In The Water, I Am Beautiful
Got slammed into my own locker a little too hard and well...whitwell won't like to hear that another door needs replaced." he rubbed the back of his neck, his whole side still feeling the slam itself.
The Fires of Hell
At first the two circled each other then magmond darted in with jaws wide open only to have his mout slammed by zengs shield three times before slamming into the arena wall and being slashed at his throat, it seemed all over as zeng turned his back leaving
Moving On. (Chapter 3)
They were shaking in nervousness before he slammed the phone back on the hook. damien's eyes started to water.
A Rare Sight Ch.4-Know Thy Enemy
Just like treeco, geodude slammed hard onto a giant boulder and was dazed from the impact. "alright buddy, do it." buddy reappears behind geodude and starts to constantly slam geodude onto the same giant boulder.
Black Meridian 03: Sultan's Curse
He slammed the rifle butt into his shoulder and popped the first plate, tiny chunks of ceramic raining down even as he shot the second and then the third, slamming the bolt into place between each shot.
Torpedo Run Chapter 12
Her forehead was missing a chunk of chitin from just above her left eye, probably from bashing into the walker's armor when it had slammed her into that wall.
Ricky vs Yusufu [Sparring Wrestling Match]
Ricky was forced to let go after yusufu slammed his chin against that strong shoulder, then collapsed on the ground.
Forever Autumn: Shadows of Red and Silver- Part 1
Before she could move a paw slammed into her side and sent her scrambling again, the cubs falling from her grip with a whimpering mewl of fear.
Resident Furry Virus Chronicles: Antarctia
A new strength he never knew he had and slammed his fist into it jaw causing tyrant to drop him as it stumbled back stunned, just as max lunged at it slamming a punch into its chest knocking him to the ground.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 17: Battle of Olaraa
He slammed his heel onto the soft spot at the tip of the giants head, shattering her skull.
The Tide of Bigger Things chapter 3
With a slam, the doors closed behind them. the horses were led into an archway to the far left which opened into a hall. brightly lit torches were on each side of arch.
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 8 (MHO)
Elzhan began to quickly back away, but the fast canid eventually slammed into him, scattered the bones of his current body all around.