Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Seventeen
The old man was both a talented storyteller--boam would probably chase him down later for advice--and an incredibly skilled knitter. but why put them both together? what did one have to do with the other?
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 11)
My father was a natural and gifted storyteller; his voice and the expansive movements of his paws wove great tapestries out of his adventures in the service of the church.
Adventure at NordicFuzzCon 2014
The room was small and filled with 6-8 people, far smaller than i had expected but i guess storytelling card games isn't a big hit among furs.
Can't Escape, Part IV: Good Perseverance
The storyteller began to tear up. "it was about four in the morning. he was hardly breathing and i was nervous as hell.
The Crown: Chapter Three
The cougar imagined he'd be a great storyteller. "what is your name?" "i..." yang-wo began, his chest tight. his normal line to a foreigner would be, 'i am yang-wo, prince of beldai,' but it seemed hardly appropriate. "i am yang-wo," he said simply.
Chapter 5: Words are Mightier than the Bomb
Maybe worse, we believe that he is doing a magnificent storytelling to us. but being attacked by a salamander who can blow up the air and almost got killed by a fog?
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Six: Worlds Beyond Walls
She was a masterful storyteller. according to the derroni, nephillus believed they had created enough already; that they should tear down elements of what already was and re-construct them into a sixth guardian.
a to z - Passersby
Maybe they didn't grow up with enough of a slow-paced, normal life; no sunday dinners with storytelling on the front-porch during the summer. those things lend grounding and perspective. it's part of why i came here: to share my viewpoint.
Black, Green, and Yellow
The furry basketball association (fba) is a collaborative game/storytelling project.
[Draconicon] Beta-Testers, Chapter 8: Growing Problems
Perfection in storytelling, my dear, is something that should be embraced, not put aside as a mere joke class." the groans in the room were palpable, and sarah was certainly not immune to them. a part of her wanted to sit down and cry.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Seventy Five
"you could start with the storytellers." a growl crept up the pup's throat. "oh, i definitely blame them." he sniffed again. "but...even when you told me...told me it was alright to start our story over. i tried!
50 Words
storyteller toby: even though my mom and dad will only go out on the weekend i still have a bedtime. i don't like to go to bed before 10 when i can sleep in the next day, but having zeke tell me one of his stories makes up for it.