion was interrupted by a series of thundering explosions.

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Lady Valana's Plan

Some accused her of using divination, but the vharkylia ambassador knew the lady knew next to nothing about the arcane. beyond using basic devices like the one that was allowing them talk now, the master of parliament, left magic to others.

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Protectors and Sorrow

, he shouted accusingly, "my grandson is not a freak, let alone a girl!!!" "but," she started a bit of sadness creeping into her voice before turning to her mother, "mom, you believe it's me don't you?"

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