Infectious Cruise (Pokemon TF/TGs)
The 3 part Pokerus Mini-Series Infectious Cruise all in one long story!
Lisa! I hope you get this in time! You have to get out of Kanto right now! I know it's your vacation and all...but there's been a big incident in Celadon! People are turning into Pokemon! I don't know why, there hasn't been much said about it but I know it's only in Kanto right now! Oh Lisa...please come home human! Everyone here in Azalea is worried sick about you. Please write back as soon as you get this letter. I'm sending Zubat with it. Get out of Kanto and back here as soon as you can before the virus gets worse!
"What a trip!" Lisa said out loud to herself happily. She had just wrapped up her visit to Cinnabar Island and was going to take a boat back to her home town back in the Johto region. It would be a rather lengthy trip, but she'd be able to see some of the cool islands and ocean she wouldn't be able to see normally. She had left all her Pokemon back home, granted she only had 2; a Marill and a Smeargle. Lisa wanted to get away from her small little town and decided to take a vacation to the Kanto region. She had heard good things about the cities there, especially the shopping area of Celadon. Unfortunately, by the time she got there it was closed off completely, something she thought was quite strange. Lisa continued her vacation until she hit her last stop. She got all of her belongings and made her way onto the ship and into her room and threw everything to the ground and fell onto her bed, falling into a sleep. She was quite tired after all.
The ship took off from the dock as family and friends waved goodbye to their loved ones as they set sail. Some were moving away, while others were vacationing much like Lisa was. As they left the harbor, the Zubat with the letter quickly made his way onto the ship, taking refuse in a shadowy spot near the quarters. He took shelter above a woman, who looked like she was out of breath and breathing very carefully. Like she had ran on board and stored away. She quickly walked into the quarters after she knew the coast was clear.
As she walked down the hallway she attempted to quietly find a door that was unlocked, failing to do so. A greater look of panic began to form as she began to feel a surge of pain all throughout her body. She almost fell when the ship hit a wave harshly, landing against a wall. She held onto the railing attached to the wall tightly in an attempt to ease the pain. One of the guards noticed this and walked over.
"Excuse me miss are you alright?" he asked putting his hand on her shoulder.
"Get away! I could be-" she suddenly stopped as her grip loosened.
"Ma'am? Do you need medical help...?" he asked a bit nervously.
Suddenly, two large white wings with black lining burst out from behind her, tearing apart her clothing and forcing the guard to take a few steps back. The woman's body was quickly covered in purple fur as her curves and human figure left her. Her legs shrunk until only her feet were left, which became large and blue. Her arms did the same as only her hands stayed, turning blue and small with a mere three digits. Her wings fluttered as she lifted off of the ground. Two large black antennas emerged from the top of their head. Her eyes became large and red and her nose became large and blue and it fused with her mouth as two little fangs pushed out, the woman now a Butterfree.
"Wh-what happened!?" the guard shouted in a panic, backing away slowly.
The new Butterfree attempted to fly away quickly, but ran into the man forcing him onto the ground accidentally. She quickly got up and flew away, out to the ocean and trying to find a place back on land. Meanwhile, the man managed to get himself up, unknowingly growing purple fur on his arms and along his back white white fur covered his front.
"Gotta find someone! And when did it get so hot..." he said nervously to himself as he walk forward. The fur began to grow around his mouth region, making him itch at it.
"Didn't I shave earlier today?" he asked again nervously. Meanwhile a long purple tail elongated from behind him, which ripped his pants right off of him. He nervously tried to take off his jacket, however his hands had become sharper while claws replaced his nails, therefore tearing apart his clothing completely. White fur formed on his now three digited paws while his feet took on the same appearance. Purple fur covered everyone else. With his clothes destroyed his skeleton altered greatly, forcing him onto all fours while his body shrank greatly. The guard's hat fell on top of him, blinding him essentially. His ears became larger and circular while his face pushed out into a muzzle. A large buck tooth formed out of his mouth while small white whiskers emerged from the sides of his head. He felt at them nervously with his forepaws, noticing how short they were. The guard knew a a few things about Pokemon, and the whiskers were the size of a female Rattata.
