
Tobias was also a big eater, so this meant that the amount of food in the house was substantial at that point, and yet tobias felt like he could eat it all and still need even more to sate the black hole that had become his stomach.

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Another Shadow, Genocide

He disappeared after that black hole incident with parvo, and was presumed dead." exile explained. "he was also.......an old flame. we were in love after i went on a few missions with him, and we were the best of friends."

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A Stellar Beginning

As the tid spooled up to create the transit sphere, fate intervened by the collapse of the system's red giant into a black hole, the nova that preceded it had unknowingly damaged our time-space targeting matrix and had severely overloaded our energy dampeners

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Tails of the Stars 2 - Meet the Team

Look pal, i dunno if you just fell out of a black hole and i don't care, cuz if you hadn't noticed while choking in space, we're in the middle of a war, so i can't just go around babysitting some space junk and i'm not sure if i can trust ya yet."

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Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears

A thick trail of smoke evaporated from a melted black hole in the plastic cover. the ever vigilant eye of the led was dead, too. an electrician in blue dungarees and hair in a ponytail balanced on a ladder.

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too war

hole below his face, kage holds fast as the hellish figure moves closer fore the kill, the beast is now jest a few feet away kage moves the sword to his side as the small stones that surrounded his feet trembled with every step from his blood drenched adversary

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Ten

The pistol moved a little when kulgan shifted, and adlis' eyes followed it like she'd been mesmerized by the tiny black hole at its tip. her breath was coming in short, shallow gulps. she couldn't speak, she couldn't stand, she couldn't even think.

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