Protectors and Sorrow
Turi sat up looking around her surroundings and noticed she wasn't in her bed in Nareda. She was human and male again, so she knew she was dreaming, her grandfather was talking to her mother as they sat and ate their dinner, making pleasant...
A New Home (Edited)
Turishma browsed the stalls in the market place of her new home, A realm known as Nareda. She was still taking stock of what happened two or three days ago, even as she loved her new form, she also missed her other home, which had loved ones she so...
The First day at Work
As I open the doors to my job, I look behind me and shake my head trying to shake this imaginary friend that has begun to follow me from my mind. As I open my eyes he is already at the second set of doors with his hands against the window looking in....
The Digidestined's First walk to work
As I was walking to work I kept looking down and behind me as Vee kept trying to keep up, my year of walking having made me able to traverse at a quite considerable pace. I watched as he hummed the tune from the TV show, and I looked at th church...
The Digidestined Awakens
My dreams were filled with things that could only be described as extraordinary. I saw towers of technology, forests filled with things that should not be existing. I saw digimon, all of which were excited to see another "Digidestined" after so many...
Digidestined-Prologue: A New Destiny Unfolds
My name is Jeremy, and I can't believe I can say this, but I am a Digidestined. Where to begin, hmmm. Well, I guess I should tell you what I look like. I am your everyday 2016 young Adult with a medium muscle build. Most of it is in my legs from...