Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 56

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#56 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Original images used for this chapter made by http://zurisu.deviantart.com/ http://khrysteen.deviantart.com/

Chapter 56 - Breaking Into Millennium Prison

The next day, Gerald returned with a new wheelchair for Chris, the two going over what happened after he passed out. When Chris told his side of the story, Gerald and the others had a surprised look on their faces. "So... You met the Ninetails that cursed you... And praised it? I must say... That's a shocker..." Gerald responded, smiling nervously as the others nodded in agreement. "Ha ha... Well, its just like I told it, I don't really see it as a cursed life anymore. Pretty much the opposite really! I actually feel like I owe Ninetails in a way... It led me to you guys, gave me a chance to help that hospital and all... Plus it even helped all of us out after I fell off that cliff! She saved me and helped Gardevoir gain control of herself!" he grinned, causing Gardevoir to scowl in irritation as she recalled the lecture it gave her back then. "I really don't think Ninetails is that bad at all... It has a reclusive attitude... But I think that's just because its experiences with humans weren't that good in the past... Its kind of blunt and all... But its honesty is something you can respect too. I can tell Ninetails has a really great soul deep down cause it could have given my grandpa... Could have given ME any curse it wanted, but instead of something bad, it spared my grandpa and gave me a life full of excitement and full of friends! Plus, its like I told it... I turned out to be a pretty good person in the end! It helped raise me to be an alright guy, right?" he grinned, causing the three to blink at him all the more shocked. "Raise you... Master Chris?" Gerald asked, sitting by his bed. "Huh...? Oh! Its really confusing stuff but... Basically, Ninetails has been a part of me since before I was born... It made sure nothing bad was allowed to twist me into the wrong type of person you could say... I can't really explain it but in a way... I guess you could say Ninetails is just as much a parent to me as my own mom and dad!" he laughed, causing the Gerald and Servine to look at one another bewildered as a flush suddenly spread across Chris's face.

"Uhh... Do you have a fever by chance...?" Servine asked, looking at his face as Gerald did the same, feeling his forehead. Looking at them confused, Chris looked at a nearby mirror and grinned. "Nah... I think I just said something that made Ninetails happy..." he chuckled, suddenly groaning and clutching his head as if he had been smacked in the back of it, laughing nervously as the three continued sitting with a confused atmosphere around them. "Are you... Quite certain you're well?" Gerald asked, putting an arm on his shoulder concerned. "F... Fine... See, with a part of Ninetails in me, we can kind of... Connect... In a weird way with one another... That's how I was able to use its power... And why I just groaned... Whenever I say something or do something that Ninetails doesn't like as of late, it lets me know by sending pings through my head... I like how its opening up and communicating with me though nonetheless." he replied, smiling again as the three sighed and shook their heads. "Uh... Wh... What?" Chris asked, looking at them as they glanced back at the same time. "You're hopeless!" they said simultaneously, causing Chris to let out an "urk!" in response and sweat slightly. Deciding to move on from the topic, Chris prepared himself for the day ahead, washing himself off and dressing himself. it was still a little tricky for him to do, but once he was finished, the group left the room, with Gardevoir pushing Chris along as he looked around. "Its really weird... Passing out somewhere then waking up somewhere completely different..." he told them as they made their way out of the hotel. Looking around, Chris wondered where the center was, only for Gerald to point out it was just a few blocks away.

"We can go by car... Or take a stroll... Sure you wouldn't like to eat first?" Gerald asked. Thinking it over, Chris faced the two Pokemon and asked them what they wanted first. "Ehh... You're concerned over it, so paying that Buneary a visit first wouldn't bother me. We had plenty to eat while you were out of it anyways." Servine smirked, waving her hand as Gardevoir quickly reached out and clumsily covered her mouth with a nervous laugh. "N... Nah!! We didn't eat!! Just had snacks in room!!" she said as Servine rolled her eyes, pushing her hands away while Chris blinked at them. "Oh please... Its no wonder you feel ashamed. You ate enough to cause a place to go out of business... You'll get fat soon enough." Servine said with a shrug, causing Gardevoir to flush and poke her stomach embarrassed. "So... You guys ate a bunch? Where did you find food at around here?" Chris asked, looking around as Gerald faced his back towards them, looking around with a nervous smile on his face. "Ah... Right... You could have left me something you know." he laughed, causing Gardevoir and Gerald to rub their heads with guilty smiles, Servine merely shrugging in response. "First come first serve... Early bird gets the worm and all that." she smirked, sticking her tongue out. "Ah well... I don't mind. After everything you guys had to do the other day while I was out of it you needed a good meal. We can have breakfast together soon enough anyways." he smiled before making their way towards the center.

