Forever Autumn: Shadows of Red and Silver- Part 1

Story by FoxyNekoCat on SoFurry

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The little silver vixen lifted her head, sniffing at the stale, smog dense air of the Lond...

The little silver vixen lifted her head, sniffing at the stale, smog dense air of the London Street. Her ears twitched with the tiniest rustle of dried leaves stirring on the almost non-existent breeze. She was well aware she wasn't alone on the streets tonight; something more sinister and bigger was closing in. She lifted a paw briefly to brush her tongue against the dirtied fur and turned to disappear back into the makeshift earth. Inside the dark earth were two small cubs; their little squeaks and grunts greeting the arrival of the vixen, she licked their heads briefly in turn and lifted them both by the scruff to carry them. She took off swiftly, cubs dangling gently from her sharp canines, her eyes scanning quickly for the hunters she could feel somewhere in the darkness. The wolf pack was on the prowl tonight and her kind was the main target. Her heartbeat raced frantically as she neared the safety of the forest edge but when freedom seemed so close it was snatched away, her tiny body being barrelled for a fair distance before she hit the trunk of a twisted oak. She lifted her form slowly, her body protecting the tiny cubs as she bared her needle-like canines, her shining blue eyes shining with defiance at her larger and more deadly opponent.

The dark brown wolf snarled viciously, his bulk huge and carrying his winter coat, he slammed a paw down to try and startle her but she never moved. A growl echoed around the trees at the arrival of yet another wolf. This wolf was different, handsome and a rich black that stood out clearly against the darkness, his eyes a golden pool that would make you drown into their depths. The vixen relaxed momentarily and leaned in to snatch the cubs up again. Before she could move a paw slammed into her side and sent her scrambling again, the cubs falling from her grip with a whimpering mewl of fear.

She leapt to her feet and in a moment of pure courage; threw herself at the brown wolf's face, her teeth sinking deeply into his eye socket. The wolf let loose with a painful howl, his head falling back as he tried to rid himself of the vixen. She yanked away, tearing flesh as the wolves fell back in utter confusion. Her eyes flashed briefly to the second wolf, blue eyes meeting gold before she gripped the youngsters and took off into the forest.