Coming Up Next!
Lit by the glow of her wings, zashiel stood facing where toke was hiding, but her focus was on the other sorakine on the ground in front of her.
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 6: Word Spreads
Her wings spread wide into the air, tears rolled down her face at the beauty of her own speech. she looked at embryo's parents. "you are dismissed." but as they left, queen omelet couldn't help but feel the anxiety creeping back up in her.
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 3: Leaving
She spread her wings, feeling the air currents rushing around her... and with that, she blasted off, above the omeletwing village. she looked back down to see her parents standing in the doorway watching her, loving expressions on their faces.
Flight of Icarus Chapter 1 "Wings"
It was that day again in heave, the day that young angels finally earned their wings.
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 9
When she let go of my wing, it drooped lower than my other wing. i brought it up to my side where it should rest, and it felt unreal. "the next few will need to be of your wing stretched out. i figure you can probably help us."
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 2
#2 of anima: the broken wing chapter 2 the next few days were uneventful. i spent most of my time in the small cage on the wall. alex explained that this was only temporary until the bones in my wing started to heal.
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 1
My wing throbbed with every bump, and i was reminded of my wing every time i attempted to move. i drifted off again after trying to unfurl my wing, the pain much too great to handle.
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 5
I began to panic and tried to move my wing, but i could no longer feel either of them. not even my head felt like it could move as i desperately tried to regain control.
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 4
My bandaged wing was unable to unfold, and i curled sideways as my folded wing gave no lift. i quickly found myself falling to the tile floor. the cold hard surface made hard contact with my head, leaving me in a daze.
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 3
#3 of anima: the broken wing chapter 3 upon seeing the van, i quickly grew excited. my heart began to race, and i paced around my cage. i felt myself lose control as i opened my beak and let out a happy screech.
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 8
Every memory i thought of, i pictured the feathered wings in place of my arms. "it doesn't surprise me he's been easy for y'all. he's always been a well-behaved boy," mom said proudly.
Chapter 4: The Vixen in the Northeast Wing
Chapter 4: the vixen in the northeast wing the first time pete saw the vixen he had just returned from lunch after the orientation seminars thursday morning.