The newly made Rattata tried her best to try and push to hat off of her. Sadly, her new much smaller body was far too weak to move the it. She was stuck until someone picked the hat up and enable her free movement. The guard turned Rattata let out her high pitched sigh as she lied her head on the ground, drifting into a light sleep. As she did everything around her seemed like it was amplified a thousandfold, making her attempt at sleep futile. Luckily (as much luck as she could anyways) since it was so late the footsteps were few and far between.
The Zubat couldn't fully see what had happened. One minute there was a big guy and the next there was no sign of him. The Zubat knew something was wrong here. It dropped the letter down to the ground, landing next to the former man's former hat as the Zubat flew away, to keep himself safe. After a while, another loud footstep came right next to the hat, stopping at it. The hat was lifted up to reveal a Rattata quivering in fear, unsure of what would happen.
"Hey little guy." a soothingly voice said gently picking up the Pokemon in his hands. "Or girl." he corrected with a chuckle noticing it's rather small whiskers. He also noticed her shaking and began to gently rub the back of her back soothingly. This caused a smile to form across the Rattata's face.
"Come on, let's get you someplace safe." he said down to her with a smile as he continued to pet her as he walked down towards his chamber of the boat. However, the note on the ground went unnoticed by the man, now victim to the wind.
"We've haven't got any report from Jefferson yet ma'am." one of the cruise employees informed the captain.
The captain, a tall female sat still in her chair, looking away from the employee out towards the sea. "Has anyone had sights on him?" she asked simply.
"No ma'am. The only sign we found of him was his hat. We got it out of sight to avoid any people getting worried. People can get rowdy if someone disappears."
"This is why you're head of security Marty." the woman replied casually. "Make sure no one finds out about the disappearance, we can't have our investors thinking there's something wrong with the ship and when you find Jefferson, I would like to speak with him personally."
"Yes ma'am. We'll continue the search for him. For now I'd advise canceling the Cannonball Contest tomorrow afternoon in case something is afoot." Marty replied.
"I'm thinking about retracting that statement." the woman replied with a small chuckle. "Cancel that and they'll know something is wrong. It's going as planned."
"Ms. Poplund are you mad!?" Marty shouted out to her. "If there is something happening on this ship then you're putting everyone in danger!"
"Your attitude is putting your job in danger." she replied, turning to face him with a scowl. "Now go find wherever that buffoon Jefferson is and let's keep this between just us and security hm? No need to get any other employee or passenger worried, and especially not our stockholders who are on this ship right now. Are we clear?"
Marty simply looks at her with a cold expression.
"Are we clear?" she asked with scowl.
He let out a small sigh. "Crystal." he grumbles before turning away and walking off while Ms. Poplund watched with a suspicious look. Marty took one last look back at his boss before shaking his head, slamming the door behind him as he walked out. Ms. Poplund simply turned back and looked out to the ocean.
The night went by rather normally. The passengers were mostly all in their cabins doing their own business while the guards searched for Jefferson. Morning strikes as many passengers were now swarming the deck. The guards gave up their search for Jefferson to avoid arising suspicion. The festivities of the day were all set up, from the little games they had for kids on the deck, while the Cannonball Competition was set up and ready to begin. Passengers were enjoying swimming, sunbathing, and simply looking out towards the sea admiring it.
Lisa was standing at one of the tables with a simple bottle of water. She looked around to the families taking pictures, couples staring out towards the ocean lovingly, and the plethora of groups swimming around in the pool. Lisa had to admit it was a bit lonely here. No Pokemon, no one she knew, perhaps it was time she made a few friends. She looked around and everyone already seemed to be a part of a group, who she could see anyways. She didn't want to feel like she was intruding on them and let out a sigh, looking out to the sea.
"All alone over here?" a voice spoke up. Lisa looked to the opposite side of the table where a man was standing with a small smile.
"Oh! Uh...yeah. On the cruise so I can get home, not with anyone." she replies with a small smile. "I'm Lisa by the way."
"Simon." the man replies. "I'd shake your hand but I feel like I'll be getting sick soon so it's bust to avoid contact for now."
"What do you mean getting sick?" Lisa replied curiously.
"Sometimes you can just tell you're getting sick, now's one of those times. Any minute it feels like."
