50 Words

Story by Will Thomson on SoFurry

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These are 50 words that describe Zeke from the various perspectives of people in his life. His brother Skye, his friend Jarrod, his boyfriend Matt, his father Terry, the cub he watches Toby, and even Zeke himself all give a little insight the the volatile and short tempted hybrid. A special thanks to Brian Silverfang who gave a word towards this project and the other people who helped as well.

50 Words

  1. Centered:

Matt: Zeke was not the kind to hold back in anything, he didn't care if you were smaller than him, bigger than him, female, older, younger, it didn't matter to him, everyone was the same and he didn't care about any of them. Only the things he had and were at the center of his world mattered to him, but what was at the center of his world wasn't things surrounding him. Instead it was people like me, Jarrod, Toby, and his family who he made the center of his world.

  1. Green:

Zeke: Being part feline meant many things to many people, but to me it meant that I had a natural advantage in climbing trees that I would take whenever I was bored, alone, needed a place to think, or wanted a place to nap. I'd just find a nice tree, climb up it, and sit on a good solid branch before looking out from my perch through the green leaves feeling a strange sense of serenity take over me that I didn't find often on the ground.

  1. Perceptive:

Jarrod: Sometimes it seemed like he was part eagle because Zeke could just see things that other people missed. I was feeling down one day because it was my mother's birthday but I didn't show it. I smiled and laughed with my friends in class, and acted like I always did, but when I was walking into the cafeteria Zeke grabbed me by the arm and dragged me off to the bathroom before he asked me why I was upset.

  1. Scarred:

Matt: It was a rare night that I spent over with Zeke where he had his shirt off while he slept. He was on his side and I could see the various scars on his body. I had asked about each one and he told me the story on how he got them. Many stories were about how he hurt himself training, or fell off his bike or from a tree, but there were others that weren't so nice. He has a scar on his left ankle from when he ran into a burning building to save someone, a gash on his right side came from someone trying to mug him, and then there was the scar on his shoulder that he got from some monster who thought he was evil. All along Zeke's body I saw marks and scars and it made me wonder how many more he'd have to get before he could find peace.

  1. Withdrawn

Matt: I understood why Zeke kept to himself, why he didn't get close to people. Moving time and time again for so long made it hard to open up to strangers you knew you'd never see again and most of whom wanted nothing to do with you. Now that he's here to stay though, he's still withdrawn from most people, but that's only in part due to the fear of finally letting someone get close again just to be hurt.

  1. Isolated

Skye: For as long as I've known him, Zeke has been isolated. He wasn't kept from people or anything but he kept people away. His family was always moving so he kept to himself, not wanting to make friends that he'd just have to leave behind and not wanting to take a chance on someone hurting him again. Even now that Zeke has found himself a home he keeps himself isolated. That fear of being hurt is still deeply ingrained into him and he's the only one who can break out of his isolation.

  1. Explosive

Matt: We were just working on homework when it happened. I was doing math and Zeke was doing research on a paper for his psych class. All of a sudden he stood up walked up to his punching bag and kicked it hard enough to knock the bag off its chains and then stormed off outside slamming the doors behind him. I got up and looked at the computer and saw that he had been reading an article about a small commune of hybrids in Asia that had been slaughtered by some militant group. I just shook my head and walked over to Zeke's open window and listened to his unintelligible yells as he took out his frustration on the trees.

  1. Gentle

Matt: Despite what everyone saw him as being, I knew the real Zeke. There was more to him than a strong tough guy that could lay you out with one kick and when we were alone he'd show that side to me. He would stroke my back and rub my shoulders after a hard day, never to hard but enough to feel. I've seen him carry bugs outside with his hands and lift baby birds back up to their nests when they'd fallen. Having a tough guy for a boyfriend was nice, but it was better to see he had a gentler side as well.

  1. Wet:

Jarrod: It had been storming outside since lunch and the rain was just coming down in sheets. Everyone in class was at least a little bit wet from the rain, but right before the late bell rang, Zeke walked in absolutely soaked to the skin with his hair covering his eyes like a sheep dog and sporting a big shit eating grin. I asked him why he was so soaked and yet his book bag was fairly dry. He just said he had gone walking in the rain and actually laughed. I knew him more than anyone else but just hearing a happy laugh from him freaked me out.

