Mythical Tales Chapter 1: Castle Attacked

#1 of mythical tales my opponent stands there, panting slightly. he swings his mace at my head, i raise my left arm to catch it on my shield. boom! _'that didn't sound right'_ i thought to myself.

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Slice of Life (Otherwise Untitled)

The mixture of slurs and profanity, was that amongst the group the racoon of the group had lost his job some weeks ago, the beagle managed to stain his pants by sitting in some bearing grease this evening, and all four were not fond of the steady influx of mythic

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Nala's Venture: Heresy

_ nala thought and wondered how true or mythical the details must be. in the pridelands, the only recording of history was in the stars and its examination was left to those with a philosophical bent, literal star gazers.

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Prologue - Out of Character

"fortunately for you, you have achieved an almost mythical state of being. this state is called out of character, or ooc. you may do and act as you will, because the fated writings within the book no longer bind you, because you know they exist.

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Rage of the Sea

Past schools of mythical fish large enough to feed his crew for months. ignore all temptation. fight past all fear. confront all dangers. steadfast in a search for the last of his kind. a captain who has traveled the world.

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Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 9

Old jonathan's son still wasn't used to being so close to a 'mythical' wolf, and every sudden movement would cause him to flinch. still, he stuck to the job at hand without complaint, replacing the wheel efficiently, if a bit hurriedly. "all done?"

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 17

Rumors and stories of once mythic creatures and tales of encounters the likes of which that were normally scoffed at had to be honestly evaluated in light of the actual creature being on hand to testify to the stories veracity.


Chapter 34

She turned around to see what was the matter, but at the same time almost every master-tier mythical mage froze and let out a shout of alarm.

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Skinwalkers, Chapter Two

Fey was a skinwalker, one of the mythical shapeshifters spoken of in native american stories. the face she wore now was only half of who she was. three years ago, she had been presented with a choice: live in the wild with her own kind, or as a human.

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600 In The Previous Episode of Sythkyllya

The west brothers, guns for hire, have tracked a mysteriously efficient and strangely infamous outlaw with an anachronistic bullet-proof cloak towards free nation territory, only to encounter mythical beasts given life outside their time thanks to the borrowed

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Candy Mouse- Living with her dad

My first stop was in the "eternal forest", which was one of the most spookiest, historical-est (if that's a word) mythic places on the world of animals, pokemon and people.

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Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

100 aa â€" galladia is born to rohmf and cecilia aristoros on earth 120 aa â€" odin is born to queen bifrost of atlantia 125 aa â€" freyja is born to a wealthy diplomat on atlantia 150 aa â€" the atlantians construct a city that appears as a mythical

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