Once they arrived, Chris suddenly froze up as the people in the center slowly went quiet, with more and more eyes looking his way as he smiled with sweat on his face, putting his hand up to wave at everyone. "Okay... Hi... Nice day..." he said quietly, wheeling his way up to the receptionist. "H... Hi... My friends brought in a Buneary the other day... Is it alright if I pay it a visit? It'll only take a minute." he asked as the people around them continued watching silently, Gerald and Servine standing nervously as Gardevoir shuddered, making a "feel uncomfortable..." comment. "Ah... You're the mysterious man who went toe to toe with that truck and survived? I must say, ever since those friends of yours brought that Buneary in here this center has been the talk of the city! Its had more visitors than I can count... Poor things been pretty shaken up by it all though..." the receptionist replied with a nervous smile. "Yes... Considering you're the one who brought it here in the first place, one more visitor wouldn't hurt. Follow me everyone." the receptionist told them, leading them into the back of the center along the halls. "So... Talk of the city... In a good way or... Bad...?" Chris asked, looking up nervously. "Oh, definitely good! In fact many people assume it was part of some movie being filmed using special effects that went wrong... Although just as many assume that isn't the case..." the receptionist replied, looking down at him with a raised eyebrow before shrugging as they went up to a huge window in the wall. "And there it is... Or rather, there SHE is... Take your time, but please keep a gentle tone. Its shaken up enough right now." the receptionist reminded before bowing and leaving them.

Looking inside, they could see Buneary laying on a bed with its right arm and left leg secured in a cast, its body covered in bandages with countless devices attached to it. "Man... She's in rough shape... But the fact she was able to handle so much torture and come out of it as well as she has... Tough girl..." Chris muttered as Gerald and Servine looked in as well. "Quite a spirit... Must be in dreadful pain nonetheless..." Gerald replied. "Sense pain... But sadness too... Can't tell which I feel more coming from Buneary." Gardevoir told them as they saw Buneary stir. Looking at the others, Chris lift Servine off his shoulder and held her out towards Gerald, wheeling himself to the door. "You guys mind waiting out here? I want to talk to it for a sec." he asked, getting a nod in response as they watched him go inside and wheel his way next to Buneary. Watching him through the window, they saw Chris wake the Buneary up, causing her to jump and panic before he put his hand on her head and gave it a rub, smiling as she looked at him and slowly settled down, laying still once again. "I admit... I do wonder what he's saying..." Gerald muttered as Servine relaxed in his arms. "Oh... You know him... Probably wooing her and next thing you know, she'll be tagging along with us too. He's good at womanizing our kind..." Servine replied, crossing her arms and twitching her tail in irritation, even thrashing her tongue out slightly. "Wait... Womanizing?! A POKEMON womanizer?!!" Gerald replied loudly, suddenly bursting out in laughter causing Servine to jolt and flush brightly. "S... Silence!! Silence I say!! Obey me butler!!" she barked back in humiliation. "So... That's how he won the two of you over...? Or perhaps how he won you over madam...?" Gerald asked, poking fun at the idea as Servine grit her teeth and faced away. For whatever reason, the image of them dancing together in the fancy ballroom back in Commorall popped into her head, making her flush and quickly shake her head. "S... Senile oaf..." she replied as Gardevoir tilt her head confused. "Whats a womanizer?" she asked, causing Servine to groan and slump with a "please shut up..." response as Gerald began snickering once again.

"Oh my word... Every moment... EVERY moment..." Gerald said with a smile, shaking his head and wiping a tear from his eye as he took a deep breath. Continuing to watch the two, Chris eventually leaned his forehead towards Buneary's and rest it on hers for a moment, slowly pulling away with a smile and giving it a thumbs up before wheeling himself out of the room, joining the others once again. "Alright... We've actually got one more stop to make..." Chris told them before suddenly rolling himself down the hall. "M... Master Chris? H... Hold on sir!" Gerald called out, quickly guiding Gardevoir up to him as Servine jumped onto Chris's shoulders, the three showing surprised expressions. "So... Do tell... What's going on?" Servine asked as Gerald scratched his head confused. "Well... We're going to jail." he replied, suddenly causing Gerald and Gardevoir to freeze and jump back as Servine fell off the back of his chair with a "WOAH!!" response in surprise, quickly standing and patting herself off. "Are you crazy?! That's the ONE thing we've been trying to AVOID!!" Servine lectured. "No jail!! No jail!!" Gardevoir shout in terror, reaching out and clutching the handles of his wheelchair tightly. "M... Master Chris p... Please explain yourself at least..." Gerald said as he calmed the two Pokemon down. "We're going to jail... I have business there." he replied, giving them a thumbs up. "No worries! Everything's gonna be fine." he assured them, wheeling himself forward once again as they followed. Little did they know however, N wasn't the only person keeping an eye on them... Just as they had told the police, the crew from the Millennium News were hot on Chris's trail once again, having spotted him entering the center.