  1. Tired:

Terry: I stood at the door of his room in the new house we had just moved into. Zeke had brought in all the boxes that were his to his room and was lying on the carpeted floor on a pillow dead to the world. He had been going through the boxes and getting a few things out but hadn't made much of an attempt to unpack. This would make the 12th home we had lived in since he was born and I knew he wasn't eager to unpack again. He was as tired of moving around as I was. I reached for a blanket from a box and covered him up before leaving his room. We'd unpack more tomorrow and hopefully this time for good.

  1. Diverse:

Zeke: Everyone likes Italian food and I knew how to make a lot of it. I could make pizza, noodles, stuffed pasta, and various meats. Chinese was a bit harder to learn, mainly just getting the hang of making rice and using fresh vegetables instead of frozen. The first time I made French bread it came out flat but with some work I got it to rise like it was supposed to. Sushi was hard to make without access to a good fish market or specialty store, but with bananas and mangoes I always had options for tropical ideas. The so called "Classical" American food though was something I could always make but with all I knew I could put all sorts of twists on them.

  1. Headache:

Skye: From the day I met him he has been a giant pain. Kicked me in the stomach the first 5 minutes of knowing him and within 24 hours I had to come sign release forms to get him out of the ER because he ran into a burning building to help someone. He called me air-head for a week because of my name and every time something would set him off I'd get a throbbing headache after it was done. Zeke was a huge pain in the ass then and still is now, but regardless of the headaches I can't help but love my little brother.

  1. Overprotective:

Terry: A lot changed after my boys were attacked. Zeke became colder and quieter while Joey started to get louder and more aggressive. I also started to notice that when we'd go out, Zeke always had Joey within sight and whenever someone got close to him he'd growl dangerously at them. Women, bigger kids, and especially other men were all met with a show of sharp fangs and claws. He didn't like seeing anyone near his brother and once a teenager ran into Joey, I was about to tell him to watch where he was going, but Zeke punched him in the face and screamed at him to get away. It was then that I started to see how serious my oldest boy had taken the role of protector.

  1. Shame:

Zeke: Every time I get out of the shower I see my back. I see the scar on my shoulder where I was attacked and on bad days I can still feel that knife digging into my flesh. I am ashamed of that wound just as I am sometimes ashamed of my stripes. They make me special but the shame of being a stigma in society prevents me from ever being truly proud about my heritage, no matter how great I know it to be. I look at my back and see those stripes and no matter how proud I want to be of who and what I am, on bad days all I can feel is shame.

  1. Stubborn

Matt: When Zeke wants to do something there's not much that will stop him. He once said that he wanted to figure out a way to make a savory and spicy dessert and after doing hours of researching he found some things to try and set about making them but they each came out pretty badly. No matter how much everyone said to just give up and try something else he kept working on the recipe and ingredients until one day when I came over he pulled open my mouth and shoved this weird cupcake into my mouth that tasted spicy yet sweet, and with a tangy savory taste to it. Thanks to him being stubborn Zeke is now the only person within a hundred miles that knows how to make perfect buffalo chicken cupcakes with blue cream cheese icing.

  1. Sweet

Toby: Zeke's the best! He's really funny and knows lots of stories and facts that are really interesting, and he's a really great cook too! Every time he watches me he'll make me a different meal and it normally tastes really good even when it has really nasty things in it like carrots and bell peppers. If I eat my dinner though, he'll make a dessert for me and I get to help. Normally it's something simple like cookies, but on special nights I've helped him bake a cake! I really like Zeke, he's funny, nice, and makes really sweet desserts.

  1. Controlled

Jarrod: I've seen the guy when someone's pushed the wrong button. He gets miffed and most times it ends badly for the button pusher, but from what I've seen it's nothing compared to what he can do. I've seen him train in the woods near his house and seen him break branches and logs with his limbs. When I see his buttons get pushed and he attacks someone I know that he is holding back and trying to control himself, and I sometimes worry about what would happen should he ever actually lose it.

