Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 12
#14 of Crossroads
Remember to check out Lupine Catastrophe for Zack's side of the story.
Crossroads--Chapter 12--Trouble in Paradise
"So," said a familiar, almost jeering, voice beside Chance's locker on Tuesday morning, "how's your boyfriend?"
Chance looked over at the sound of Junior's dark tone and irritable voice. He was leaning against the locker beside Chance's, Benny and Lexi beside him, both of whom looked upset.
"He's fine," Chance answered in what he hoped was a cordial tone, but he was sure he was able to restrain the irritation in his own voice. The three of them had been avoiding him but now here they were. "What's up with you guys?"
"Chance, we need to talk to you about Zack," Lexi explained.
"What about him?"
"Did you hear what he did yesterday?" Lexi asked worriedly. Chance shook his head and Lexi exchanged nervous looks with Benny. "Well, he... uh..."
"He almost broke some poor cat in half," Junior remarked angrily, "just because the cat was talking to him! That jackal's got some serious anger issues and if you're not careful, he'll hurt you too!"
"What're you talking about?" Chance asked in confusion.
"Chance, we're just trying to warn you," Lexi said kindly.
Chance thought for a moment. "Who was the cat he threatened?"
They looked at each other, then everyone looked at Benny, who was reading something on his phone. Lexi cleared her throat and Benny looked up.
"You know who Zack threatened yesterday?" Chance asked.
Benny thought for a moment. "Some cat. Think is name was James or something. Hey, did you guys see this yet? It's freaking--"
"Jamie," Chance sighed heavily. "I can't believe it. He said he'd be nice to him."
"It's Zack Bailey," Junior snarled. "I warned you before that he's dangerous."
"I don't think he's dangerous," Chance said defensively, though he sounded far less confident than he felt. "I mean, he's really nice and stuff to me. And sure he's got some issues, but who doesn't?" He sighed. "I'll have to talk to Jamie. Maybe I can smooth things over."
"Don't go apologizing for him," Lexi said. "He has to apologize on his own or it's pointless."
"He won't," Junior scoffed. Chance looked downward. "Chance, I'm sorry if we sound preachy or angry, but we're trying to look out for you."
"I get it," Chance remarked. He breathed deeply and looked up. For a brief moment, he thought he had seen Zack coming around the corner. "Guys, I'm going to talk to them. Zack and Jamie. Maybe I can get them to make up."
"Even Jesus couldn't work that miracle," Junior said cynically.
"That's harsh," Benny observed.
Chance jerked back as Jamie jumped. He had only just entered the locker room just seconds behind Jamie and silently hoped he wasn't cornering the poor cat at his locker. Jamie looked scared and his eyes darted around nervously, scanning his surroundings for any sign of a large jackal.
"It's just me," Chance said. "I wanted to talk to you."
"I don't know," Jamie said fretfully. "I don't think Zack wants me to talk to you."
"This isn't about Zack," Chance said quietly. "I just wanted to see if you were okay. I heard something happened yesterday."
"Yeah, your boyfriend nearly killed me."
"Oh my God, I'm sorry," Chance insisted. "I can't believe he's acting like this."
"It's not your fault." Jamie's voice was meek.
Chance sniffled. "Are you alright? He didn't really hurt you, did he?"
"Listen, I'll make him apologize," Chance assured him. "He shouldn't be acting like this. He's acting like a brat." Chance was ranting now, his words running together as his emotions, a mixture of rage and sadness, began to meld. "I mean, all this because I wanted to eat lunch with you and your friends. This is just... ugh! I can't believe he's so immature!"
The locker room door slammed suddenly and the entire locker room fell deathly silent.
"I think he heard you," Jamie warned.
Chance breathed heavily. "He might have... I'll let you get changed. See you at lunch?"
Jamie didn't immediately answer and looked to be considering refusing him. "I guess."
Zack didn't speak to him at all during gym, though running the mile seemed to have dominated all of Zack's focus. He kept towards the head of the mass of students and, Chance noticed, he had quite an impressive time, even for him. When they returned to the locker room, Zack had undressed and redressed at top speed and was gone just as Chance had thrown his shirt over his head.
Chance hurriedly chased after the jackal, who seemed to part crowds as he furiously stalked away. He walked into a bathroom and Chance stopped just outside, taking a moment to brace himself for what he was about to throw himself into. He walked into the bathroom tensely as frightened students rushed out, as though afraid the room might suddenly explode. He heard Zack's voice, saw the jackal hunched over a sink and speaking lowly.
