A Rare Sight Ch.4-Know Thy Enemy

Story by wxyzz on SoFurry

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A Rare Sight

Know Thy Enemy

*Well what do you know, another weird dream that you won't find out until later chapters. ENJOY!*

"Garrett, I-I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"


"What?! Come on, you know you can tell me anything."

"You-your father, he....."

I open my eyes to find Buddy looking right at me, waiting for me to wake up.

"Hey boy, did your check-up go ok?" Buddy licked my hand and started to wag his tail.

"Heh, I'll take that as a yes, where's Zigzagoon?" Buddy's ears then started to droop, he must have been pretty hurt if he is has been in that emergency room for almost 3 hours.

"Hey, it'll be ok, they know what they're doing; come on lets go get some supplies."

"Eevee!" Buddy said.

"Chole, where are you now?"

"Down here," Chole said while tugging on my pants. I look down to see Chole, and then I look back at Buddy, and again at Chole.

"....Would you please stop changing, it's getting really confusing to recognize you!"

"Sorry, hehe, I just wanted to know what it felt like to be an Eevee."

"Well...please tell me before you change into something, I don't want to find you missing and discovering a dead Mew behind a building or something."

"Ok, ok, fine."

"Alright let's go." We went to the supply store that was a few blocks away; I bought a couple of Pokeballs and some potions, along with some treats for everybody. After leaving the store we decided to look around town to see what to do after Zigzagoon was all better.

After about a half-hour, we finally got tired of looking at buildings and decided to go back to the Pokemon Center. As we were heading back to the Center, I took a look at the Pokedex to find some information on the gym here.

"Hmm, it seems she specializes in rock. Guys, I believe it's time to get ourselves a new friend. What do you think?"

"Vee! Eevee!" Buddy started to jump up and down and run around in circles.

"That sounds like a good idea," Chole said.

"Alright, let's go get Zigzagoon now."

As soon as we walked into the building, the nurse came out with Zigzagoon in her arms, struggling to escape from her Satan's Death Grip; apparently he doesn't like to be held. She let him go when she saw us coming to her, she then gave me a slip telling me all of the injuries Zigzagoon had when he fainted, the nurse then turned around and left us to ourselves.

"2 broken ribs, a cracked hind leg, and a shit load of cuts and bruises, wow Zigzagoon you really took a......WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!? $500, ARE YOU SHITTING ME? Someone please tell me why this building would charge people for injuries and the others don't? Can I please get some fucking insurance or something?"

I went over to the counter, paid for the bill and stormed out of the building.

"Zigzagoon I'm making you wear body armor from now on that was so ridiculous." Zigzagoon must have found it amusing; he was laughing his ass off from the little scene I was making.

I decided to bring Zigzagoon up to speed on what we were going to do and praised my idea.

Although I really never wanted to see this place again, we didn't really have much of a choice; if I was going to acquire another Pokemon, I would have to go back into that damned forest.

Before making our first step into some tall grass, I made one final check to make sure everyone was ready to go. I paid most of my attention to Zigzagoon; although he looked ready to fight, I wanted him to stay out of this one until the gym battle.

"Okay Buddy, you'll be the one fighting so pay close attention to any movement."

"Eevee!" Buddy said, agreeing to my commands. And so off we go, disappearing into that tall grass.

Ten minutes pass and no luck for us whatsoever.

"Ughhhhhh you would think this place would be swarming with Pokemon," Chole said while circling around us.

"Yeah, maybe we should ju..." all of a sudden, we hear a chuckle.

"What the hell was that," I said, looking around like I just lost something.


"Alright, just come out I'm having a bad day so just show who the hell you are."

Like understanding exactly what I was saying, the mysterious Pokemon appeared right in front of us.

"....What the fuck," I was baffled at what was standing right in front of me.

"Hmm, interesting that a Treeco would be in the middle of nowhere," Chole said while inspecting the battle ready Treeco.

"Well there are trees around here, butthatdoesn'tmattergogetemBuddy!!!!"

