the problem with gren part3
Gren rolled his blue eyes as evan answered "of course, in fact i would love to screw with people there because it would be funny being a troll.
chapter 6-Mavericks guilt
And that they probably didn't know of his defeat yet, he also told them that spyro had taken out every ape, troll and shadow that was under his command except for a few scouting parties.
Magik & Myth: Falling of the Dusk: Blood Dawn (Chpt 6)
After a moment, the door opened, and a human walked in, his troll-bone mail clinking against it's iron fastening rings. his blade, a slender, steel claymore, was before him, his eye narrowing on the aven. "what is it, nighthawk..."
The Tortoise and the Hare
Rakim had also heard that a few trolls had started showing up deadnaming people, so he'd hesitated a lot.
Jacks Tail: Chapter-8 Cracks
The first reply to my post comments on how 'creative' a troll i am, because 'everyone' knows no bio-morph is not smart enough to know how to work a computer.
Little Red Wolf Original - 05
There was so much sparkle and glamor around her that she felt like an ugly troll. even in her enchanted outfit she could not compete with the unearthly beauty of the fae.
Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 19 -- Truth Revealed
"i don't think it was mere coincidence flare got pulled into your realm, or that vengeance made me follow that troll...i know now i was meant to meet you two and survive this genocide..." "genocide?"
Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 7
"i thought trolling was celestia's thing?" she asked. "well aunt tia did raise me most of my life. some things are bound to rub off." cadance responded slyly and she facehoofed for not figuring that out earlier. "i'll get revenge later.
Coffee Shop 3
"obvious troll is obvious; i/ls aren't that bad." "i know, my main is one, but i hate what they did to use, gc has such a stupid design and it's counterproductive to what the class was originally designed for."
World of Aurum: Manual
Most of its citizens are cave trolls and other subterranean creatures, but it's also the perfect place for criminals and bad people on the run to hide at, relax and kick up their feet. how is that an issue you say?
Chapter VI: Afternoon Break, Part Two
Instead of the chains shocking molly, afternoon laughed at them as they realized that he was trolling them again. instead his body glowed as did molly and they realized that he was transforming her.
The Witch
"you're thinking of staying with. . ." his voice grew a little quieter, and he held back a laugh, "the troll?" the mouse's eyes widened and she lifted her head back at the question. "well nooooo. .." she'd answer.