Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 16
#20 of Crossroads
Remember to check out Lupine Catastrophe for Zack's side of the story and his incredible other stories!
Good Enough--Crossroads--Chapter 16--Looking Up
"Argent, hold on a minute," Coach Salt called as Chance started to walk from the gymnasium with Zack on Monday. Zack paused as well, but said nothing as Chance walked over to the coach, who returned the few goodbyes from the students who walked by.
"Yes, sir?" Chance murmured, his body still achy from the long mile practice run.
Coach Salt took a swig from a water bottle before speaking. "I just wanted to say that I'm impressed. I've noticed you improving," the coach said, putting a heavy paw on Chance's shoulder. "Congrats."
Chance nodded, unsettled. A strange scent had wafted into his nostrils, familiar though very out-of-place in a school. "Thanks, Coach," Chance murmured, taking a step backward. "I've got a really good trainer."
"Well, whoever it is"--the coach took another swig from his water bottle--"is doing a great job."
"It's Zack," Chance said, motioning his boyfriend over. The jackal, who'd been checking his phone, came over. "He's been training and encouraging me."
"Well, extra credit to you, Bailey," the coach answered and Chance caught another powerful whiff of that peculiar scent. Chance could see Zack beaming and he scowled.
_ Come on, Zack, you have to smell it too_, Chance thought hopefully.
"Thanks, Coach. I appreciate it," Zack said happily.
"No problem," the coach said. "Well, off to lunch with you two, right? Eat healthily."
Chance felt a sense of relief was over him as they walked away from the gymnasium. Behind them, Coach Salt had gone back in, heading towards his office and Chance exhaled a breath he hadn't been aware he'd been holding--he was probably trying to block out the smell.
"What's up with you?" Zack asked, stopping. "You look upset."
"Zack, I don't know if it was something, but I could've sworn I smelled alcohol when we were talking to Coach Salt," Chance said, his voice dropping. "Like... alcohol."
"Alcohol? I didn't smell anything," Zack murmured, looking back. "You sure?"
"I don't know... Maybe it was something else," Chance grumbled, touching his shoulder where the coach's paw had been moments before. He started walking again, Zack close behind him. "Are you sure you didn't smell anything?"
"No, nothing. It was probably just mouthwash or something," Zack offered, as the two of them entered the cafeteria.
Chance scoffed. "That was not mouthwash. And even if it was, the freshness would've worn off by now anyway."
"Charlie, I really don't think he looked drunk," Zack noted as they sat down at a table.
"I didn't say he was drunk. I just said he smelled."
"Look if we discuss this much longer, a rumor might start. Let's talk about something else."
Zack reached into his backpack and Chance craned his neck to see him pull out folded pieces of paper. "Remember when I suggested doing a collaboration for the art show?"
Chance's ears perked up at that and he could feel his tail wagging behind him. "Yeah."
"I did some sketches to come up with some ideas," Zack said, sitting upright again. He handed over the papers. "Tell me what you think."
Chance was unfolding the paper when Jamie suddenly appeared. Chance looked up just in time to watch the cat bump into the table. Milk splashed down from his tray and into Chance's paws, onto the sketches he was holding. Chance jerked away from the table, attempting to shake the milk from the papers.
"Hey! Watch where you're going, cat!" Zack raged.
Chance looked up and watched Jamie back away. "I-I'm sorry. I... I didn't--"
"Look what you did!" Zack raged. Chance jumped to his feet, moving closer. "You--"
"Zack! It's okay!" Chance interjected. "Really, it's fine."
"It's not fine!" Zack bellowed, his eyes glaring at Jamie. "He ruined our sketches!"
"Your sketches," Chance corrected. "It's not a big deal--Zack!" Chance called moving closer as he watched Zack advance towards Jamie, getting dangerously close. He reached out to grab the jackal's shoulder, pulling with all his strength to force the larger canine to turn around. Without much thought, he gave Zack a quick peck on the lips and pulled back, leading Zack back towards the table. He sat down and Chance could see that he was shocked.
"What was that for?" Zack asked with a cocky smirk.
Chance blushed beneath his fur, his face burning. "I just wanted you to stop being so angry. Please, just sit down."
Zack looked back over at Jamie, who still looked frightened. He rolled his eyes before sitting back down. "That wasn't fair. Although, if that's what happens every time I get angry, I might have to do it more often."
"Don't count on it," Chance snorted. He looked up at Jamie. Brandon and Lonny had joined him, watching the pair of them closely. They're probably thinking Zack's a time bomb. "You can come sit down, guys. We're fine."
"If you say so," Jamie said, approaching nervously as he and his friends sat down.
"Are you sure this isn't a bad time?" Brandon questioned. "You sure he'll stay on his leash?"
Zack opened his muzzle to snap at Brandon but Chance spoke first. "Let's drop it okay. What'd everyone do this weekend?"
"Not much," Jamie answered. "I worked on a couple of articles for the school newspaper but that's about it."
"You seem really invested in the newspaper," Chance noted. "Do you think you'll make a career out of it one day?"
"I hope so," Jamie replied earnestly. "I'm gonna do journalism in college, so I'd hope to get a good job with it. How about you? What do you want to do?"