"Eight... ten... twelve..."
Zack's voice grew slightly louder. "Fourteen... sixteen... eighteen..." He glanced up into the mirror and scowled at the reflection of Chance. "I'm not in a good mood right now."
"I'm aware," Chance confessed, "but I'd still like to talk to you right now."
"Really? Sure I'm not being 'immature'?"
"You are by avoiding me!" Chance snarled. "Zack, look at me at least. Please?"
Zack huffed angrily and turned. Chance fought the urge to hurry away, standing his (very shaky) ground in front of the jackal.
"What happened between you and Jamie?" Chance asked.
Zack rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "That fucking cat is just so damn... He's annoying as fuck and I'm tired of him constantly trying to talk to me."
"So he likes to talk," Chance snorted. "What's the big deal?"
"I don't want to talk to him," Zack snapped. "If you didn't force me to sit with them yesterday--"
"I didn't force you! You could've eaten by yourself yesterday but you chose to sit with us," Chance retorted. "And I get that you wanted to sit with me for lunch, but why are you so against having friends?"
"I'm not against 'friends'," Zack said almost condescendingly. "But that cat doesn't know when to shut the fuck up! He kept asking me about the soccer team!"
"I told him once already and he doesn't seem to get the freaking idea!" Zack growled, fists clenched. He was pacing now, breathing heavily in his attempt to restrain himself. "Why does everyone think that I want to 'hang out' with them or that I'm going soft or some shit?"
"What's wrong with hanging out with people?" Chance questioned. Then, "What's wrong with being soft?"
Zack turned to him as if the question itself was ludicrous. "Because if you're soft, people walk all over you and treat you like shit."
"Or they'll want to be your friend and respect you more," Chance countered.
Zack scoffed. "No, they'll start trying to use you because you're a doormat."
"Not everyone's so selfish and self-centered." Chance sighed. "This is pointless. You're not listening to me. You're just angry for the sake of being angry."
"No, don't 'Charlie' me," Chance huffed. "Why are you being so difficult? Why is it so hard for you to just relax and calm down?" Chance was aware of the slightly whiny edge that had crept into his voice, but he did his best to reign in the sound. "Is this really the kind of guy you are?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I thought you were different," Chance sighed. "That maybe people just misunderstood you. Everyone kept saying you were like a ticking time bomb and stuff, but I thought it was just rumors. Looking at you now..." He looked down. "I'm hungry; I'm going to go eat."
"I'll catch up with you later."
Zack reached out for him, grabbing his wrist before Chance could leave. Chance stopped and restrained his urge to pull away. He felt Zack come closer, holding him in an embrace with the jackal's head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry," Zack said and for a moment, Chance was stunned at how genuine he sounded. "I'm not used to being around people. I'm used to being alone."
"You don't have to be," Chance said, reaching up to scratch behind Zack's ear. Zack let out a sigh of contentment. "Will you promise to at least apologize to Jamie? Make an attempt to be friendly?"
"I will."
"Zack, I'm serious this time," Chance said, pulling away. He turned to face Zack, his face serious and pulled into a scowl. "You said you would yesterday and look how that turned out." He prodded Zack in the chest. "I want you to really try. I know you're a loner and all, but I'm not. I want to have friends."
"So I'm not enough for you?" Zack questioned off-handedly.
Chance swallowed. "Zack, I really like you. But if that means I'm not allowed to have friends of my own..."
Zack looked away. "Okay... I'll seriously try."
Chance leaned upward and kissed Zack's nose lovingly for a brief second before pulling away. Zack quickly pulled him closer for another, more intimate, kiss and when they separated, they were both grinning widely.
"Thanks, Zack."
"You're welcome," Zack remarked. He glanced up and frowned. "I think our conversation wasn't private."
Chance glanced over his shoulder just in time to see a fox's tail swish out of the bathroom.
_ _ Oh no...
"Junior, can we talk?"
Junior slammed his locker door shut and glared at Chance who absently took a step back, his ears flattening against his head. He had never seen Junior so angry, so full of loathing. Junior shouldered his backpack and turned, determined to get away but Chance hurriedly followed, reaching out to Junior in the hopes of getting him to stop.
"Don't touch me!" Junior raged, slapping Chance's paw away. Chance pulled his now-stinging paw back. He glanced over at Lexi and Benny, both of whom were watching the exchange with different expressions. Lexi looked scared. Benny seemed indifferent.
