The First day at Work

Story by Turi on SoFurry

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#4 of I am a Digidestined

Well it is finally here, the fourth installment of "I am a Digidestined" Enjoy!!!! Please enjoy and comment, rate and/or critique. I really enjoy writing this.

As I open the doors to my job, I look behind me and shake my head trying to shake this imaginary friend that has begun to follow me from my mind. As I open my eyes he is already at the second set of doors with his hands against the window looking in. His tail is wagging a mile a minute as he looks at me and smiles. "Thanks for bringing me in to work with you and being so understanding about this."

I look down and smirk, still a little unsure as to his existence, and I walk through the doors heading to the counter saying my usual good mornings. I punch myself in and grab my coffee, trying so hard not to say anything to my friend who works on the table. I watched Vee sit on the toaster that makes our muffins nice and toasty for our customers, his little body practically bubbling with energy. He surprises me as he stays relatively still, and about three or four hours went by before it was eating me alive.

"I'm tripping man, I just don't know." I say aloud, not realizing that my friend heard me until I hear her say to me, "Jeremy, what's wrong?"

I look at her and say, "You would not believe me even if I told you. And even if I did you would probably think I am crazy."

She smiles at me and says, "You never know," as we get an order she starts grabbing a wrap for a sandwich and begins grabbing product, "Try me."

"Alright," I breathe in and look at Vee. He nods in approval for me to tell her, so I proceed to tell her the first few days so far, about how I tried this new game. I was surprised how well she took it, and I knew she had to be thinking I was crazy. But she just stood there and listened. As I started opening up to her Vee started to wander around.

"I just don't know, I am afraid I have gone off the deep end, this has been going on for the past few days," I say a little nervous and afraid, "I don't even have a 'Digivice' or more correctly 'Digital Device'. It is so trippy." I still can't shake the fear from my voice, "You probably are thinking 'This guy is crazy'.

She gives me a very wierd look, "You?! Nooooooooo, I just think you got a hell of an imagination." she smiles and continues to work handing me an empty tray of product, "Empty Sausage."

I take the tray and respond, "Sausage heard going down," And as I go to the cooler to grab the sausage I look out to the front counter where Vee is standing on the grates that we put our special orders on, looking visibly angry.

"You wanna talk about him like that! You wanna call him THAT?! I'll show you!" He crouches down and gets ready to do a move I remember so clearly, a small chuckle escapes my lips, causing my co worker to look at me, "Veeeeeee Headbutt!" As he tries to give the person in question a what-for, he literally goes straight through, his body turning into digital squares as he lands on the floor the "Oof" making me laugh as he clambers back up and looks at me. "What? she called you crazy."

"I don't think it works like that yet. I am the only one who can see you." I say as I laugh shaking my head, meanwhile my friend is looking at me wierd so I say "I just watched vee try to do a Vee headbutt to someone," I say with a smile, "And he just went straight through her," I laugh as she looks at me funny "So I just told him, 'I don't think it works like that',"

She just looks at me and shakes her head. "Whatever you say buddy, How long on that sausage?"

The beep that sounds like the jaws tune letting me know it is going to be done, "Coming up very soon," as the grill pops up I see vee standing above me making me jump back a bit. He watches me pull it and hand it to her, "Sausage up!"

The day continues on rather eventfully, Vee making me laugh all day. As the end of my shift comes to a close I ended up telling most of my co workers that I have been with for the year that I have been working there. They all were rather accepting of it and I was surprised when they even were a bit supportive. As I walk up to my manager and ask her if there was anything she needed me to do, Vee looked at me and said "Hey! I wanna digivolve! you need to use your digivice!!!"

My manager says no and to go ahead home, and I say thank you ignoring Vee for the time being. As I walk downstairs to the crew room, I finally acknowledge him.

"You forget I don't have it yet," I say with agitation, showing him my wrists, "Or did you forget that little fact?"

"Oh," he says drooping his little head, "Try using that game, you got me on there."

I bring up my game and look at the resources needed and see that it is relatively easy to do so I nod, "When we get home today, Promise"

"He-he YEAAAHHHHH!" He throws his hands in the air as he did this morning. I walk up and clock out forgettin that I should have clocked out before I got my stuff.

I just shrug and begin my walk home, ready to perform an actual Digivolution.

As we begin to walk home, I chuckle thinking

This is so surreal, and amazingly awesome, this is going to be an amazing adventure. I think to myself. _I might actually get used to this. _

I smile as we begin to walk home.........