"You boys catch that...? They're heading for the prison next... We high tail it, we can beat em' there easy!" the woman leading the crew said, quickly shooing them in the opposite direction. As the group reached the reception area, Chris suddenly halt his wheelchair as a woman in a lab coat walked in front of him, looking down and blinking in surprise. "O... Oh... Beg your pardon..." she said as Chris looked up in surprise. "N... No problem. Still getting used to this." he laughed nervously in response, patting the arm of his wheelchair. "No need to worry about it. I should have been paying attention... I'm very busy you see. I provide most of the equipment here and had some repairs to pick up too. I should have paid more attention." she laughed, offering a hand. "I am Professor Rose." she told him, shaking his hand as he smiled nervously. "Oh wow... Didn't think I'd meet a professor here too... I'm Chris. This is my family, Gardevoir and Servine, and our friend, Gerald!" he grinned as Rose raised an eyebrow at the Pokemon, looking them over curiously. "Family...? Interesting title... Been some time since I heard someone say that about their Pokemon..." she muttered suddenly smiling and shaking their hands. "That means this fellow really loves you two! A pleasure." she giggled, also shaking Geralds hand as the two Pokemon blushed from her statement with shy smiles. "Ahh... Waaiiiit a minute... I know who you lot are!! You've been all over the news the past few days! So you're the group causing this city to shoot up the charts eh...? I don't think we've been such a big hit in years!" she grinned as they looked away with nervous laughs. "Well... Whenever you lot get the time, please stop by my laboratory. Its a bit of a trip from here, but we've got the best technology you can find! Good luck finding a region in the world that can compete with us!" she grinned before waving and moving on, the group waving in response as Gardevoir stood tilting her head confused. "Uhh... So..." Chris said, pointing in her direction and giving Gerald a "Who and where exactly...?" expression.

"Oh! Professor Rose is one of the highest ranking leaders in the world of science and Pokemon alike! Right up there with those such as Oak from Kanto and Sycamore over in Kalos really... A remarkable woman in her own right... Brilliant is an understatement! I'd wager paying her a visit would be very rewarding. Especially with your little invitation considered!" he smiled. "Her laboratory is the one I've mentioned previously. I'd be glad to take you there if you wish later on!" he offered, getting a nod from Chris in response. "Meeting a professor and going to a lab... A bit overwhelming." he smiled nervously before they left the center. Offering to return to the hotel for them and bring the limo, Chris nodded and gave Gerald his thanks, watching the old butler turn the corner as he waved and let out a sigh. "Now then... I need to ask you two a favor... Remember how I said you girls wouldn't be ordered around...?" he asked, causing them both to show a surprised and concerned look. "Once we get to the prison, I need both of you to follow my every word... Alright...? No thinking, no objecting... What we're going there for is REALLY important... No matter how you feel in the moment, my word, what I tell you to do... That's all I want you to focus on... Can I ask that of you...?" he asked in a serious tone, the two Pokemon remaining silent for a moment before Gardevoir suddenly bowed her head. "I obey you... Vowed to do so... Command and I do anything..." she replied, Servine groaning and nodding as well as she looked at Chris's expression. "...We're going to die..." Servine replied, shaking her head with a sigh. "Don't worry you two, we'll be fine..." he assured them as the limo arrived. Once they were all inside, they quickly made their way towards the city prison, a worried look on Geralds face the entire way there as he repeatedly looked towards Chris in the mirror, sitting with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face as he muttered to himself, deep in his own thoughts while Gardevoir and Servine sat by his sides. "...Tell us what going for?" Gardevoir asked, nervously putting her hand on his shoulder as he raised an eyebrow. "You don't trust me?" he asked, causing Gardevoir to quickly pull her hand away and sweat nervously. "N... No. I trust!" she replied, facing down as Servine groaned once again. "Secrets are a terrible thing to keep when it revolves something as foolish as this..." she told him as he starting losing himself in thought again.