"Junior, I just want to talk..."
"I don't want to talk to you!" Junior snapped. Lexi gasped behind Chance.
"Can I just say something?"
"No!" Junior griped, hackles raised. "What the fuck's wrong with you?! All the warnings and stuff we gave you and you're too freaking stubborn or stupid to listen! Why do you think he has the reputation he has?! Why do you think everyone avoids him?! For God's sake, why do you think he almost hurt someone yesterday?!"
Chance didn't answer, but his meekness was starting to give way to agitation. "Maybe if you told me what happened between you two--!"
"What's the point?! You don't listen to anybody!" Junior took a deep breath. "I'm tired of trying to help you! When he breaks your face, I'll be waiting to tell you I told you so."
And he turned and stormed off, Lexi chasing after him without a word. Chance didn't go after him, the fox's words working in his mind.
Hes wrong, Chance thought as he watched the two foxes turn a corner and disappear from view.He's wrong.
A paw clapped on his shoulder and Chance nearly jumped out of his fur. Benny stepped up, handing over a sucker.
"Do you always have those with you?" Chance breathed, taking it. Benny shrugged. "Are you going to yell at me too? Don't you have a bus to catch?"
"Nah, I'm about to head to the library for a bit," Benny answered, putting a sucker in his mouth. "That was quite a scene you two made."
"It's not my fault. He's being... ugh! Why is everyone on such a hair trigger today?" Chance griped.
"What'd you expect?" Benny asked. "He probably feels like you've been purposely ignoring him. How many warnings has he given you about Zack? And now that Zack's actually done something, you're just letting it go."
"I'm not letting it go."
"That's what it sounds like to me," Benny stated. "And yes, Junior told me about the conversation you and Zack had in the bathroom."
"I didn't just forget what he did."
"But you're not really doing anything about it," Benny observed. He pulled his sucker out of his mouth and glared at it as if it had just done something wrong. "And I wouldn't be surprised if there's not some jealousy in this too."
"I'm not jealous!"
"Of course not. I meant Junior," Benny corrected. He stuck the sucker back in his mouth. "Think about it this way; he just got out of a really bad breakup with Zack and he meets you. How do you think it looks when after just a month, you and his ex are swapping spit?"
"Am I wrong?"
"What's your point?"
"Either he wanted to date you and Zack stole you away or he still liked Zack and you took Zack away."
"They had broken up by the time I came around."
"Just because people break up doesn't mean that they suddenly hate who they were with," Benny remarked. "I bet anything, he sees himself in you. You're not the first person to think they can 'save the bad boy'."
"I don't think I can save anyone? And Zack doesn't seem that bad to me."
Benny shrugged and pulled out his phone to check the time. "Isn't your ride waiting?" Chance gasped. "Don't a heart attack. Just keep in mind what I said. Give Junior time to cool down. When he's ready to talk, he'll come to you."
"Really think he will?"
"Probably," Benny said dismissively. "But before you go, can I borrow your history textbook? Mine got destroyed."
Chance's ear twitched at the comment. "Isn't that the second textbook you've destroyed this semester?"
"Can I borrow yours?"
"Will you destroy it?"
"I make no promises."
Chance had a feeling he would regret it later, but he opened his backpack and handed over the textbook. "If you destroy this--"
"You'll sic your boyfriend on me?"
Chance winced. "No, but--"
"Relax, it'll be okay. I promise." And Benny walked off, leaving Chance rolling his eyes at Benny's nonchalant antics.
To his credit, Zack truly did seem like he was making an attempt through the rest of the week. While nowhere near as sociable as Chance, nor less surly around others, Chance noticed, particularly in gym and at lunch, that Zack was far less rude or outright disrespectful. Jamie and his friends seemed willing to give him a second chance, though Chance also noticed how carefully they were treading, as if afraid the next thing they said would cause Zack to bite their heads off (literally or figuratively, Chance couldn't say). Even Sylvia had joined them on Thursday and Chance was quite happy to have her there.
But as Friday rolled around, any hopes of reconciliation with Junior and his friends was quickly fading. Chance noticed how dedicated Junior was to dodging him, only sparing a few seconds in passing to glare at him and (if they were together) Zack. He said no words and acknowledged nothing said to him. Even Benny and Lexi were actively avoiding him, keeping their distance and their heads down whenever they happened to notice he was nearby. By the time he arrived at Mr. Wagner's classroom for the art club on Friday afternoon, he was thoroughly convinced that Junior would probably never talk to him again. Or, if he did, it would only to be to insult or snap at him.