  1. Angry

Matt: Calling Zeke angry is like calling the ocean wet; redundant. Zeke was an aggressive guy who didn't take anything from anybody. It's not like he was a short tempered kind of guy, he really did try to control his anger but lots of things just set him off, and rightly so. Seeing others get picked on made him angry, hearing about some brutal murder made him angry, and feeling like he lived in a world that would always be against him made him angry. I don't mind seeing him angry because I know he can control it most times. It's when I see him take out his anger and frustration out in his training though that worries me.

  1. Alpha

Jarrod: The whole thing was my idea. I filled out the forms and requests and did everything to get the fighting club together. It was only because our principal denied it that I even told Zeke about it and he talked to his grandfather who somehow made it happen on the condition Zeke became my co-captain. At first I wasn't too happy about it, but then I saw that with the two of us it somehow worked. Everyone though started to see Zeke as the one in charge though and looked at me like a second. That really pissed me off for awhile, but when I started to notice more people came up to me for advice because Zeke was busy instructing the class I decided it was fine. Zeke could be the alpha even if he didn't want to admit he was, so long as I wasn't called his beta.

  1. Territorial:

Matt: What is Zeke's is Zeke's and no one else's. Once he stakes a claim on something he won't let others touch it without his permission. One day he saw this freshman getting picked on by some seniors. Zeke walked over to the kid and pulled him away and pushed him behind him and said to the two stunned seniors that he was his friend and to back off. It was almost comical to watch, these two guys had 4 inches and likely 20-30 pounds on him but his reputation made them back off. Zeke just snorted at them and after making sure the kid was ok walked off; the kid didn't need anything more than everyone knowing he was connected to Zeke.

  1. Stealthy

Jarrod: Being half cat myself I know how stealthy felines can be. Zeke though somehow manages to take that to a whole new level. Its part of his sadistic nature I think because he's always sneaking up on me and scaring me. I don't know how he does it but we'll be hanging out after school and somehow he just disappears, even in a wide open space like the gym. I'm not nervous or anything when he does it I can take care of myself and all, but somehow he always manages to sneak up on me and startle me. After my heart calms down again I'll look at his grinning face and ask him how he does that and he'll always respond that tigers are just really sneaky.

  1. Blunt

Jarrod: Zeke doesn't mince words; he doesn't care if what he says sounds rude or hurtful because when he says something it's the truth. We were in class one day and Zeke was reading a book when some girls walked over to their friend to compliment her on her very provocative outfit. They said she looked cute and hot in her skirt that was a bit on the short side and very tight shirt that showed just a bit of her stomach and was tight around her chest. Even though she was pretty attractive it looked like she was trying too hard to look sexy and when she thanked them and told them her mother said she dressed like a slut and if they could believe that Zeke just said yes and turned the page of his book.

  1. Dark

Matt: Zeke is sometimes... not pleasant. With his history of violence I can understand that. He really makes light of death and pain though. I had watched him train to the point that he was bleeding once and when I asked him why he wouldn't stop he said he enjoyed the pain. The pain meant he was still alive and so long as he felt it he could carry on. I'd heard him threaten people when they would try to pick a fight with him outside school too, and the things he said about snapping their bones and leaving them bleeding in a ditch scares me because I know he is beyond capable of such things.

  1. Poetic

Matt: He has an odd way of looking at the world sometimes. I've caught him looking out a window sometimes just watching clouds and birds. Then there are other times he'll sit someplace and look at insects or small creatures. He tells me he likes to look at the world around him. The world is like a puzzle and you can only see the picture when you have all the pieces. I've known since day one that Zeke had a bit of a poet in him, but sometimes I forget how poetic the world can be in the words of an expert scribe.