Once they arrived at the prison, Chris went wide eyed in surprise as the limo drove along its seemingly endless barrier, the massive building within stretching just as endlessly before them. Once they reached the front gate, Gerald stopped and gave Chris another concerned look through the mirror. "Master Chris... This prison houses countless unsavory characters... And the security here is truly top notch... I've no idea what you've got in mind by coming here... But are you certain the risks are worth whatever you seek within...?" he asked as Chris crossed his arms once again. "Its the price of freedom..." he replied, taking a deep breath before the group got out of the limo, looking up at the gate together as Gardevoir clutched the handles of Chris's wheelchair. "This place... Sense evil... Too much evil... Lots of misery... Dread..." she muttered, trembling as Servine and Gerald looked around. "Yeah... That sums up a prison quite well madam... Master Chris, I really don't support this... Whatever it is you're doing..." Gerald said as Chris wheeled his way up to the gate. "Don't worry... If you don't mind, I need you to stay here until we get back, alright?" he asked, Gerald blinking in surprise before nodding nervously. "V... Very well... Do be careful..." he replied, backing away and standing with the limo as several guards suddenly came out and stood in front of the gate. "What's your business here?" one asked as they clutched their weapons, "We're here to see one of the inmates. He was probably brought in some time the other evening..." Chris replied, only for the guards to look at one another. "Probably...? What's the inmates name?" another asked, only for Chris to pause and scratch his head. "Uhh... Not sure... I know his face, not his name. I just need to find him." he answered, the guards looking at one another again and shaking their heads. "No entry. You can schedule an appointment if that's the case. We don't let people just waltz in and out of here to browse through the facility. This isn't a museum. If you want to look at random criminals, go look at a wanted poster or two." another replied as they ordered Chris to leave. "You don't understand, there's just something I need to get. It really wont take long." he replied, waving his hand with a nervous laugh as the guards began showing more serious expressions. Ordering him to leave once again, Chris let out a sigh and shook his head. "No matter what... Always the difficult way..."

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gktrznGPNA8

"Alright... Sorry about this..." he replied, suddenly showing a determined glare in his eyes, snapping his fingers causing the two Pokemon to jolt. "Gardevoir, hypnosis..." he ordered sternly. "Yes, Master." she replied. Releasing a wave of energy, the guards jolt before standing straight with a solute in response. Next thing they knew, the guards let them pass, opening the gate and bowing. "There we go... Come on." Chris said, Gardevoir quickly pushing him along as he led her in the direction of the prison. Looking around, Chris could see countless cameras pointing in their direction, with many officers and inmates alike in the yard, all watching them as they made their way towards the entrance. "All good so far... We still look like your average visitor... I think..." he muttered as they reached the front doors. "Alright... Now we just have to find..." he said, pausing as they went inside and saw more officers as they took inmates left and right in front of them, guiding them towards cells and into the yard. "Lots of danger... Not good place..." Gardevoir warned as she sensed the hostile atmosphere. "Just keep it together... It won't take long..." he assured, continuing to look around as they made their way towards the reception desk. "...The heck is a group like you doing in here?" the officer behind the desk asked, looking down at Chris with a raised eyebrow. "We're here trying to find someone. He was arrested yesterday and has something we need." he replied. Looking him over, the officer shook his head and started drinking what was seemingly a mug of coffee. "No can do. We don't let citizens go snooping around our prison. You wanna see someone, you set up an appointment. Besides, whatever this person had you're looking for, its likely already been confiscated at this point. We don't hand over an inmates possessions to citizens anyways. This is a PRISON." the officer told them, waving them off in a "shoo" manner before looking at a newspaper. "Actually... I don't think you lot even have permission to be in here... How did you get past the gates?" he asked, putting the paper down and suddenly glaring at them as he reached for the security button. Snapping his fingers again and calling her name, Gardevoir jolt and nodded, releasing her hypnosis on the guard.

