A New Home (Edited)

Story by Turi on SoFurry

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#2 of A New life

part two of a new life, I will describe Nareda in more detail in an upcoming chapter stay tuned and never miss a thing. I had to add something i typed in the third chapter but i felt it would do better here, to let things transition more smoothly, Enjoy.

Turishma browsed the stalls in the market place of her new home, A realm known as Nareda. She was still taking stock of what happened two or three days ago, even as she loved her new form, she also missed her other home, which had loved ones she so badly wanted to see. She began to let her thoughts wander to other things about earth, or Midgard as they called it here, and about whether her mother would even know where she was, and if she was even worried. Those many unsettling thoughts were chased away by the sound of the shopkeeper whistling.

"Excuse me miss, are you ok?," the shopkeeper said a touch of concern in his voice, "something bothering you?"

"Huh, oh n-no, was just thinking of relatives," she said sheepishly, "I miss them and I am a long long way from my family."

"In any case, the food costs two emeralds," the shopkeeper said a bit flatly as if annoyed.

She quickly paid the shopkeeper and took the two large steaks and decided to head home, where Asto was probably cooking up another bright Idea. He was always fiddling and tinkering with the technology, hoping to make some new weapons that he could not have dreamed of making on Earth, or Midgard as they called it here. As she walked through the streets, she passed a large building that everyone knew about, the "Guardian HQ." It was home to all sorts of creatures, such as Gryphons, Dragons, Panthers, you name it, its in there. She shrugged as she walked past and continued down the streets.

Her mind Quickly returned to thoughts of home, even about the family in which she was living with before she changed, and how they must be worried since she hasn't returned. She let out a sigh and when she finally arrived at the house in which Her and Asto were sharing, she heard the sound of an explosion followed by her brothers string of draconic curses, causing her to chuckle as she pushed open the door and uttered a minor incantation to help her brothers mishap get cleaned up a bit faster. As she put the steaks down on the table, she decided to see what the cause of her brothers aggravation was.

She quickly descended the stairs to the lower lab to find her Brother in a pile of broken boxes upside down, as she smiled and padded over to him, offering her paw, a smile on her face.

"So what did you do this time," she said barely able to stifle her laughter at her prone brother, "you look like you had quite a flight,"

"Grrrrrr, the catalysts are not holding," he said a bit of anger in his tone, "the portal spell that got us to the astral plane should be able to take us back to Midgard but its just not working."

Well maybe you are working too hard, Maybe a good lunch will clear your head, I bought some steaks from the market place, this bartering system is much better than our old homes economy," she said as she pulled her brother up and set him down smiling as she looked down, "You know I cant get over how I tower over you now"

"Shut up, Turi," was his only response.

"Could you please fix us some lunch, I am starving, and we haven't had a good conversation in a minute."

"Sure sis, I couldn't agree more," he said before shortly adding, "and I know you still like yours rare."


Asto looked at his Brother turned Sister and could tell something was wrong, even as she came downstairs to see if he was ok. So when she wanted to talk over lunch he knew what it was. He looked at her and said sadly, "You miss Midgard, don't you?", deciding to start the conversation, giving his sister a comforting nuzzle.

She only nods.

"I wish I could say the same, But I can't say I miss Mid..." he was cut short by His sister stepping in front of him, clearly enraged

"So you think that this home is just perfect huh?, her eyes showing signs of hurt and anger, "You could leave our mother and friends for this?" she waved her paw around their large house, tears beginning to form. "I like it here, I just miss the family I left behind, They have to be worried sick about us." As they reached the table he watched her sit down in one of the chairs and begin to cry.

He felt sorry for her and decided to try something to cheer her up, he walked over to her and placed his paw on her shoulder, wrapping his wings around her. As he did this he also wrapped her in his arms before saying, "I miss them too, I was trying to master a teleport spell so you could go back to Midgard now and then, that is why I was so angry."

She sniffled and looked at him, Her cuteness made him smile, and he ruffled her short black mane, "you know what, I think you were meant to be a girl, because you look so much better like this" he bumped her arm with his elbow, "and I left a little surprise on your bookshelf."

He picked up the steaks and put them on the stove, before turning the burner on, "so what else did you want to talk about?," He said with a hint of curiosity.

"I was wondering about the Guardian HQ, I think I should go to it and see whats going on?"

He smiled and flipped the steaks, making sure his sisters was nice and red before saying, "you always were looking to solve problems, even before we lived here physically," then a thought came to him, "Hey Turi, when you changed to how you are now, what did it feel like?"

She smiled the biggest smile he had seen in the past few days before she said, "It felt like all my nerves were being caressed and massaged by a growing warmth and when the changes reached my chest, words cannot describe the pleasure I felt," she said with a short chuckle, "I don't want to share my personal experiences if you can respect that."

As he finished cooking their lunch and brought the two sizzling steaks over, he smiled and said, "I can sis, now lets eat."


Turi and her Brother sat and ate their meal after the productive conversation they had, and she was happy that her brother was trying to find her a way to visit her family. After dinner they resolved to work in the lab together, she was working on a music device which she had only dreamed of on earth. and Asto was making himself a new bladegun. After they finished their new experiments she looked at him and said, "you wanna give the portal another try?"

"Sure, why not," he said a little enthused, "I can try to recreate it but I need a catalyst to the plane in question. like something material."

"But we do not have anything like that," she said a little disappointed, "Why don't we try a piece of my mane, i always wanted to have the hair over one eye look," with that she cut a piece off and handed it to him.

He took the piece of her mane as she watched him utter the incantation, "By the nine realms of this world, I summon a portal to midgard with a lock of hair from a changed resident, please use this as a catalyst and make the portal to Midgard a reality. with that she watched the hair dissolve into the portal before causing a massive energy spike as the purple portal magic became an angry red, energy flying all over the place.

Is it suppossed to do-, was all she could get out before a large explosion caused them both to fly backwards into seperate corners, they both were able to land on their feet this time as they were ready for the explosion. Both looked at each other with a curiosity.

"Do you think we will ever get this right?," she asked her brother, "If not tell me now so I can get mad and storm off now rather than later."

He smiled and said, "one day we will get it right, he said reassuringly, but for now we need to get some rest, we will try again tomorrow."

"Ok, Good night Asto"

"Good night, Turi"

As she walked to her room she remembered asto's surprise on the shelf, and she began to wonder what it was, she quickened her pace to get the surprise as she opened her doors and laid her eyes on a small red vial. Turi looked at the vial on the dresser and pondered what it was going to do, a thousand dirty thoughts rolled through her mind before she said to herself, "I would like to know what this does now, but I think it would be better used tomorrow," letting a chuckle fall from her lips, "I still can't believe I am a girl, let alone my kinspirit, it's a dream come true." As she hopped into her bed she stared at the ornate tribal design on her new home, as her mind drifted to sleep, so did her thoughts, leading to sad dreams.