Protectors and Sorrow

Story by Turi on SoFurry

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#3 of A New life

Alrighty, The third installment of a new life, finally here, wanted to give a bit more detail to the city, so you all could follow the locations better. please comment and/or rate. enjoy

Turi sat up looking around her surroundings and noticed she wasn't in her bed in Nareda. She was human and male again, so she knew she was dreaming, her grandfather was talking to her mother as they sat and ate their dinner, making pleasant conversation. When she finished her plate she took her plate to the sink, rinsed it off and started back to the dining room, but when she walked through the threshold, she received a less welcome greeting than what she remembered.

"What the hell is that?" her Grandfather said in a shocked angry tone, "who are you and what have you done with my Grandson?"

"What?", she said noticing her voice was back to the deep dangerous tone she now had, "Its me, but..."

"You're NOT my Grandson!!!", He shouted accusingly, "My grandson is not a freak, let alone a Girl!!!"

"But," She started a bit of sadness creeping into her voice before turning to her mother, "Mom, you believe It's me don't you?"

"I don't...." was all she said before she fainted, collapsing in a heap,

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU DEMON! AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!" her grandfather said pointing to the door.

"But, Gran-"


With a defeated sigh and a sniff she walked toward the door and it opened on its own and as soon as she walked out the door slammed shut behind her. As she stood on the walkway she wrapped her wings around herself and began to cry, a voice appearing out of nowhere, *you will never return to this world, accept this fact," as that voice finished a rift opened up and she dropped to her bed.


She sat up with a start before looking at her paws as she clenched them into fists, her anger turning to sadness as the bright Nareda sun shone through the stained glass windows on her walls, each depicting a famous leader or war hero, as this house did belong to her brothers draconic family, and her brother had inherited it along with the rest of his families fortune, but the beautiful house did nothing to calm her nerves as she hugged herself and cried yet again. She cried for what felt like an eternity before a knock at the door slowed her tears. With a sniffle she said "Come in, Asto, the door is open."

The audible soft creak of the door was another nail in her heart driving home the reality of what she was now, causing her to cry yet again.

She heard his hurried footsteps and a paw on her shoulder, followed by her brothers worried voice, "Turi, whats wrong, you haven't stopped crying all night?" she felt him nuzzle her cheek as her tears stopped reduced yet again a sniffle.

"I miss my mom, my friends, family other than here, I know I have family here too," she said with a resigned tone, "but i miss my old family,"

"I know," he said as he laid his muzzle on her shoulder, "one day we will get the teleportation spell right,"

His reassuring tone helped a bit, "I know we will, it just hurts ya know?", she said flatly followed by a sarcastic,"I just gotta have the willpower to keep going,"

"That's what I like to hear, Sis, now isn't there something you were going to do?," he said a in a motivating manner.

"Oh Right!", she said before giving herself a facepaw, "The Guardian HQ!"

She grabbed her usual attire for visiting the building and quickly shooed him out, "I do still need my privacy," she said before quickly shutting her door.

She looked at the required outfit and smiled, as it did look cool. They were a Dark Red with a black trim, and the top made of a leather-like material that accented her new beautiful curves and generous bust, and was sleeveless, per her request, So she could have her Guardian mark showing. The Pants were the same color and had a hole in the back for her tail stopping just before her knee. She always likes to call it her second joint to make it easier for her to remember with her digitigrade stance. Slipping her clothes on she Admired herself in the mirror before grabbing her "Reaper Gun" and holstering it. She had to admit, She did look good like this. With a satisfying Roarhowl, She walked through the kitchen waving bye to Asto before saying, "If its possible can you find a way to make german noodles and gravy?, I know our ingredients differ but."

He smiled at her and said, "I think I can come up with something, I will do my best."

With that she opened the door and stepped outside into her new home.

She decided to fly to The Guardian HQ as she always gets a better view of the city from above. The city of Nareda is much like Cities of Earth filled with skyscrapers and suburbs, the only and major difference is that the city floats on a piece of rock overlooking the Lower Districts, a large industrial setup that provides the city with the natural resources it needs to survive. The city itself is an eye turner, It reminded Turi of Zanarkand from Final Fantasy X. Bright neon signs hanging in mid air that moved, Holographic screens, and The skyscrapers glow with magical energy, known as Techmagick.

The Guardian HQ was now within sight, a Large Dome like building with Naredan Runes Glowing and shifting all over the dome, mainly recruitment propaganda, but it still is beautiful to watch. She decided to land with a little flair today, folding her wings and aiming for the Altarian Steel Helipad, starting a dive. When she was halfway through the dive, she pulled her body into a roll making sure her footpaws were directed toward the ground. She Spread her wings to kill some of her speed as she made sure her right hand-paw was level with her foot-paws so when she hit the helipad the resulting sound was music to her ears, for a high speed impact with altarian steel creates a long low reverberation.

As she stood up and brushed herself off smoothing out her uniform and fur, the computer greeter activated, "Welcome Turishmaki Ashtiran, General Guardian of the Rogue Demon Battalion," it said in its synthetic female voice, "Please enjoy your stay."

"I get tired of that computer making my Status known to everyone," she said a little agitation in her voice, "Now lets see who needs some help." As she said this she stepped through the doors to her home away from home......