Letting out an "urk!", the officer suddenly sat still and pulled his hand away from the button, instead grabbing his mug and smashing it on his head. "Show us the prisoners brought in yesterday evening." Chris told him, scowling at Gardevoir and nudging her for making the officer hit himself, only for her to shrug in response. Typing away at the computer, several sheets of paper were printed out detailing a list of new inmates and their locations. "Alright... Good... Lets go." he ordered, Gardevoir pushing him along once again as he went over the list. "Looks like most of the new prisoners were all tossed in the same area the other day... That makes this a lot easier." he muttered as they made their way towards the cell block on the lists. Once they reached the doors however, a duo of female officers suddenly stepped up behind them. "Hold it! Citizens aren't allowed back there!" they shout, causing Chris and Gardevoir to freeze. Slowly, they turned around, only for Chris to see the women ensnared together by Servine, their mouths muffled by her vines as well as she popped up from behind one of them. Next thing he knew, Chris watched the nurses wobble and fall to their knees, turning pale as Servine loomed over them with a green aura around her, with eyes glowing an eerie red. "That's it... Rest for a spell darlings..." she muttered while petting them on the head, finally pulling away and hopping onto Chris's lap with a stretch as the nurses collapsed completely. "Mmm... Invigorating energy..." she cooed as Chris looked down at her with wide eyes. "What?! I just drained their energy... Stop wasting time!" she barked. Reacting quickly, they pressed onwards into the cell block. "No... No... Not it..." he thought, scratching off the list as they went from inmate to inmate, getting glares in response. "Agh... Where is he...?" Chris muttered as he looked around, glancing at the random guards and officers watching them and talking on their communicators as cameras continued following them simultaneously.

As he reached the last few names on the list, he suddenly made Gardevoir stop just as they reached the final cell on the floor. Looking inside, Chris saw the young man from the day before, laying down and talking to himself. "THERE you are..." Chris said, turning his wheelchair and facing the young man with his arms crossed. Jolting and glancing towards Chris, he scowled in response. "Whaddaya wa..." he paused, going wide eyed and suddenly gritting his teeth. "YOU!!!" he shout, jumping up and stepping towards the bars. "Yeah... Me..." Chris replied, looking up at the young man, still wearing his clothes with his possessions in the cell next to the bed. "Good... They haven't taken your stuff yet... You've got some things I want to take off your hands..." Chris said, causing him to grit his teeth and clench his fists. "I'm not giving you CRAP!! I'll be out of here in no time!!" he replied, flicking Chris off as the other inmates began watching through their cells, the officers and guards watching as well with their batons in hand, oddly allowing the scenario. Albeit with a wary caution in their expressions... "How rude!!" Servine gasped, Gardevoir tilting her head unable to see the insult as the young man grinned at Chris. "You remember the last time you had me locked up...? Yeah... Bailed out in no time... I'll be outta here just as quick as back then... You better watch your back too... I can make even worse things happen to you than I did that Bune...ACK!!" he gasped as Gardevoirs eyes began glowing, her hand out as if clutching the mans throat. "You threaten him... You target him... I make you suffer... Far worse than any human punishment..." she warned, suddenly sending him flying into the wall in his cell and landing back on his bed, the inmates letting out "ooohhh" noises and whistling, some clapping and laughing as the security started making their way towards the group.

Putting a hand on Gardevoir, Chris made her step back as he wheeled himself closer to the bars. "I want you to hand over your Pokemon..." he ordered as the young man coughed and groaned, sitting up and rubbing his back. "B... Bastard... You don't know what kind of enemy you're making..." he warned, glaring at Chris in the process. "I don't really care... I told you what I came here for... Are you going to make this whole thing difficult too?" he asked. "You don't care about them anyways... Shouldn't be a problem." he told the man. Looking around, Servine could see the countless guards and officers getting closer and closer, clutching Chris's shirt tightly as she stood on his lap, Gardevoir picking up on the gathering presence as well, clutching the handle of Chris's wheelchair tightly with a low and quiet growl. "Should go... Not like feeling here..." Gardevoir suggested, only for Chris to keep his focus on the young man. "I'll tell you one more time... Hand over your Pokemon..." he warned, holding his hand out into the cell. Seeing this, the young man suddenly took his chance and raced towards Chris, grabbing his wrist and yanking him out of the wheelchair and roughly into the bars, his face slamming against them as the man clutched his wrist tightly and twist it. "And I'll tell YOU one more time...Watch who YOU turn into enemies..." the man snarled as the inmates started chanting for a fight, the staff now running towards them. Wanting to stop what was happening, Servine and Gardevoir were ready to attack, only for Chris to order them to stay as they were loudly with his teeth grit. "Fine... We'll do this the hard way..." Chris growled. In an instant, he suddenly twist his wrist free and grabbed the mans wrist, yanking him into the bars with his throat in a headlock. "Servine! Get in there and get the Pokeballs! Move it!!" Chris ordered, struggling to hold the man as she jumped from his sudden command, nodding and dashing into the cell past the two. Noticing the prison staff were feet away, Chris ordered Gardevoir to hold them back with her abilities as the man thrashed in his grasp, screaming and cursing as Servine went through his belongings. Nodding and flashing a barrier up all around them, Gardevoir held the guards and officers back in obedience, causing them to run into it, bouncing back in surprise as Servine continued searching for the Pokeballs in the cell.

