
He screamed and jumped back even as vallus swapped back to his original position. all of the pirates leapt at his illusion, impaling it under the delusion that it was the real vallus.

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Infectious Cruise (Pokemon TF/TGs)

Nick's gender didn't make it through the change, swapping to female in the process and becoming a full smoochum. lisa was a bit frozen.

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Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 5: Feast and Friendship

The bird is faster than soulka thought and is quickly upon him, swapping at him with her fan. although it was hard soulka was barely able to dodge her assault jumping backwards away from each swipe.

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The Lake

She and her friends played merrily in the grass while the parents swapped stories and jokes. it was a good time until someone muttered: "she looks a lot like her mother, doesn't she?"

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Wasteland Survivor– In one piece - ch9

The hammer crack of steyrs being fired broke through the noise of battle and more of the things fell, but not enough, "take it up a notch, ashfield, larson, swap to full auto, the rest of you, fix bayonets."

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Confessions- Part 1

"wish i could swap out my parts for better versions." rayne chuckled. "are there parts you don't like?" shade asked, raising an eyebrow. "hey, you know there are parts i wouldn't trade for anything, doesn't mean i can't upgrade 'em."

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Voicemail From a Dimensional Traveler

To become the first inter-dimensional traveler between alternate worlds, using a machine that swapped his consciousness with that of his other self in another universe, then easily switch back after an hour. it would only be a test.

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An A-pear-ent Issue

Sometimes they would swap between which hand was feeding and which hand was grabbing another pear, getting in the fastest feeding amount per minute.

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Character's Weapons

(eating or donating what he catches) when back on the surface it's a simple matter of swapping the slides back and of course cleaning and drying the pistol. he carries this weapon every day as his primary concealed carry weapon.

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Husky love.

"a colleague needed a swap for something, so it helped me due to having more than one day off in a row and it helps them."_ _ "but wouldn't that mean one of your other days off is taken?"

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LAPD Lupine Corps notes

Originally unit 1 but swapped numbers with the current #1. unit 4: "dogcatcher". seconded to animal control due to aptitude and interest. lives in a spare room at his police station and feeds almost exclusively on feral/vicious dogs and problem animals.

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Pandemic- Day 47 12:04 PM 1/8/2023-Chapter 17-Engine Swap-Day 1

"if anything from all those hours on the swap, all those races at the sand dunes and diesel training in delta did their job", i told him, "then yes." "and if they didn't?', raf asked.

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