"I guess I've had that feeling as well." Lisa replied with a small giggle.
The duo began to talk about various things, why they were on the cruise, and their common interests with Pokemon.
"You know I actually found a Rattata on the ship. Young female one. She acts really strange though..." Simon commented.
"Really? How so?" Lisa asked tilting her head.
"She acts like she was just born. Walking slowly, not eating her food I gave her the way a Rattata should. It's odd, she should be at an age where she can be independent in the wild."
"How odd, maybe I can check up on her tonight? I've had my share of strange Pokemon happenings." Lisa replied with a smile.
"It'd mean a lot, I'm worried about her. I'm in room 204, I'll be there at 6 after the Cannonball contest."
"You actually entered that?" Lisa giggled.
"Ah well you know. Fun little thing to do." he chuckled back. The two talked for a while before a kind of buzzer went off. "Speaking of the devil, it's time for the contest! Wish me luck!"
"I'll be watching from the sidelines." she replied with a chuckle as Simon walked off.
Lisa went over to the sidelines of the pool as contestants began to line up, a table of judges right next to the water. Many people went up and returned to the contestant bench that was set up for them. Eventually, Simon's turn came up as he approached the diving board. He looked towards Lisa to wave, however a strange sickness seemed to wash over him, his smile quickly turning into a look of concern as he felt a strange wave wash over his body. Lisa's smile left her face as well while a sinking feeling formed in her stomach.
Simon fell down onto all fours in pain, causing a lot of gasps for the crowd. This only increased when he rolled into the pool with a harsh splash, getting only the judges wet. The audience watched in horror at Simon, who could barely be visible underneath the water. Down there, pink and cream fur formed all over his body while his ears became triangular and larger. A thin tail with large pink fur tuft forms at the edge along with thee small orbs at the tip of it. His arms and legs became much smaller and even took on a triangular look. His eyes seemed to close completely while his nose became a small black dot. On top of this Simon's gender left him, making him more of a her. When a body emerges it is a Skitty, kicking it's tiny paws to stay afloat.
The whole audience simply watched speechless. The Skitty began swimming around in the pool aimlessly, seemingly having a good time. Lisa simply watched in horror. Her only friend on the boat had somehow turned into a Skitty right in front of her eyes! Not to mention she knew about Skitty, and how they were female more often than not. Simon looked happy in his, or rather her body at least. However attention turned to the three judges who were going through their own transformation.
The two men's bodies began to float as their limps seemed to retreat into their body. One of them turned into a Ghastly while the other's transformation involved a loss of gender as he became a Misdreavus as a red jewel necklace forms around his, or rather her neck. The woman's body and become smaller and red scaled formed all over her and her arms and legs turned into fins while whiskers form on her face, now a Magikarp.
This transformation caused panic to form in almost everyone viewing. The newly made Magikarp splashed around, knocking into others infecting them as well; some of them transforming right there or cowering as they awaited for their change to occur. Lisa avoided any of the panic going on, noticing Simon still swimming. She didn't want to just leave him there. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a Pokeball she kept in case she ran into any legendary Pokemon. She took a deep breath and threw it at the swimming Skitty. The inexperience with being a Pokemon made it almost impossible for Simon to break free, and he was caught easily while the ball came back to Lisa.
"I'll figure out something Simon..." she says down to the ball, jumping out of the away of a newly transformed Trapinch who almost bit her leg. She ran down the boat's deck making it behind a door that lead to the cabins, shutting it behind her.
"Kid quick! Get over here!" a man's voice called over from the dining area. "There's a group of us who have a plan to get out!"
Lisa looked over and saw an older man, around his 30s calling from a door. She heard the door getting banged against on the other side. She ran towards the man and entered into it. Once she did, the man locked up the door with makeshift locks. Inside the room stood two girls, one a teen the other and older woman in her mid-twenties. Along with them are three men, a young boy, teen boy, young adult boy, and the man who let her in.
"Hey there girl, you're in luck, the last one who could join our expedition out of here." the oldest man tells Lisa.
"T-thanks..." she says nervously. "What exactly is going on here?"
"No one knows." the oldest woman replies. "People are turning into Pokemon if one of them touches us!"