Finally, she managed to dig them out of the mans rucksack, quickly taking them out of the cell two by two until she brought out the last she could find, putting five out of the mans reach. "Five... One's missing..." Chris growled as the man tried hitting and scratching him. All around the staff were beating against the shield as inmates cheered for more violence, with some of the officers trying to fire weapons sending bullets ricocheting all over the cell block as the alarms began blaring throughout the prison. "Servine!! Hurry up and check his pockets for me!!" Chris ordered as he took off his belt and snatched the mans wrists, holding them together behind him and tying them together around a bar before trapping him in another headlock. Quickly doing as she was told, Servine slithered her way all over the mans body. Finally, just as he guessed, the final one was in one of his pockets. Quickly snatching it and making her way out, Chris let go of the mans neck, leaving his wrists tied to the bar as he flailed. Rubbing his sore face and wrists as the man cursed at them, Chris picked up the list of inmate names, pulling himself back into his wheelchair as he looked through the names and cell numbers until he found the mans match. "...You kiss your mother with that mouth, Edmund?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the name. "Wow... That's really old school... Plus it really doesn't suit your behavior at all..." Chris said, shaking his head and looking around at all of the guards and officers surrounding them. "Haaaah... See there? You made this all the more difficult..." Chris told him, shaking his head as Servine brought the Pokeballs onto his lap. "How you holding up Gardevoir?" he asked as she stood with her arms out. "Fine... Getting annoyed..." she replied as the security continued trying to break the barrier from every corner. "Don't worry girls, everything's gonna be fine... We've got what I came for." he told them, turning his wheelchair around and facing the crowd.

Putting his hands up, the security suddenly stopped attacking and stood with their batons and guns held out, an arm up for defense as he looked at them all. "I'm not here to commit any crimes! Only to reveal them! I know coming into a prison like this is wrong, but there aren't any bad intentions! These two were made to help me by my orders... Whoever is in charge of this place, bring that person to me or take me to whoever it is!" he told the crowd as they looked at one another. After a moment, they lowered their batons and guns, after which Chris put a hand on Gardevoir and made her remove the barrier. "Alright... Where do we g..." he said, pausing as the security suddenly screamed "get em!!!" before he could finish. Charging at them from every direction, Chris suddenly put on the seat belt connected to his wheelchair as a golden aura began rapidly swirling below him, ordering Gardevoir to hold onto the handles while Servine coiled around his arm as he grabbed the Pokeballs. "Sorry... But I need a hand...!!" he muttered before he suddenly launched into the air, wheelchair and all as though he had a spring beneath him causing Servine and Gardevoir to scream. Landing on the second floor balcony, Chris took a deep breath as the security scattered in every direction. "Thanks for the lift!" he said, looking up at his forehead before looking around. "We've gotta find whoever is in charge here... Otherwise we're stuck here ..." he told the two as the alarms continued blaring and lock down orders were set in place. Seeing an exit from the block, Chris pulled Gardevoir across his lap, making her hold the Pokeballs for him as Servine coiled around his neck. With a deep breath, he quickly began wheeling himself along towards the blocks exit, making his way through the halls as security tried to constantly block them off.

Outside, Gerald was watching from far away, having parked the limo out of sight near a highway bridge while he used binoculars to keep an eye on what was going on. Hearing the speakers blaring and alarms sounding off, Gerald watched the crowds of security scrambling all over the place, causing him to groan and sweat nervously. "Master Chris... Whatever you've done... You'd best hurry and fix it..." he muttered as he heard a helicopter coming from the distance, looking up as it flew by towards the prison. Noticing it was a news copter, Gerald quickly turned on the TV within the limo, leaning his head in to watch the broadcast as the copter hovered over the location. "This is the Millennium News with an urgent report! The young man who was just seen a day ago saving a Pokemon and surviving a truck collision unscathed, and the owner of the Pokemon who were seen flying a roller coaster through our fair city, ironically boosting our popularity and tourism to their highest points in years, has suddenly gone from being a hero and a blessing to a dangerous criminal! He and his Pokemon have broken into the city prison! As we speak, the security force in its entirety are madly trying to capture the group as they race through the compound, likely trying to escape after a physical confrontation with one of the inmates!" the report blared, causing Gerald to turn pale and stumble before leaning against the car. "M... Master Chris... What have you done...?!" he muttered, clutching his chest and sweating badly as he looked through the binoculars once again.

