Immortal, Chapter 23 - Season 3 - Insanity
He was elderly in thick green dragon scale armor. his beard short as his thin grey hair laid slicked back along his head. "master gonjon...i have found the information you've requested," he held up a small black disk from cerce's lab.
LoS Into The Shadows Ch2
A huge green dragon walked up to them followed by a light-blue dragon and a yellow dragon. crimson's jaw dropped as he looked up at the three dragons. "and who is this?"
Once again Chapter One
I walked over to the bar and sat next to the green dragon. i ordered a beer and sat looking around while i waited on it. i wanted to say something to the dragon but i was too shy to say anything. i sipped from my beer when it got to me.
Rose- Aftermath
In front of me is a nine-foot-tall dark green dragon wearing gold armor and a sheathed sword. not knowing what else to do i bow at them in greeting. "so, this is the fabled rose, eh?"
Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 27+28
Her ire returned for lyyreth, pressing forward and pushing the green dragon back. it would have been more amusing to imagine herself as imposing as a dragoness if not for the dire situation he'd entailed.
A Dragon Redeemed, Part 2
And when he gave delia a large beautifully carved green dragon in emerald colored quartz i had been speechless. he must have worked on it for days, a true gift from the heart!
Just Another Day
The green dragon insisted sticking to his side of the matter, "i am perfectly aware of everything... most things going on and i would notice if someone tried to get my attention."
Endless Hope - Chapter One
dragon with yellow horns and spiked tail tip comes along, they warned him that if he comes with me then it's his end as well yet he didn't care and came along.
Blood Red: Chapter One: The Administrator
I opened my eyes and looked straight into two deep blue eyes that belonged to a worn-green dragon. "good morning, foxy." the dragon moaned, stroking my back with one arm and leaning over, causing me to topple to his side.
Seekers: Prologue
I saw a green dragon's face above me, eyes closed. i felt his other arm run across my back, as if he was stroking me.
Life of a theif
I heard an amused chuckle from nearby and turned around to see a large blue and green dragon walking from a tunnel to my right into the cavern where i was.
Chapter 2 - The Sixth Curse
The middle-aged, green dragon behind the desk peered at him through thick reading spectacles.