  1. Jealous

Zeke: I'm not a good person, nor am I a good brother. It's not often but sometimes I get these feelings of being really inadequate, especially when it comes to my brothers. Joey can work on machines, fix a flat tire, and knows about tools like our dad but I barely know the difference between pliers and a wrench. Skye on the other hand is really strong and crazy smart. He knows all this stuff about the law and it just seems like there's no area he doesn't know lots about. I'm not as strong as Skye, and definitely not as smart as him, and I'm not good at practical things like Joey is. It's not often that I feel jealous of my brothers, but when it rears its ugly head it makes me feel worthless.

  1. Talented

Matt: There's a lot of things that Zeke is good at. He's a great cook, an awesome baker, he can draw pretty well, and his skills with words are, in my biased opinion, top ranking. He knows how to play a guitar and piano some so long as it's nothing to complex and he says he knows a few different languages. All in all he has a lot of talent and seems more than capable of doing a lot of things. Sadly a lot of talent doesn't make up for a lack of self-esteem.

  1. Soft

Matt: As an otter I keep my fur clean and well maintained. Zeke though, I have no idea what he does. I've caught glimpses of him brushing his fur and hair and seen some cheap hair care products in his shower but otherwise I don't think he does much. I'm not complaining though, every time I get to sleep over I'm more than happy to feel that fur of his that is just simply soft.

  1. Evasive

Jarrod: If you weren't Matt or me, you wouldn't get a straight answer from Zeke. He wouldn't just ignore a person but when he talked it was in an odd way. He'd dodge about questions from where he learned to fight and where he was from originally saying things like "here and there" and "down south a ways".

  1. Pain:

Zeke: I hide it well, or least I try to, but my body hurts a lot. I'll be sitting in class or something and all of a sudden I'll feel a sharp pain travel through one of my legs. Sometimes it will pass as quickly as it came but sometimes I'll have an ache for a few hours if not days. I'm not sure if it's my body deteriorating in some way or from all my training but I don't tell anyone about it. I can tolerate the pain in my body and until I can't I don't want people to worry about something so frivolous.

  1. Humble

Matt: Zeke was good at a lot of things. Cooking, fighting, various artistic things, math, writing, and was pretty good at deductive reasoning and puzzles. The thing though that I learned was that any time he was given a compliment on it he'd just pin his ears back, look embarrassed and say that whatever he had done wasn't anything big despite it being good if not short of terrific. Looking at it another way though I guess I should be thankful he doesn't have a big ego.

  1. Confusing:

Jarrod: Zeke's mind wasn't linear like most people's. When he thought of something it would lead to something else which would then veer off another tangent and orbit around another idea until he got so far from the original subject at hand it was he often hard to explain what he was thinking. I'll never understand to this day how we could be talking about the big movie that we all wanted to see at one moment and suddenly Zeke saying that that reminded him of something he saw at an aquarium once when the movie was set in a city.

  1. Curious

Matt: We had finished our work for our anatomy class about half way through the period and Zeke had been sniffing the air all through it. After he was done with the assignment he started to go blood hound on the class following a scent. I asked him what he was doing because everyone was staring at him with his eyes closed and sniffing the air and he just said he smelled something and wanted to know what it was. After sniffing around and walking on his hands he found a book bag with a flavor of cookie he liked that he could never find and asked to have one like it was nothing.

  1. Oblivious:

Jarrod: I don't think he knows what normal is sometimes. He'll sniff at people and ask them weird off the wall questions that somehow makes sense, he'll bend over a seat to stretch out his back, and once pulled someone away from a conversation that they were having to ask about a homework assignment. He acts like what he does is normal and when called out on it he'll just look confused like he has no idea what they're talking about. I'm not sure if it's him being oblivious or just not caring but either way I tend to roll my eyes at it.

  1. Sharp

Skye: I remember one time when my adoptive family took me out to celebrate me getting into a good college. I know I looked great in my dark red button up and gray suit but Zeke I have to admit looked especially sharp. The kid had his hair tied back neatly for a change, wore a light blue button up and a simple black jacket with matching pants. He wasn't comfortable wearing it but even as he fidgeted I couldn't help but think what a heartbreaker he was going to be if he dressed this nice more often. In fact the only thing sharper than his style was the claws he showed off when someone kept giving us the evil eye.