Meanwhile, Chris was quickly racing through the facility, repeatedly flying over the heads of blockades thanks to Gardevoirs psychic abilities as he pushed further and further through the ever winding halls and blocks. "No... No... No... Where's the Warden...?!" Chris muttered, beginning to sweat as he wheeled himself along. Over and over he ran into blockade after blockade, raced through hall after hall... It was as if he was going in a circle until he finally found himself speeding into a large room with double doors at one side, countless members of the security team blocking it with guns and batons drawn. "That's it... Its gotta be..." Chris muttered as the team noticed him. Looking back, his way out was already being swarmed by security as well, leaving him cornered as he clutched the wheels of his chair tightly. "Alright... One more order... Gardevoir..." he said, looking at the doors and behind himself as she nodded. "I need you to knock out everyone you sense around us when I say to... Can you do that? Don't hurt anyone though... I just want them unconscious. Got it?" he said as she nodded again. "This... New side of you..." she told him, Servine nodding as well. "I would never have thought you would stoop to a criminal level... And be so commanding... Oddly enough... I think I may just like it a tad... Who knew you had a bad boy streak in you?" she replied, grinning as he flushed. "Sh... Shut it!! Don't talk like that right now!!" he replied in humiliation, both Pokemon giggling before he started making his way quickly towards the doors. "Do it now!!" Chris ordered, getting a "Yes!!" from Gardevoir as she shut her eyes for a moment, suddenly unleashing a powerful wave of energy that slammed into those blocking the doors and those coming from the hall behind them, sending everyone flying before passing out onto the floor and on one another as he slammed through the doors, quickly ordering Gardevoir to seal the room around them as he let out a sigh and slumped back, catching his breath. "FINALLY... Made it..." he sighed as Servine looked around, suddenly freezing as she looked at the desk in front of them, noticing someone sitting in a chair with its back towards them, female officers at both sides with guns at the ready.

"...That was quite a game of cat and mouse..." they heard a deep voice say, coming from the person in the chair causing the three of them to quickly straightening up, with Gardevoir getting up and standing at Chris's side as Servine slithered over his shoulders, cautiously hiding behind his head and peering out from the side. "Y... You're the Warden, right? I wanted to talk about..." he said, getting cut off as the person in the chair raised a hand. Turning around and facing them, the Warden rest his chin on the back of his hands, glaring at Chris. "About the inmate you stole those Pokeballs from, correct? About breaking into my prison? Sending all of my security scattering to kingdom come? Hypnotizing them and knocking out countless numbers along your way here...?" he replied as Chris sweat nervously. "W... Well it was for a good rea..." he tried to say, only for the Warden to raise his hand again. "You wanted to do the laws job kid... And in doing so you just became the villain. We knew why that inmate was here. It was our job to obtain those, not yours." he replied, looking at his officers before focusing on Chris again. "An intruder in our city... Causing chaos at an amusement park, leaving an entire section of the city shut down after playing your part in causing a scene... Not to mention how you were discovered, surrounded by bloodied Pokemon all over the forest on the outskirts of the city..." the Warden reminded the group, causing them to start sweating more and more. "...I've heard plenty of good things about you as well nonetheless. Behind every problem you've caused there was another side to it that allowed you to weasel away from punishment scot free... Now you're in my territory... How will you get away from me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "You could run, but a criminal is a criminal no matter where he goes..." he warned them sternly.