At the end of the club's gathering, Mr. Wagner called their attention, but he seemed more excitable than Chance had ever seen him. Chance glanced up from his sketch (a rather tasteful continuation of a superhero he'd started doodling when he should've been taking notes) and looked at Mr. Wagner's bright smile.
"May I have your attention?" Mr. Wagner called. "As usual, I love seeing the work of talented young artists and I love to showcase my students' talents."
Zack had perked up and looked away from his painting for the first time and Chance saw the jackal grin as well.
"So, we will be having our very first art show of the year very soon!" Mr. Wagner explained happily. Chance smiled as well; he'd never been part of an art show. "At the end of October, we will have a wonderful showcase of all of your works. Nobody will be left out and everybody will have a chance to show what they can do."
"What's the theme?!" somebody called.
"Well, I had a great idea," Mr. Wagner said and his accent seemed to grow thicker in his excitement. "I thought about what makes people happy. It's a very broad idea, I know, but now I want to focus on you all. What makes you happy? Where is your happy place? What is your utopia? So, that shall be our theme. Paradise. Utopia. Eden."
My utopia?
Chance found himself thinking over the idea as he carefully packed away his sketchbook and pencils and colored pencils into his backpack. He mulled over the idea as he waited for Zack to join him outside the classroom. Did he have a "utopia"? Or should he think of what someone else's utopia would be? But there were so many different kinds of people in the world--not everyone's utopia could be the same.
"Ready to go?" Zack asked as he emerged.
"Yeah," Chance said as he and Zack started to make their way to the front of the school where Chance's ride was waiting. "So, what're you going to do for the art show? What's your utopia?"
Zack thought for a moment. Then shook his head. "I kind of don't want to say. It'll sound cheesy."
"Now I really wanna know!" Chance insisted. Almost childishly, he took hold of Zack's paw, squeezing it with a pleading expression. "Please? It's just me! Charlie..."
Zack rolled his eyes as he and Chance turned a corner and neared the front door. "Looks like your mom's out there."
"But you still have to tell me," Chance told him. "I'll give you a kiss."
"Ha, ha, but you're going to give me one anyway, right?" Zack scoffed. Chance feigned thinking it over and Zack pulled him into an embrace before Chance could open the door and step outside. Zack kissed him quickly and Chance giggled. "See, you kissed me anyway."
"No, you kissed me," Chance corrected, "and I still want to know."
"Well, I'll tell you if you go out with me again tomorrow," Zack said. "Dinner and a movie?"
Chance frowned. Somehow, he hadn't gotten around to this yet and he looked down sheepishly. "Actually, I'm going to be busy this weekend." He looked outside to avoid looking at his boyfriend's disappointment. He rushed into an explanation. "Well, my dad wanted to take me fishing to a lake where he used to take me when I was little and it's a bit of a ways away so I'll probably be gone all weekend. I'll try to text and call you and everything."
"So, your dad wants to go on a mini-vacation with you?" Zack surmised.
"Yeah. He said he wants to talk about stuff."
"What kind of stuff?" Zack asked suspiciously.
"I think it's about me being... dating you," Chance said. "And me not being straight."
"He's still upset about that shit?" Zack snarled.
"Zack, please don't be mad," Chance said. "I think I might be able to convince to come around to the idea of me being gay. I think he's just getting used to the idea. Trust me, it'll be okay."
"... Alright. Just text me when you can, okay?"
They stepped outside and Michelle greeted the pair warmly as Chance walked around to get into the passenger seat. She looked over Zack and smiled. "Hope you have a great weekend."
"Thanks," Zack said. "You too. See you later, Charlie."
"See you."
"Oh, before I forget, are you and your brothers free next Friday night?" Michelle asked. "I was thinking it'd be a great idea for you all to come over for dinner. I'll make anything you like."
Zack seemed flustered by the invitation. "Oh, thank you, Miss Argent. I don't know. I'll definitely let you know."
"Excellent. Oh and please be sure to let me know if you or your brothers are allergic to anything or if they're vegetarians or... Anything at all."
"Well, my brother's allergic to nuts," Zack said.
"Got it," Michelle said happily. "Well, be sure to let me know if you guys can make it. We'd love to have you over. And I'm sure Chance would too."
