Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 7
The two put down their gear and stood across from one another, with the old traveler taking out a pokeball and giving it a toss, releasing his pangoro.
My New Best Friend Chapter 8: I love you Riolu
Cynthia pointed the pokeball towards the fighting type. the red laser hit him and he soon disintegrated into the ball.
Chapter Seven - What Now?
Ben went with cameron to do who knows what with him, no innuendo intended, and the pichu are in their pokeballs, which somehow still work." she said. "and before you ask and another innuendo pops up, yes, they have pokeballs.
The Human Species Ch.21 - Swarmed Trainer Silver
He said while pulling out a single pokeball from under his jacket, "screw diplomacy! prepare yourself, lucario!"
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 56
Seeing an exit from the block, chris pulled gardevoir across his lap, making her hold the pokeballs for him as servine coiled around his neck.
Chapter Twenty Two - Reunited
Ben grinned as he pulled a pokeball out of his pocket. "while you were asleep, i gave amper back to her owners... and guess what? they gave me this pokeball.
Cherubi's Story - Chapter Two
Sara grabbed an empty pokeball from her bag and held it out to her side, away from the umbrella. "if that means i don't go running around beating up wild pokemon, but instead 'hold out a pokeball and ask them to hop in', then that's fine by..."
Strong Wolf Chronicles part 4 - Arrival
She took two of the four pokeballs on her belt off, pressed the expansion/retraction button on the front, and threw them into the air.
Sight of the heart Part II
Amy lays on her bed her pillow is a big pokeball and her blanket has pichus and lightning bolts all over it.
Chapter Twenty - Acquaintences
Released it from the pokeball right into her mouth and just gulped the thing down, no problem... then tossed the pokeball in and finished it off!" cameron laughed. "yeah... she's so awesome..." i said as i wagged my tail.
Opal's Story - Chapter 5
I don't know; keep you in your pokeball for a few days, or skip a meal, or take a toy away?"
Uncatchable: Mewtwo
Slowly but weakly, you reached into your bag and grabbed a pokeball. with all your strength while mewtwo swallowed the last of your pokemon, you threw the ball.