"Let's just all calm down." the eldest man speaks again. "We're going to be together for a while, let's get to know everyone's name. I'm Marty, head of security...
"Well, my name is Kyle." the young male adult spoke up.
"My name is Amy, I wish we could be meeting on more normal circumstances though..." the woman who seemed like she was in her twenties added on to the introductions.
"Name's Nick." the teen boy, about Lisa's age chimed in. "But I'd like to know your name..." he cooed over to Lisa.
"Oh...well I'm Lisa, hi." she says blushing at the comment.
"A lovely name for a lovely woman." he added still smiling at her.
"Now's not exactly a good time..." Lisa tried to shrug him off. "Say, what's your name? You seem quiet."
"My name is Elise..." she replied shyly.
"I'm Carl..." the young boy added onto Elise's shyness.
"That's the group then." Marty finally spoke up again. "The seven of us are going to get out of here, and get out of here human." he said sitting at the table with everyone else.
"Are are we going to get out of there's Pokemon everywhere!?" Kyle squealed out nervously.
"Stay calm, as head of security I know all the secret nooks and crannies of this place." Marty speaks up. "It's a little ways away but I know how we can get to the lifeboats."
"How do we know you're even telling the truth!?" Kyle shouted out. "What if you want us to turn into Pokemon!?"
"Kyle, please calm down. We're all scared but the more you panic the least likely we'll make it out human." Marty scolds. "Now then, we'll head through that back door over there, and from there we'll be safe for a while, it's a tunnel that only has one entrance. However we'll have to climb across a large pool, so be prepared for that. Afterwards there's a bit of a walk in a long hall and then we'll be in the captain's quarters, where they'll be lifeboats to get us off this forsaken cruise."
"Sounds like a plan." Amy told the captain.
"Let's get going then." Lisa added. "Lead the way Marty."
Marty nodded and motioned for the group to follow. They walked down the dinning area they were in towards a secret door at the end of the hallway.
"We installed this in case of any emergency, never thought it would be this though." Marty commentated as he began undoing the locks.
"You know we can go run off on our own..." Nick whispers to Lisa. "Just the two of us." he added looking with a smirk.
"Do you really think this a good time to hit on me?" she retorted with an annoyed look.
"I know you'll crack." he replied with a chuckle as he walked off as the door opened up for them.
"I'll stay in the back, smallest to largest." Marty instructs. Carl and Elise were first, followed by Lisa then Amy and Kyle, and lastly Marty himself. They crawled through the dark tunnel slowly but surly.
"How do we know no Pokemon will come through the walls or something?" Kyle asked nervously.
"Come Kyle, you gotta try and stay positive at a time like this!" Amy instructed him.
"I suppose..." he replied, although it was quite obvious that he didn't listen to her advice, as it came out just as nervously.
As the two crawled through the vent, little Elise at the front called out, "Hey! I see a light!"
The comment made everyone crawl faster as they finally made it to the other side of the tunnel. Outside was a chasm in the ship's under workings with a ladder to cross it.
"It'll be easier to climb on the top of it rather than on the bottom end. I'll start off, see you on the other side, and stay close." he instructs as he climbs onto the upper part of the ladder, starting to crawl across slowly.
"Who designs something as unsafe as this?" Kyle asked out loud as he began climbing, going much slower then Marty was.
"Got to make sure no one would cross over unless they absolutely needed to." Marty replied back as the rest of the group climbed onto the top of the stairs.
"This is kind of hard..." Carl whispered to himself, struggling to move forward at all.
"It should be smooth sailing from here on out." Marty commented to the rest of the group as they made it halfway over the chasm.
"Good to know...maybe me and Lisa could have a nice dinner after we get out of here." Nick chuckled.
"Can you please not?" Lisa asked back annoyed.
The group made it through the chasm and reached the end, all except for Carl, who was frozen 3/4th of the way across.
"Carl! Come on! You can do it!" Amy called out to the boy.
"I'm...losing my grip!" Carl shouted at loud, almost falling off completely, holding on by his arms.
"Carl!" Elise shouted out in squeal.
"I...can't hold on!" Carl shouted as his grip on the ladder failed, falling down to the water below.
