The Pirate Cove
It would be quite catastrophic if it would start chirping and squawking, for the pirates wouldn't be fools and ignore the direct signal that the bird was sending to them.
The Final Strike
The results will be catastrophic. everybody will have to be ruled by the masked eagles. we cannot let this happen!"
New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 10 - "Burdens"
That burgeoning energy that had filled him up to the point of catastrophe he'd never forget. it loomed in the pit of his stomach, and when he willed it forth it heeded his call, lancing from his hands or feet or whatever part of his body he wished.
Startide III -- Intro
Both of the cryo-bays were designed to be ejected from the main hull if there was a catastrophic issue, designed with solar arrays to keep the occupants blissfully unaware until they could be picked up.
Unstable Future - Chapter 11
It just might have been possible for us to avoid a global catastrophe after all, as long as we could repair the problems with whatever was wrong up in orbit.
Decisions Among Chaos
His fake passport and uniform were enough to get him back to the base, but standing around would be a catastrophic error. the chaos of the soldiers was just enough.
Eggceptional Get Aways: Kickaha
Just one of them was trouble, both of them combined was a catastrophe waiting to happen. and where there was chaos and mayhem there would be kickaha! he had a reputation to maintain after all!
Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 16
#20 of crossroads remember to check out lupine catastrophe for zack's side of the story and his incredible other stories!
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Five: Worshipping Death
The trail shook and it was impossible to tell what was tremor and what was snow-and-ice-catastrophe. the huddled in the flimsy shelter of the stony overhang, above. ered hoped the luck of his ancestors would stymie b?nor's harvest, this day.
The Future Diaries
Enjoy your life at the planet as much as you can, the catastrophe is inexorable. so, the next file you'll find will be my first entry, from this day...
Born Anew: Chapter 3
_in the event of catastrophic power failure, take one pill orally. effects last 3-5 hours and vary from individual to individual._ _ _ naraki made his decision.
Supernova: Prelude, Arc 1, Chapter 2
Coordinated explosions are a catastrophe. coordinated explosions utilizing biological weapons at the heart of the city's transportation system are a disaster, particularly with the incredible possibility of spreading.