  1. Funny

Toby: Zeke's not like any other sitter or big kid I've ever met. He's really nice, he plays video games with me, and he's always making me laugh with funny things he does. He sometimes helps me with my school work and he'll take his mechanical pencils and hook them on his lips before making a noise like a walrus. Other times he'll just tell me a funny story like how he once found a lizard in his house and showed it to his mother and how much she screamed when he dropped it on the floor. There are sometimes when I need to talk to him, so I'll call him and he'll come right over, those times are the best 'cause he'll order a pizza for me, get me some ice cream, or do whatever it takes to make me smile again.

  1. Storyteller

Toby: Even though my mom and dad will only go out on the weekend I still have a bedtime. I don't like to go to bed before 10 when I can sleep in the next day, but having Zeke tell me one of his stories makes up for it. He'll tell me tales about dragons, mermaids, ghosts, spirits, brave warriors, and mysterious happenings that I've never heard of. I try to stay awake to hear the end of his stories but I always fall asleep before the end. I've asked him where he's read these stories from but he always tells me that he just makes them up as he goes along. I just gasped at that, I knew Zeke was really cool and everything but the way he told a story was just awesome!

  1. Vocal:

Jarrod: Looking at Zeke you might be surprised at how vocal he can be. It doesn't matter who's around where he's at or how much of a scene he'll cause, when Zeke Thomson has something to say, you'd better believe he's gonna be heard. One day we were hanging out with a few friends of ours at our favorite pizza place when some jack-hole started to cause a scene. The guy was being a real prick going on about the service and the bill even when the waitress was in tears. Before I could go get the manager though Zeke was up and yelling from across the room for the guy to shut up and calling him on all the crap he was spouting. After a few well placed verbal jabs and smart insults the stuffed shirt deflated, paid, and scurried off. Zeke isn't all hot hair, though, after the guy left he comforted the young lady and gave her a huge tip before he walked back over to our table yelled at everyone staring to go back to their meals and snatched up the last slice.

  1. Physical

Matt: Actions speak louder than words they say. For Zeke that's pretty much the main way to talk. I've gotten pretty good at learning what he is trying to say from his actions. His tail wagging rhythmically while he's cooking means he's in a good mood, if it's low and still he's either thinking or upset. He'll pull me closer during a movie when something intense is going on and only ease up when things have calmed down. I like it the most when he wants to wrestle, that means he's feeling affectionate and when we're both tired and out of breath we'll kiss.

  1. Affectionate

Skye: When I had time to visit, I'd take my brothers out to my cabin upstate so we could swim, hike, and just get away from the pricks that made our lives hell. More than anything Zeke liked swimming. He'd rough house and dunk Joey in the water and they'd both jump up on my back and we'd play for hours. After dinner we'd watch the sunset and get ready for bed. They'd curl up near me and rub against me to stay warm.

  1. Noble

Jarrod: I've never met a guy like him before. We were driving along when we witnessed a car T-bone into another car sending it spinning across the street and into a ditch. Before I could even reach for my phone to call for 911 Zeke was out of my truck and running towards the car. I saw him trying to open it but the doors were locked and the person inside was unconscious. Having no other choice Zeke punched the window open and unlocked the door to get the man that was inside out. I saw blood on the man's head and Zeke quickly went about putting some pressure on the wound even though I saw his hand was bleeding from punching the window.

  1. Restless

Matt: I have watched Zeke a lot since I met him. He seems to always be doing something, thinking about something, or just moving about. I've very rarely seen him sit still for very long and on some nights when I've stayed over I've woken up to see him typing away at his computer working on some writing project of his. I don't know where he gets all this pent up energy of his but he just seems to have this constant need to expel it at all times.

  1. Hateful:

Matt: It's not as simple as hating vegetables or hating history assignments. For Zeke he seems to hate people in general. He doesn't trust anyone and looks at everyone with a suspicious eye like he expects them to attack him at a moment's notice. I sometimes don't know if it's really just distrust that he's showing but the sheer anger I've seen roll off of him makes me think that it's closer to hatred that he has for being around people. All that hatred and anger I see in him worries me sometimes, and although it's selfish I wonder if there's room enough in all that hate for him to actually love me.