"Ooohhh... I told you this was a bad idea!!" Servine said, looking around nervously and continuing to hide behind Chris's head as Gardevoir stood unsure of what to do. "Chris... Did do bad thing... Breaking into place for bad people... Even with good reason..." Gardevoir admitted, struggling to admit he's innocent in the matter as well. "...You've got some smart Pokemon, that's respectable. If they had that kind of common sense, how could you not?" he asked as Chris groaned and rubbed his head. "Also... That young inmate... Just so happens to be my son..." the Warden growled, causing all three to turn pale as he sat back in his chair, crossing his arms. "...Because of that, how you broke in here just to fight with him, on top of exposing so much of his behavior, TWICE now... I see no reason why..." he paused as the three remained silent, looking at them sternly before slowly standing with a smile, motioning for the security to lower their weapons as he smirked. "I can't offer you a way to make it like none of this ever happened..." he finished, causing Chris to jolt wide eyed. "E... Eh...?" he replied, the security acting the same way as they looked at one another. "Yeah... My son's a pain in he ass... Its the fault of many people really... Myself included... Ever since that first meeting the two of you had some time back its been constant trouble for me... For my family and my reputation... I wanted to raise him to be a man, but not the kind he's turned out to be... Thanks to you I've learned what kind of trainer he is, and how little he cares for the lives of his own comrades... In a way I actually owe you a bit for taking away those Pokemon of his and roughing him up a bit... As a father I couldn't find it in myself to do those things... Even if he admittedly deserved it." he told Chris, turning away and looking outside of his window. "Although, you still fought with and stole from my son nonetheless and helped imprison him twice... And appreciate it to what degree I may as a man of the law, I still feel a little frustrated as a father... So tell you what kid... I'm also the gym leader of Millennium City so here's my proposition... Face me in battle, defeat me..." he said, turning towards Chris. "And everything today will be forgiven and forgotten... Lose however, and you're ours... How's that sound?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"G... Gym battle...?" he replied, a surprised look on his face as the Warden nodded. "A fair deal for a man who broke into prison just to tussle with an inmate..." he reminded Chris, looking out his window once again. 'This whole fiasco has been covered by the news already as well... So really you don't have much of an option... I can wipe away all your troubles, or be your worst enemy... Its best you take the bait kid." he warned, looking up at the helicopter hovering above the prison yards. "You've ruined my family's reputation... And you're ruining your own in the process... We can repair the damage together though, just have to play our cards right... Using you, I can fix my own reputation as well... So... Yes or no?" he asked. Looking at Gardevoir and Servine for a moment, he nodded in agreement. "On one condition..." Chris replied, surprising the two and the guards as the Warden blinked at him, shaking his head with another smirk. "You're a ballsy one... What is it?" he asked. "These two... Whichever way it turns out, they are kept out of everything... They only did what I told them. Even if I lose, they get to remain free..." he replied, causing both Pokemon to face Chris with concern looks. "Hmm..." the Warden muttered, standing silently before showing a sudden grin. "Interesting... I'll humor that request... If you take the bait, these two will remain free from punishment... So long as they have someone to take them in should you fail." the Warden replied, getting a nod from Chris in response. "Very well... We'll be in touch... I advise you not to do anything stupid however, you've got eyes all around you... Best you stay within the city until we do battle... Now escort these intruders out of my prison." the Warden ordered, getting a nod from the security around him as they surrounded Chris. Going on the defensive, Gardevoir held Chris from behind, growling at those around him with glowing eyes as Servine laughed nervously. "I'm letting you remain free in the city kid... Best you thank me by controlling your Pokemon..." he told Chris as he tried to calm Gardevoir down. "...As for those Pokemon you took from my son, what are your intentions with them? Why DID you go through so much effort to confront him...?" he asked, causing Chris to jolt and look down at the Pokeballs. "Ahh... H... He's got a Buneary... I'm thinking of taking her in along with these two... Since she was already captured in one of these, I couldn't do that without it... I thought I could take these with me and let her see his other Pokemon again too, then I was going to release them..." he replied, the Warden slowly walking around his desk and up to Chris, glaring down at him and keeping his arms behind his back. "I... I think you shouldn't let him be a trainer anymore... Being honest... And since you're a Warden and all... It'd be bad for you if you kept letting him be one anyways..." Chris said nervously.

"...I'll have a few of my men and women follow you then. Don't you worry about my kid... That's my problem." he replied, suddenly holding out his hand. "We have a deal then... As an act of good will for taking the bait, I'll let you do what you wish with his Pokemon... And I'll see you on the battlefield..." he nodded, Chris nervously looking up at him before reaching out and shaking his hand, groaning from the Wardens firm grasp before he turned and returned to his desk. "Get him out of here..." he ordered, resting his chin on the back of his hands once again as they led the group out of his office and through the prison, seeing all of the guards helping each other up that had been knocked out along the way. Once they reached the entrance, the guard at the reception desk growled at them, still covered in coffee as he wiped himself off with paper towels and held a pack of ice on his head, cursing under his breath as the two female officers sat on a bench, groaning as they recovered from having their energy sucked away. Once they went outside, they were greeted by the hundreds of inmates behind the fences nearby, cheering them on and praising Chris, laughing and shouting things such as "atta' boy hell raiser!!" as they headed towards the front gates. Leading them out, the guards quickly shut it behind the three, each giving them an irritated glare as they grumbled and walked off, some flipping the bird as the inmates continued applauding within. Sitting in his chair, silently blinking as though he was still processing everything, Servine looked around as Gardevoir slowly relaxed, facing different directions as well.

"So... What... Now...?" they both asked simultaneously, Chris remaining in his silent state as the helicopter lowered in the distance, with several officers from the prison coming out nearby to escort Chris as the Warden said, the sound of the limo coming from the distance as well...