Buddy used quick attack and appeared behind Treeco, but before hitting the enemy, Treeco repeated Buddy's move by using quick attack and attempted to hit Buddy with his long tail, Buddy luckily avoided the attack with another quick attack, which started a chain reaction. Buddy would attack Treeco and it would avoid, Treeco would then copy his move but before hitting Buddy, he would avoid the attack. This was going on for almost five minutes.

"......Please command something else," Chole told me.

"Buddy sand attack, now!"

Buddy started to fling dirt at Treeco right as he came into sight; the dirt hit directly into his eyes and blinded Treeco. Treeco, although blind, then started to twirl his tail in the direction of the sand being flung at him.

Buddy, not being able to see what was going on behind him, took a hit from the rotating tail right into the side, ending his sand frenzy and slamming him into the ground.

"Come on Buddy get up."

Buddy immediately got to his feet and awaited his next orders.

"Quick attack, now!" Buddy then disappeared and started to land direct hits onto the blind Treeco. Although they weren't strong hits, the attacks were quick and almost unavoidable.

Little by little, Treeco was being weakened until he could take it no longer; Treeco opened up his eyes and slammed Buddy right in the face, just like a baseball. And just like one, Buddy went flying into the air and slammed right into a tree.

"Holy shit, Buddy get up!"

Buddy struggled desperately to try and get up.

"Buddy, I know for sure that you're not going to give up just because of a hit to the face, now come on, get on your fucking feet, you're stronger than that!"

Buddy, hearing my "inspiring" comment to him, stood up and got ready for the next order.

"Alright stay where you are, I got an idea," Buddy, not understanding what was going on, went along with the plan.

Treeco, after recovering from all of those quick attacks, was making a battle stance to finish off Buddy. Buddy copied Treeco and got ready to do whatever I had in store for Treeco. Treeco then dashed toward Buddy in attempt to pound him right in the face.

Closer and closer he got, and all of a sudden, "DODGE!"

Buddy quickly stepped out of the way and Treeco, unfortunately, slammed his head right into the trunk of a tree and instantly fainted.

"Holy shit," I said.

"Holy shit," Chole said.

"Eevee," Buddy said.

"Mrmrrmrr," I had heard coming from Zigzagoon's Pokeball.

"Garrett, use a ball quickly."

To prevent from failing the catch, I used the Great ball that Chole found on Treeco.


"Well what do you know, we actually did it," I went over to Buddy to congratulate him, I gave him a treat and some potions because I wasn't going to pay for a fix up again.

After healing up Buddy, I went and picked up the Great ball, threw it up in the air and watched as the fainted Treeco came out. Because Treeco was fainted, I went ahead and used my "for emergencies only" revive on him.

Treeco slowly opened his eyes to find me, Chole, and Buddy staring at him.

"Tree? Treeco!" Treeco said in a terrified voice.

"Hey there, are you alright? Sorry about that last move there." I said to Treeco; he was still scared due to the fact he was covering his body with his tail just like a blanket.

I needed to gain his trust somehow; I reached out my hand to give him a handshake, that'll be a good start I suppose, Treeco was to scared to even look at me.

"Hey Garrett, look at him he's almost half the size of a regular Treeco, he must be a young one, try to treat him like one and not force the poor thing," Chole whispered to me.

I reached in my pocket for a treat; maybe he'll at least eat something that I give him.

"Here eat this; all of my Pokemon feel much better after eating one of these." I knew Treeco wasn't going to come near me so I just put it right next to him.

Treeco then stuck out his head to find out where the treat's smell was coming from; he smelt the treat and then started to gobble the whole thing up.

"Awwwwww, he's hungry, poor little thing," Chole was starting to sound like one of those mothers who were baby addicts.

"Would you shut up, you're starting to sound like my mother."

"Sorry, I just can't stand just how CUTE he is."

"Well why don't you...wait, hey Chole, how about changing into a Treeco, maybe then you can talk to him into trusting us."

"Alright, I suppose I could give it a try," Chole then started to glow and change shape; soon enough she was looking like a regular Treeco.