Elise let out a loud gasp along with Amy and Lisa, while the rest remained in silent full of shock. As they looked down at the pool of water at the chasm, Carl's body hit it with a loud splash. They watched and Carl flailed about, dead silent unable to help Carl in any way. However, their nervousness subsided somewhat as the flailing seemed to stop. However this was due to Carl's body changing. They saw his arms turn into brown tentacles and part of his head turn blue with red gems forming on his head. This was the last image they saw of Carl before his body dove under the water.
Everyone on the platform quietly looked at each other, no one having the courage to speak up. Eventually Kyle spoke up, well more like shouted.
"What happened to all of us getting out of here!?" he yelled over to Marty angrily. "That kid's a God knows what, any one of us could be next!"
"Kyle..." Marty began but was quickly cut short when various flying Pokemon came in through the tunnel they entered from.
"We have to go, now!" Marty shouted holding a door open for everyone to go through, all of which hastily rushed through, however young Elise stayed behind.
"What are you doing kid!? Get in here!" Marty shouted to her nervously.
"I'm not going...not with you..." she replied quietly.
"What are you talking about!? Do you want to end up a Pokemon!?"
"It's going to happen anyways, you already broke your promise..."
"There's nothing I could do about that!"
"You could of stayed closer to him, he'd still be here if you did..."
Marty stayed quiet.
"Go with the rest of them, besides it might be kinda cool to be a Pokemon..." Elise said as she silently walked towards the flock, holding out her arms as if saying "Take me."
"I'm getting you out! No ones getting lost again!" Marty said starting to run towards her, however the flock of Pokemon surrounded her before he could make it, stopping him in his tracks. He grimaces before quickly heading through the door, slamming it shut as heard a small thud on the other side of it, assuming a bird Pokemon flew into it.
"Where's Elise?" Lisa asked nervously.
Marty didn't say a word, and simply began banging his fists against the wall of the corridor.
"We have to keep moving. No looking back." Marty said with no emotion in his voice. "We're all getting out of here the same way we entered."
"We're just going to leave them behind!?" Amy shouted to the guard. "They were just children!"
"You think I like this? Moping for them isn't going to help them anymore! And it's all my fault! I have to live with that, not you!"
The room fell silent, which was quickly cut off as the Pokemon on the other side began to bang against the door. This quickly cut the silence short as they all looked towards the door, then at each other.
"I don't think it's wise to stay in here...I kind of want to keep walking on two legs." Kyle spoke up to the room.
"I agree with him." Nick added on. "And I don't think Lisa here would look good as a Pokemon either." he added with a wink towards her.
"Seriously? Do you really think this is the best time?" Lisa scoffed to him. "Either way you're right, we have to keep moving. Marty, where to now?"
"There's a hall where you can go down and at the end is the lifeboats." he answered, just as monotone as before.
"Great! Lead the way then!" Lisa said to him.
"You can get there through the other door in the room. Good luck."
"So...what are we waiting for exactly?" Kyle asked confused, looking to everyone.
"Marty?" Amy asked him, her anger at him subsiding. "We need you to guide us out..."
"It's just a straightaway. It's self-explanatory." Marty retorted.
"We're not leaving you here." Lisa said sternly to him. "Now come on."
"I'll just weigh you down. I'm not a leader, I'm just a security guard."
"Listen Marty, if it wasn't for you're help, we'd all be helpless and transformed right now. Yes, it's sad what happened to Carl and Elise, but if you dwell on that then it's all in vein. You got to keep moving forward...for them." Lisa told Marty, hand on his shoulder.
There was a small silence and all Lisa could do was hope that she got through to him. The banging on the door began to get louder, starting to come off of it's hinges.
"Hurry up and say something, they're getting through!" Kyle shouted.
"You're right. Let's get moving." Marty declared with a small smile, leading the way to the other door. As they approached the last door, the one they came from burst open, various Pokemon flooding the room.
"Quick! Get in!" Marty shouted as the remaining 4 went on, Marty following in after them, this time a decent chunk of time left, shutting the door behind him, using some random objects lying around to slow the transformed down.
"It's just this one stretch and we're in the clear!" Marty shouted above everything, as the cries of the Pokemon began to get louder. There was a sudden jolt, almost knocking everyone over.
" what?" Kyle muttered as he held onto a railing, the ship starting to slowly sink downward.
