Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 6

Story by Contrast on SoFurry

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"So you're worried that your family might come after you, eh?" Rufio said, merrily puffing away on his pipe while his wife changed Ander's bandages.

Even though they were discussing important matters, Ander got the distinct feeling that that wasn't the only reason Rufio was still sitting there. He didn't want to leave his wife alone in the same room as a wild Wolf. Ander wasn't offended by this possibility. Rather, he admired it. The way they were treating a perfect stranger in their home was exactly the opposite of what the Wolves of his tribe would have done. That's what made this so difficult.

"Rufio, Bethany..." Ander said, struggling to come up with the right words. Bethany pulled his bandages tighter and started to tie the ends in a knot. Ander pretended to wince, giving himself a few more seconds to think. "I am truly grateful for the care you've given me while I was unconscious, and for not simply stabbing me in the throat at first sight..."

"Pshaw!" Bethany huffed.

"But I must leave. As soon as possible."

"You're not going anywhere with these arms," Bethany said, giving his shoulder a sharp poke. This time Ander's wince wasn't entirely pretend.

"You don't know the other Wolves like I do, and you can't draw a comparison between me and them," Ander said as Behany moved to her husband's side. "We are nothing alike. Even my name means "Different" in the old tongue. It wouldn't surprise me if they were out looking for me right now. They know I set out to return Kiana, so they must -"

"You're forgetting something, son." Rufio said. "If they think you're here, then it doesn't matter whether you really are here or not. They'll come anyway."

"But then -"

"Then that means there's no point in you rushing off like a fugitive, since it won't make a lick of difference."

"Yes, it will," Ander said. "If I hand myself over, there will be no need for them to -"

"Tell me something, Ander. If you go back, what will they do to you? And don't even think about lying to me."

Ander couldn't answer that question, but he didn't have to. His silence was more than enough for Rufio.

"Eye for an eye, huh? You do realize what that means, right?"

"It would mean that Kiana and the rest for your family would remain safe from -"

"It would mean you'd do me a grave disservice. That's what it means."

Ander was taken aback by this sudden accusation. "How so? Sai, I'm trying to protect you and your family, possibly your whole village! If that means I have to pay for what I did to my brother, then so be it."

"I said it once and I'll say it again. You saved Kiana's life. That means I'm indebted to you, and Rufio always repays his debts. If I let you get yourself killed, what would that make me? An ungrateful coward, that's what."

"Rufio!" Bethany said. "Maybe this 'Ander' has a point. It would be safer for everyone if we just let him go back to -"

"No! No more talk of this foolishness! I insist you stay here as long as you like, Ander, or at least until your arms are healed. Murderous Wolves and gawking Foxes be damned!"

Ander didn't know how to respond to this. Rufio's vehemence showed him he cared more about his wellbeing than his own father did, who probably wanted him dead at this very moment. Bethany seemed reluctant, but she still healed his arms. If these Foxes were ready to accept him so readily, despite the danger, then what did that say of his own family, who were always so eager to kill and destroy? He's felt more at home here in the past few hours than he ever did back in his tribe, and that was a scary thought, because accepting the generosity of the Foxes would mean betraying his old home, his old life. Was that really something he was willing to do?

You've wanted to escape that life since you were old enough to want anything. Now's your chance! What are you waiting for?

But the Wolves will come for me. They'll burn everything to the ground searching for me. I know this.

Then stand with the Foxes! Defend your new home!

That would make me a traitor in the worst way. I didn't want to kill Banno - he forced me to! But this... this would be of my own choosing.

Maybe it won't come to that.

_It will. _

And you think handing yourself over will magically fix everything? What's to stop them from raiding this village after you're dead? They might believe Kiana to be just as responsible for Banno's death as you are! Stop thinking of yourself for once!


If you go back to the Wolves, you'll never see her again. Is that what you want?

Ander looked at Rufio, sitting in his chair, patiently waiting for his answer, and Bethany, quietly standing by his side, one hand resting on her husband's shoulder, and said two simple words that would change his life forever.

"Thank you."

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How and Why: The Story behind "Ander" (Journal):

Special thanks go out to the following furs for helping me keep this project afloat with their generous donations. I couldn't do it without your support.

  1. Some random guy whose fursona name I don't know.
  2. PyrePup
  3. And PyrePup again! :)

Thank you! You guys are the best! ^_^