Timothy and the Tartan Tomboy

"ah'll answer that question;" said sharon, "ah've been a loner for quite a while. everyone at school keeps their distance from me fer some reason." "really...?" asked friendly, "i never would have guessed; you seem like such a nice person." "yeah!"

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Jim's Night Out ("Jim and the Frog" series, #2)

That loner with no friends, the perfect target to be the butt of all jokes? that used to be me, until i met \*him\*.

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Chapter XVIII: Just Tell Me Where To Begin

"maybe i'm just meant to be a loner. what's wrong with that?" "nothing is wrong with that, dear. but the point of your rehabilitation is to learn to trust others, and not be concerned that they're going to betray you.

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The Tutor: Chapter 6

There were other girls who were loners like herself, but they had formed their own 'groups' for meals so they didn't sit alone. they were a mishmashed group that she didn't get along with at all.

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Caleb: Made Of Tears

Once a homeless loner with nothing but his father's car and the clothes in his knapsack... to the misunderstood millionaire you all know today. so, that is what caleb did to turn his life around.

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More Then just Friends lAcsension to fearl

''i just have a question, how the hell do you have any contacts, aren't you a loner?'' ''those labels are for idiots with thoughts more 2 dimensional then a cartoon'' oklain began to grumble as usual.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 12

I know you're a loner and all, but i'm not. i want to have friends." "so i'm not enough for you?" zack questioned off-handedly. chance swallowed.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 13

"no, he's just a bit of a loner," chance said. "kind of temperamental sometimes." "you're not doing a good job of talking up your friend."

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 16

It had been the connarum people who had retaliated, not sterwil, and because the truth was slowly coming out, bit by bit, the federation was coming apart at the seams; entire star kingdoms, empires, allied star systems and loner worlds were jumping ship, some

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt3

He was certainly comfortable with the team, but as long as he had been out he had been a bit of a loner, and having an entire stadium of his classmates now parading him around was extremely foreign and a bit unnerving to him.

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Beginnings (Jin)

A loner, aloof feeling came from him. i realised that he was being very much like... me, or at least the previous me. his behaviour piqued my interest in him. not every day you find someone that you can relate to.

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Adventure at NordicFuzzCon 2014

The lounge is sparsely populated and i force myself to sit down by a few loners in an attempt to make new relations. i try to inquire about favorite artists, writers, interests and so on.

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