The World of Aeurn: Coming of the Twice-born-Part one
She was not like the neko cat-girls he had seen in japanese anime in his previous world, but was like a human girl with a cat-like head on it.
Death's Blood Ch. Fourteen: Demons' Blight
I tell him, "mike neko mitsuke. konohodo!" he caws, already knowing to which calico i refer. he likely still ate frances whilst her brothel was ablaze. he had to have seen the slaves fleeing.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 12
"anyway, the other girls that amanda was close friends with was an ocelot named melissa hanten-neko and a raccoon-otter mix named penny wydra. melissa was from a middle-class family.
Oggstrosse Part 5 - Loose Ends
Sky sighed slightly then blinked as b-man's legs buckled under him, quickly the neko-jin caught his friend-no more for you today...come on b, i'll help get those wounds of yours dressed -b-man nodded slowly- but the..
Her breathing grew heavy. They had chased the rat into a corner. Mnemos had just fallen down a hole that RNG had opened up under her like a trapdoor. Bringing out her great big pigeon wings to slow her fall, she retracted them after having reached...