Stupid People
"funny how your mom is worried i'd make you sick youngling." the child smiles clapping her hands together, "oh! it talks! yeah mommy says gods didn't make sickness in people that can kill but animals can.
Thunderweaver Volume 1: Prologue: Rainy Night and Uneasy Sleep
Also, this little pup" he gave a pointed at the wolf, wolf gave a thumb up in response "wanted to test your mettle, youngling. don't crush him, okay? now, "boar slammed his visor down" fight like hell!"
With These Broken Wings: Covenant
"you would be content, without myself or amber, without my younglings or ruoro? you would live on another island where i only came once every few months and even then a brief exchange between us?"
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Thirty Five
As soon as the youngling felt the earth beneath his feet, he trotted forward. or at least he tried. after a day in the air, his paws tingled and his legs felt all squishy.
Dragon's Pride 5
Nbsp; sannourah, the dragon of destruction, could also sense life essence after avila's attempt to return his own life thread failed, resulting in him unable to grow as much as normal dragons would and everything, including his voice, had become that of a youngling
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 1(.3)
"two brave younglings so quick to take up the challenge, this bodes well for the pack. come on then, before you change your mind" it rumbled laughingly in a lilting voice that seemed incongruent with its height and form.
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 6: Love and Hatred
I know parenthood is hard, but seeing how their younglings are such pure and innocent creatures...i feel like i want to be that dragon, even if for a moment.
A New Family Part 6
The role of fighter is not one that suits her, she should be teaching younglings how to soar, how to be curious, how to scamper and play. but her selflessness drives her to assume a role so that others would not have to.
Flee, Flee, Lynx in the Wood!
I'm not about to send any youngling to some slave pit. no matter what species.... no matter what predators have done in the past...." he trailed off. mael watched, unable to bear the burden of hope. the stag grimaced, "fine!
Spiral nebula - Chapter 16
The alien looked like a youngling first learning how to type on a keyboard, while he pecked at the keys. "the enemy fleet is near." his eyes didn't leave the screen while he tried to interpret it before pecking again at a random key.
Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 2)
I could train you so you might train the younglings better." "i only teach them the basics. the boys train with someone else by the time they reach ten years of age." giada headed back into the village, gesturing for alaric to follow.
Changeling Heart: Wounded Left
"you speak of something you know nothing of youngling!" she screeched out as i only smiled softly.