Chance winced--he still hadn't thought of an answer to that question. "Not sure, really. I might do something with art... I don't know."
"Well, whatever you do, make sure it's something you enjoy," Zack interjected. "Not point in doing it if you don't like it."
Chance chortled. "What are you, my dad?" he teased.
Zack looked affronted. "Don't remind me," the jackal grumbled.
Chance's chortling stopped almost immediately. He could see the discomfort and disdain on Zack's face. "Oh, come on," Chance said, playfully nudging him. "I was just joking."
"I know. I'm just still not sure if he likes me or not. Speaking of which, do you think he'll still let you come over on Saturdays?"
"I don't see why not," Chance said. He hadn't asked much about going over for more training. "He hasn't said anything about it so I assume so."
"Cool," Zack replied, grinning. "The fitness test is coming up soon after all. You think you're ready for it?"
Chance scoffed, rolling his eyes. "As ready as I'll ever be."
"That bad, huh? Maybe I'll have to start working you extra hard when we train."
Chance hadn't meant to let the dirty though enter his mind, but almost at once, an image of a shirtless Zack looming over him, lustful and smirking, filled his mind. He coughed into his milk and could hear Jamie groaning across the table.
"Come on, guys, get a room," Jamie snorted.
"I didn't mean it like that," Zack said defensively.
"I know but... I know what you were thinking," Jamie said, eyes focused on Chance and a knowing smirk pulling at his mouth. "Ew."
"That's not what I--" Zack started, looking embarrassed.
"It's fine, Zack," Chance said when he had calmed down. "Jamie, what's it like writing for the newspaper? Does it take a lot of time or is it easy?"
"Well, when you find the right story, you know what you've got to work with," Jamie replied. "Never anything too difficult."
"I see and... Zack?" Chance said, watching the jackal rise. "Where are you going?"
"I'll be back."
"Zack, come on," Chance said.
"I'm not mad," Zack said. "I just need to check on something. I'll be back. I promise."
"Okay," Chance said with concern as he watched his boyfriend leave the cafeteria and disappear from view.
"Did I scare him off?" a new voice asked. Chance nearly jumped out of his fur. Sylvia had joined them, looking confused as she sat beside him. "Did I scare you?"
"I didn't hear you come up!" Chance admitted. "Where have you been?"
"Had some extra homework to finish up," Sylvia replied. "Are you caught up on yours?"
Chance rubbed the back of his head nervously. "... Yes."
"You want an honest answer or one that doesn't make you mad?"
"I won't get mad," she stated. "It's your homework. But your parents will probably get pissed."
Chance bit his lip. "Well, there's a few assignments I need to finish, but I think I could use some help."
"You asking?"
"You offering?"
She grinned. "Sure. As long as your mom is cooking dinner again."
By the time Sylvia's parents had come to pick her up from the Argent household, night had already fallen and dinner had been served. The Dentons had stayed long enough to enjoy dinner and conversation before they went home. Chance waved to them as they pulled out of the driveway and waited until they had vanished from sight to go back into the house. He closed and locked the door and had started to make his way back to his bedroom when he heard his father call to him.
"Charles, living room. Let's talk."
Chance took a deep breath and kept his head down as he entered the living room. His father was sitting on the couch, eyes focused on the television, tuned to the evening news. But he quickly switched it off when he saw Chance.
"Take a seat. We need to have a little talk."
Chance didn't sit. "Is this about Sylvia or Zack?"
"Sit down, Charles. This won't take long."
Chance hesitated but sat down on the couch beside David.
"How was your day?" David began.
"Fine, I guess," Chance replied, feeling awkward.
"Anything special happen?"
"Not really. How was your day?"
"Typical." David paused before speaking again. "I have to say, I'm glad you found nice friends who are willing to give up their time for you."
"Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without Sylvia. She's really helped me a lot since we moved here."
"Not just her. Zackary as well."
Chance was momentarily stunned into silence. His father's tone had been even and measured, not a hint of his usual irritation or annoyance. There wasn't even a drop of sarcasm in David's voice.
"Really?" Chance breathed.
"Well, Zack did agree to give up his Saturdays to help you prepare for gym class. And Sylvia's giving up her evenings to tutor you. They're good people. I hope you're grateful to them."
"I am," Chance replied excitedly. "Does this mean you like Zack?"
"Let's just say I don't dislike him," David answered. "He isn't a negative influence on you. And he seems responsible. He even has the forethought to think about college." David inclined his head slightly and Chance looked downward. "He hasn't given me a reason to dislike him yet."
"You sound like you expect him to," Chance noted.
David shrugged. "I don't know. But for now, let's just say that I'm willing to let it go. As long as he doesn't do anything to hurt you, I don't see a reason to vilify him."
"What changed your mind?"
"My mind hasn't changed," David scoffed. "Not all the way. But I'm getting used to this... To you and him being together."
"And me being gay?"
David shrugged. "It's late. Time for bed."
Chance smiled. "Alright. Goodnight."
Chance was grinning all the way to his bedroom. He checked his phone and noticed a text from Zack.
_ _ Goodnight. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
_ Goodnight. Sleep well._
Chance changed quickly and got into bed, grinning up at his ceiling. Things were finally starting to look up.