Chole walked over to Treeco and started to talk to the frightened Pokemon. After a few minutes I could start to see some changes from Treeco, he started to look at me in a curious way and slowly got a little bit closer but also cautious at the same time. I reached into my pocket again to try for him to at least grab it from my hand. Treeco got closer and closer, sniffing the treat, just to be sure. Finally, Treeco obliged my request and took the treat from my hand and started to gobble up the treat, just as he did for the first one.

Carefully, I started to pet his head, I don't think he really noticed, he was like in some trance because of the smell the treat was giving off. After Treeco finished his treat, he started to sniff all around me; looking for more of those addicting treats he was being fed. Treeco started to climb onto my pants and fell right into the pocket where those treats were being stashed.

"Hey ey ey," I carefully grabbed Treeco from my pocket before he ate them all, "why don't you stay away from them, and if you do something good, I'll give you some more, how about that?" Treeco hugged my arm, happily accepting my proposal to him.

"Welcome to the mad house Treeco," Chole said, coming up from behind us. Treeco then jumped down from me and started to hug Chole.

"So, what did you say to the guy?" I asked Chole as we were walking back to the city.

"Oh nothing, just that he'll get as many treats as he wants if he stays with us, heh."

"....I'm going to become bankrupt because of all of you guys."

As we were walking to the Center, I noticed that Treeco has come quite fond of Chole, whether it be because she was the form of a Treeco, or the fact she had that motherly trait inside her; either way he spent most of his time holding her hand like a child would do with their mother.

At last we got through the doors of the Center, it was almost torture to even walk; I desperately needed to lie down. There was luckily no one but us, some black cloaked man and the nurse in the front office so I didn't even have to wait in line. As I was reserving a room I couldn't help but notice the black cloaked man, the cloak was black as the void, from top to bottom; the only difference was a picture of an A with flames around it. The man kept his eyes on the ground all the time so I never saw his face; he then stood up and left the building.

"Weird guy," I whispered.

"No kidding," Chole responded.

"All done, have a good night sir," the nurse told me while handing the key to the room.

I was so tired, I didn't even get ready to go to bed, it was just bed. I immediately closed my eyes and went into a deep sleep.

"You will accept the task that was given to you, or else."

"Or else what!"

"Oh trust me, we have our ways."


My whole body jumped as I woke up, sadly sending Buddy flying through the air once again and ramming his head into the wall.

"Dammit, not again," I went over to Buddy and picked him up.

"I'm sorry boy, these dreams I've been having has been making me really jumpy," I told him while rubbing the spot where he got hit.

Chole and Treeco both woke up after hearing the thud against the wall, luckily for them, they woke up in a peaceful way.

"mmmmm, morning already?" Chole said while rubbing her eyes.



"Yes, morning already, now come on, lets get going," I replied back to Chole, clapping my hands to wake everyone up.

After packing everything up, we went downstairs to have breakfast. Everyone got enough food to last five days, all of the food was perfect and the morning was going well, until the bill.


Everyone was laughing their asses off from the scene I was making as I was storming off to the training ground. Before even attempting the gym leader I had to at least find out what Treeco can do.

"Ok Treeco, do you mind coming here for a second?" Treeco walked over to me, hopefully getting a treat in return. I whipped out my Pokedex to see what moves he already knows.

"Hmmm, it says Pound, Quick Attack, Bullet Seed, and Glare, this will work."

I grab a tennis ball from my backpack and show it to Treeco.

"Treeco, I want you to use Quick Attack and bring this ball to me. Can you do that?" He just nodded. I then threw the ball into the air and a split second after, he disappears; Treeco then reappears in front of the ball, catches it then disappears and appears right in front of me with the ball in his hand.

I took the ball from him and gave him a treat, "good job Treeco, now lets try your pound, I want you to step back and I want you to hit the ball with your tail, alright?" Treeco nods again.

"Chole you may want to get out of the way just in case," I tell her before throwing the ball.

"I'll be fine, just throw the damn thing."

I then toss the ball to Treeco and just like Buddy's head, hit the ball. The ball flew and flew until it collided with Chole's face, which sent her smack down into the ground.

We all got around Chole to see what had happened to her, "Chole, are you alright?" I asked.