"The investors are going to eat me alive." Ms. Poplund muttered to herself, squeezing the bridge of her nose and rubbing her eyes. "Only something as absurd as this..."
As the woman was muttering her disappointment and annoyance at the situation, small footsteps could be heard slowly getting closer to her. However, the muttering made them inaudible for Ms. Poplund. The creature stopped right under her chair, eying at her legs. The purple mouse was excited to finally have her revenge. Jefferson was never treated great, and Ms. Poplund seemed to go out of her way to make his life as hard as possible, and Jefferson finally knew what was going on. One bite and she'd be a Pokemon just like him. And that's exactly what he did. The open wound made the Ms. Poplund turn on the spot.
She tried to hold in a scream but failed, shouting out in pain. However it soon turned into a low pitch cry, much like a whale's. Ms. Poplund's body was turning into an oval-like shape. Her arms and legs became mere fins closer to the end of her body, where a pointed tail emerged from it. The top of her body became a light blue while the bottom of it became a white color. Black lines formed under on the white as well. Ms. Poplund's eyes became mere black dots that went to either side of her face as her mouth became much larger. Any trace of hair left her body along with womanhood, her gender swapping in the process.
It seemed like Ms. Poplund had become a miniature Wailord, but that was quickly changing. Her body began growing at a rapid rate, becoming heavier as she did. It began to make the ship's weight focused on the deck, and Ms. Poplund's new massive sized whale body began to cause the ship to sink.
"Grab onto the rail and go as fast as you can!" Marty instructed everyone, who listened and began making their way down the hall. "Our time's much more limited now!"
They made it about 3/4th of the way when suddenly, a ghost Pokemon floated in through one of the halls, what looked like a lost and disoriented Haunter, causing everyone to freeze.
"What do we do about that?" Amy whispered nervously.
"We might have to make a run for it..." Marty responded uneasily.
"I have a better idea." Nick spoke up. "I'll distract it and you guys run."
"Are you crazy?! You'll get transformed for sure!" Lisa scolded him.
"I know...but everyone has something to go back to...I don't."
"I'm not letting you do that!" Lisa shouted.
"You're cute when you're angry." Nick chuckled. "Just promise me one thing..." he began, Lisa shaking his head at him to try and make him stop. "Keep being you." he finished, turning to face the Haunter. "Hey! Over here! I can help you!" he said, moving into a crevice in the tunnel. "Go! Now!" he shouted to the others, who all obeyed but Lisa. She watched as the Haunter flew over to him, unwilling passing right through him. Lisa witness the boy transform before her very eyes.
Nick's hair turned a yellow blonde, going into bangs at the front and down to his neck behind him. Some parts at the top of his head became pointed up. His nose vanished as his lips became puffier, turning a pink. His whole head turning a darker pink. Nick's neck became almost non-existent as his arms became much shorter. His whole upper body became a beige color while the lower body became the same shade of pink as his head. Nick's legs seemed to of vanished as well, only feet remaining which became circular. Nick's gender didn't make it through the change, swapping to female in the process and becoming a full Smoochum.
Lisa was a bit frozen. Nick had just saved all of them, she got one last look at her, who gave a small smile and wave with her tiny new hands. "I'll never forget what you did for us! Even though you were kind of a jerk at first...I'll remember you for the good you did for us! For me!" Lisa called out to Nick before catching up with the rest of the group. They made it to where the lifeboats are.
"Everyone load up fast! The ship's about to go down!" Marty commanded everyone who piled in, him getting in last. They lowered into the ocean and unhinged from the ship, starting to paddle away from the sinking vessel. They got a good distance away before looking back, seeing the various Pokemon on it. There were a few transformed Pokemon that were large enough for those not fit for water to stay on.
"We made it...we actually got out of there normal!" Kyle exclaimed happily, hugging Amy. "We did it!"
"We have to warn the denizens of Johto of some kind of virus from Kanto before more people fall to it." Marty simply commented.
"Thanks for everything Marty. We wouldn't be able to hold together if it wasn't for you."
"Don't thank me. Thank everyone we lost. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be sitting here right now. Their sacrifices won't be in vain. We'll make sure Johto won't fall victim to this disease."