  1. Blue

Zeke: Blue has a lot of meanings. It symbolizes the winter, cold, calm, sorrow, and being true. All of these things I can relate too. I am almost always wearing blue, or using blue in my works, I don't know why exactly but it just appeals to me. I wear blue to remind me that I have to stay calm, and to remind myself of my place. Blue is my color; it reminds me that there is much sorrow in this world but at the same time reminds me that there is also much hope for it.

  1. Charming

Jarrod: Despite his cold exterior and stand offish behavior Zeke's actually pretty good with people sometimes. At checkout lanes he'll chat and make idle conversation with the cashiers, when we're hanging out at a restaurant he'll talk with the waitress, and every time he'll get them to smile with that dry humor of his. It's weird though; even if he was a hybrid like me I'd expect a guy like him to have had a girlfriend by now or at least dated.

  1. Spiritual

Jarrod: Zeke once told me that he wasn't a God fearing person and that he didn't understand the concept of fearing God. For Zeke God was mother and father to us all and couldn't fear Him any more than he could fear his own parents. I've also caught him at times when he thought he was alone talking to God like He was standing right in front of him but when I asked him if he went to church a lot he said he didn't. I asked him why when he seemed to have such faith in the Almighty and he just said that he believed in God, Jesus, and considered himself Catholic, but that there was much more to religion than a building and someone reading from a book written by men thousands of years ago.

  1. Weird

Jarrod: Zeke is seriously weird. And I mean almost crazy creepy weird. Other day we were outside just hanging out and talking as the sun was setting and all of a sudden came along this huge spider. Instead of freaking out about it or something he just kneels over it and fawns over it like it's the cutest thing he's ever seen. Dude was going 'aww' over a huge friggin spider like it was a puppy or something! I don't know what scared me more, the spider or seeing Zeke act like that.

  1. Bold

Jarrod: He's in his element when he's sparring with the rookies. He doesn't need to rely on strength, speed, or really pay attention to beat most of them. He can show off his moves and dance around them like he's showing off for someone, but I suspect that he's just having fun. Because it's nothing serious he can show off the styles he's learned, their forms and just watching his motions is like an art form. He likes showing off his moves and being flashy, but when he has to get serious his moves don't get any less bold.

  1. Generous

Matt: Charitable is not a word I thought I'd use to describe Zeke. He's not selfish or anything but I just never saw him as the type to just give as much as he had. There was a collection going around school for relief efforts for some town that had been devastated by a tornado. A lot of kids donated clothes, canned goods, and money to help, but what really was surprising was how Zeke did it. He had made sure that he had lots of small bills on him, and every time someone asked him for a donation he'd chip in a few dollars. I kept a close eye on him after seeing him do that a few times in one day and by the end of the week I had seen him give away more than a hundred dollars to the effort. When I asked him why he had given so much though all he said was that they needed it more than him.

  1. Determined

Terry: There was a time when Zeke wanted to just give up. Don't ask me how I know, call it a father's intuition, but I could tell. Then one day he started to seem better. He would have this hard look on his face and take deep breaths at odd times. It was like he was looking at something I couldn't see and was staring it down, daring it to challenge him. It wasn't an overnight thing but soon that sad look of his became a look of sheer determination. He had seen how cruel life could be but as the weeks turned into months I saw that he wouldn't let the bad things keep him down.

  1. Loving

Zeke: I have a lot of negative aspects about me. Angry, obsessive, stubborn, and a bit sadistic are just a few of my worse traits. I've seen some pretty dark things in my life and I guess its having seen such darkness that I can admire the light so well compared to it. I don't show it but I love a lot of things. My art, the rain, my family, and even Matt now are just some of those things. It's because I'm so dark that I can admire the light, it's because I've felt such sheer hatred for someone that I know what it's like to love. It's because of my family and Matt that I think I can actually learn to let things go now.