"Hi mom....hi dad....thanks for the lovely meal," she then immediately blacked out.

We placed her down to the side so she can rest while we took care of business, "alright Treeco, I know you're good at Quick Attack, and I know for sure you can use Pound, lets try out Bullet Seed."

Treeco then got into a ready stance, I threw the ball at him and he would then bounce the ball back with a Bullet Seed attack.

We continued to practice his attack for almost 5 minutes and all seemed going well until I threw the ball and Treeco bounced the ball back with his Bullet Seed, except the ball misdirected and went straight for Chole.

"Hey guys, I'm alright, no need t.." *BAM* *blacks out, you know the drill*

We took a 10 minute break, the only thing I wanted to try out was Glare and we could practice that sitting down.

"Hey Treeco," I said to him.

"Tree?" he asks.

"Watch this," I then go over to Chole to try to wake her up.

"Hey Chole," I gently shake her.

"uhhh, huh, wha-what happe..."


Treeco then stares deeply into Chole, causing her to black out once again. We both start rolling on the ground, laughing our asses off.

20 minutes go by and Chole finally wakes up from her sleep, she finds us eating lunch and floats over to join us.

"Hey there Sleeping Beauty, have a nice nap?" I ask her.

"Shut up and feed me," she says rubbing the now bruised forehead.

We all have lunch and then start to discuss to each one of my Pokemon the battle plan to help win the fight. After the discussion, I put Zigzagoon and Treeco back into their Pokeballs and started to head over to the Rustboro City gym.

"Chole, you may want to change into something else," I said to Chole.

"Already have," she said, now standing on my shoulder as a Pidgey.

"Good, now let's get going."

We start to make our way over to the gym, taking in the sights as we pass by. Giant buildings, beautiful trees, black cloaked man.....

"Hey look it's that guy that we saw last night," Chole whispered to me.

"You think he's watching us?" I ask her.

"Who knows, although you should avoid him, he gives me the creeps."


A few minutes later, we make it through the door of the Rustboro City gym, and sitting on the first row of bleachers was the gym leader. I walk over to the gym leader to greet her.

"Um hello, I'm here for a match," I say to the gym leader.

"Well you came to the right place, hi there, I'm Roxanne," she replies while giving me a hand shake.

"Telling by the layout of the floor, you specialize in rock, are you not?"

"Of course, now let's get down to business, go stand over there and I'll stand on the other side."

I follow her orders; I then get ready for her next instructions

"This will be a 3 on 3 match, are you alright with that?" she informs me.

"No problem with that," I reply back.

"The ref is on his lunch break so I'll judge the match also, don't worry, I'll be fair; you may now pick your first Pokemon."

"Whatever you say," I then throw out my first Pokeball and out comes Zigzagoon.

"Zigzagoon, I hope you have some tricks up your sleeve for this one," she then throws her Pokeball and out comes a Geodude.

"Your move," Roxanne tells me.

"Zigzagoon, Tackle!"

Zigzagoon then starts to charge towards Geodude.

"Geodude, dodge," Geodude quickly moves to the left and avoids contact with Zigzagoon.

"Another Tackle!" I order Zigzagoon.

"Geodude, use Tackle also," Geodude then copies Zigzagoon, seconds later they both collide and both goes flying through the air; surprisingly, both fainted. We both bring our Pokemon back into their Pokeballs and get ready for the next round.

"Amazing, who knew that a normal type Pokemon could take out a rock Pokemon like my Geodude," Roxanne says.

"Yeah he's real hard headed, didn't know it meant literally also," I reply.

Roxanne throws another Pokeball and another Geodude appears.

"Ok Buddy are you ready?" I ask Buddy.

"Eevee!" Buddy runs out to the battlefield.

"Such confidence for a little Eevee, I like it," Roxanne says.

"Don't be fooled, that's all I'm going to say."

"Geodude, use Tackle!" Geodude starts to charge at Buddy.

"Buddy use Shadow Ball!" Buddy quickly starts to charge a Shadow Ball and releases it right into Geodude's face. Geodude was hurt but continued to charge at Buddy until finally he reaches his goal and hits right into Buddy's side.