Chance blushed and pulled his backpack closer. He heard Zack chuckle. "Right. I'll definitely let you know. Have a good weekend, Charlie."
"Have a good weekend, Zack," Chance said and Michelle pulled away.
David sat awake, looking up at the dark ceiling. Falling asleep seemed like a fantasy and every time he glanced over at the clock on the bedside table, he felt as though time was rushing rapidly away. He'd been lying in bed for the past hour and a half attempting to fall asleep.
Sighing heavily, David lightly slid the blanket away and eased up, glancing back to ensure his wife hadn't awoken. Smiling down at her, he tiptoed out of the room, easing the door closed behind him as he walked down the hallway. He paused at his son's door and glanced inside. Charles was snoozing calmly in his bed, though he somehow had managed to kick his blanket off and David could see the thin frame shivering without it. Making a mental note to turn up the thermostat, David stepped inside and pulled the blanket up, smiling when he saw a small grin spread across Charles's muzzle. He stepped out as quietly as possible and walked to the kitchen, sighing deeply.
He rummaged briefly through the cabinets, quickly pulling out a small box of tea bags. Then he heard something behind him and he turned around rapidly. His tension eased when he saw Michelle standing there, watching him with a frown.
"What're you doing up so early?" she questioned, frowning.
"Couldn't sleep," David answered simply. "Want some tea?"
"You're going to drink tea?" she asked in surprise. "You must be really tense... You normally don't drink that stuff unless you're upset." She seated herself at the table. "Sure, I'll take a cup. With honey, not sugar."
David nodded as he filled up the teapot and set it on the stove. As he turned on the eye, he looked back at her. "What're you doing up?"
"Felt you get up," she answered. "What's on your mind?"
"I'm just stressed," David remarked, leaning on the counter with his arms crossed. "Just..." He couldn't find his words.
"Bad day at work?" she ventured.
David shrugged. "Same shit, new day. It's more about..." He glanced over. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us? I mean, if you want to get along with him--"
"I am getting along with him right now," she answered, "and no, I'm not going. This is a father-son getaway. And no," she added, just as he was about reply, "you can't invite his cousins or uncles. If you invite anyone, invite his boyfriend." Her husband clenched his fists. "You need to spend some quality time with him." She frowned worriedly. "What's bothering you about it? You were looking forward to it."
"I'm just..." He huffed. "I promised to talk to him about... his..." He hesitated. "His jackal friend."
"His boyfriend," she corrected and mimicked his scowl. "You're going to have to get used to it. Your son's gay. Get over it."
"I'm trying to but it just..." The teapot began to whistle and he rushed to another cabinet to pull down two cups.
"It's just what?" she prompted.
"Weird," David answered. "I can't explain it. It's just weird to me." He began to pour honey into his wife's cup. "It just makes me uncomfortable. I feel like I shouldn't be okay with it but it's still my little boy. My little Charlie." He began to pour the water into the two cups. With them full, he joined his wife at the table. "I remember when he was a little ankle biter asking for chocolate."
"Now he asks for colored pencils," she noted. She sipped from her cup gingerly. "Davey, if you're really going to talk to him about this, be open and be willing to listen."
"If he listens to--"
"No, it's your turn to listen to him," she said forcefully and he was taken aback. When she next spoke, her voice had become softer and kinder. "He's listened to you for years. He's heard your opinions. He's tried to live the way you want him to live. You need to hear his side of the story. You need to feel what he's feeling and understand what's going through his mind." He listened and nodded and she grinned at him. "Just because he's gay doesn't mean that he's any different from the cub you raised."
"Hey, Charles, you up?" David called the next morning, peering into his son's bedroom. The sun had just started to rise and he could see Charles pull the blanket over his head. "If you want to sleep, you can sleep in the car."
"It's Saturday," Charles whined. "I wanna sleep."
"Guess you don't wanna go to the cabin," David murmured, though he was sure Charles heard him when he saw the little wolf's ear twitch suddenly. "I'll just let you go back to--"
"Give me twenty minutes and I'll be ready," Charles said, throwing off his blanket happily. David grinned widely.
Thirty minutes later Charles had hopped into the passenger seat of his father's car, grinning happily, though barely disguising a yawn as David came out of the house to join him, Michelle close behind. David spared a moment to kiss his wife before he got into the driver's seat and turned on the car.
"Alrighty, you ready to get going?" he asked, smiling wider than he had in years.
"You know it," Charles answered, smiling back.