"Shit, Buddy are you alright?"

"Eevee!" Buddy quickly stands up.

"Geodude, another Tackle."

"Buddy, do the same thing we did the last time," Buddy then held his ground and waited for Geodude's attack. Closer and closer he got until finally, "now!"

Buddy then uses a Quick Attack to avoid Geodude's Tackle attack. Just like Treeco, Geodude slammed hard onto a giant boulder and was dazed from the impact.

"Alright Buddy, do it."

Buddy reappears behind Geodude and starts to constantly slam Geodude onto the same giant boulder. Soon enough he passes out.

"Alright, good job Buddy," I pet Buddy's head and gave him a treat for a good job, "why don't you sit this one out Buddy, I want to use you just in case something bad happens."

Buddy walks right next to my side and starts to rest for a little bit.

"Ok Nosepass, it's up to you now," Roxanne throws her last Pokeball into the air and out comes a Nosepass.

"I suppose you'll use that Pidgey, correct?" Chole's eyes widen, she quickly starts to shake her head no.

"Nope," I then throw my last Pokeball and out comes Treeco.

"Oh, a grass type. Nosepass, use Rollout!"

Nosepass fell on his side and started to roll towards Treeco.

"Use Quick Attack!" Treeco then disappears a split second before contact and reappears behind Nosepass, although he missed, Nosepass continued to roll towards Treeco.

"Keep using Quick Attack until he finishes the move," Treeco followed my orders and continued to use Quick Attack right before contact with Nosepass.

Finally after the 5th try, Nosepass gave up and started to stand back up.

Now was our chance, "Treeco, use Glare," Treeco started to stare deeply into Nosepass's eyes, both Treeco and Nosepass started to have a staring contest.

Minutes passed of nothing but staring at each other, until finally Nosepass flinched, "now Treeco!"

Treeco then used Quick Attack and appeared behind Nosepass and knocked him down to the ground, "use Bullet Seed," aiming right into the back neck of Nosepass, Treeco shot multiple Bullet Seeds at him. After firing 7 rounds of Bullet Seeds into the Pokemon, Treeco jumped off of Nosepass and watched as the Pokemon slowly blacked out.

Treeco started to jump and cheer for his first win with our team. I ran over to him and gave him a hug and some treats for a congratulations. I was checking for any injuries on Treeco before talking to Roxanne, just a scratch; that was pretty impressive for a young Treeco.

"What a marvelous fight you put up, rarely have I seen a great combination of moves that relates to yours, here you go, a Stone Badge, you earned it."

I took the badge from Roxanne and showed it to everyone, I would show it to Zigzagoon when I healed him.

"Thank you; do you know where I should head next?"

"You'll want to go to see Brawly; he's located in Dewford Town,"

"Thanks, I need to get going now,"

"Bye, come see me again sometime for a rematch."

"No problem."

I open up the gym doors and immediately bump into what looked like a giant shadow. I look up to find none other than the cloaked man.

"Oh sorry abo...hey, you're that guy that I saw at the Pokemon Center last night."

"I know, I watched your battle with the gym leader just now, you have quite a unique battle style for a beginner."

"Thanks I suppose."

"Names Jake."


"Garrett huh, let me ask you Garrett, have you witnessed or found anything, unusual?"

"Uh, no sorry."

He then stares deeply into Choles eyes like he could see right through her disguise, "beautiful Pidgey you have there, anyways, here's my card, if you do find anything then please feel free to contact me."

"Thanks, hey I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"I saw an A on your back last night, what does it stand for?"

"The A, it's nothing of importance. I must get going now," he then turns around and walks off.

"What an unusual man," Chole say.

I turn my head to Chole, "I know, the way he was talking was like he knew me," I then look back to find no cloaked man.

"Woah, he's gone," Chole said in a surprised tone.

"Alright lets drop the subject; we need to get Zigzagoon healed so he can see the badge."

Treeco then climbs on my other shoulder while Buddy started to follow me toward the Center.

*2 hours later*

"$150, ARE YOU SHITTING ME!!?!?"